Hello from Mt Isa

May 13, 2015

Well here we are in Mt Isa.  I type this in darkness from my little cabin, heater going – although it isn’t all that cold at 17°c.

So far on this blogging journey I haven’t proved to be a very good blogger when in town.  But this week I have decided to give it a crack and see how I go.  Today’s post will prove just how bad I am at blogging when away.  How do you all manage to do it?  I didn’t take any photos yesterday, I was too busy relaxing at the hairdressers to even think about photos.

And relax I did people.  Ohhhhhhh dear lord I had a lovely day.  Miss Gabby was on kid duty yesterday, so she kept Clancy with her.  I dropped the boys off at school at 8:30am so they could do NAPLAN.  My hair appointment wasn’t until 10:15 so I had time to kill.  So, Mrs Savvy B & I went for breakfast with her Govie – Miss Em.  It was great, just kicking back not having to worry about a thing and…….. NO KIDS!!!!  After I finished breakfast I then realised I was supposed to drop my car off for a service first thing that morning, oh well no need to stress, we will get there.  Off I went to Toyota.  Here is a visual of us…

lwlI would say that is Mrs Savvy B sucking back the stubby and holding the Ciggie.  I wouldn’t do something so uncouth.  I am definitely the one in pink shoes applying lippy.  I am quite sure this is what we are going to look like when we get older!

Anyway, my hair appointment didn’t fail did disappoint my friends.  I walked in the door and who should be there having her hair done too but Mrs Gumnut herself.  We had so much fun.  Lauren – our hairdresser – is such a card, between the three of us no one could get a word in edgeways (is that even the saying???).  We talked about everything, nothing was off limits, from brazillians to prostitutes, it was hilarious.  God I had fun.  Then came the head massage, ohhhhh the head massage.  Is that not your favourite part about going to the hairdresser?  It was second to none.  Lauren Scissorhands then worked her magic on my “do” and I now feel a million bucks.  I said to her “just chop it”.  And chop it she did.  My hair was nearly down to my shoulders, so long and drab looking. All gone now though, she even had to use the razor on my neck, that is how “all gone” it is. Feels so good.

housewife 50s

My good friend Di also arrived yesterday.  She is parked up in her caravan next to my cabin.  It is so great to see her.  We haven’t seen each other since December.  You know how I keep telling you I have finally matured, we it is true – I have been in bed before 9:30pm each night so far.  I don’t even know who I am anymore.  What is going on?  Even the cabin is tidy WTF??? (Mum – according to Phil Dunphy – that stands for Why the Face).


Anyway (or anyhoo, as Phil would say) my lovely friends, I am sure I have bored you all to tears…..not even a photo.  I promise to have a better blog post for you on Friday morning.  I will take photos today and tomorrow and report back.  I can do this, surely!!!

Best go and primp myself, I am even wearing a skirt today – don’t you just love town clothes!!!!  Beyond excited.

Have a great Wednesday.



  1. Sandra Scott

    Have loads of fun and I hope the kids weren’t too stressed about NAPLAN, I know my grandson was at first.

  2. Evie Jean

    Pics please lady! Need to see your new hairdo!
    Glad you are having a fab time catching up with friends, and wearing skirts 🙂 Hope the kids are having fun at school too! No doubt the socialising is numbing the pain of NAPLAN!

  3. Miss Chards Big Sis

    Definitely need pics if the new hairdo Chards!! Was nice to speak with you yesterday even if it was for only 12.5 seconds!!

  4. Heidi

    Boring?? You give me a whole new perspective on life! I LOVE your enthusiasm and it reminds me to appreciate life everyday. And the fact that you are funny, not afraid to use the F-word (you know…Face:) makes me love reading your blog even more. Cannot wait to see the new hair do!! Keep enjoying!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, glad you enjoy hearing about my everyday, ha ha ha. 🙂

  5. Heidi

    I forgot to ask…what is NAPLAN? I’m assuming it is some sort of test for home-schooled kiddos?

    • Miss Chardy

      NAPLAN is a whole bunch of nation wide testing for all students in years 3, 5, 7 & 9.

  6. Have A Laugh On Me

    Yes I agree with your big sis photos of you hair. To put photo on blog just upload from photos on your iPhone, you can do it! Enjoy your time away lovely – you sounds so happy it’s contagious!! x

    • Miss Chardy

      I am so hopeless Em, too busy talking to people, but I did manage to take some photos today, will have to take more tomorrow for Friday’s post.

  7. Grandee & Poppy

    Mum’s pleased it’s only the face! Enjoy the rest of your time in Is a. Can’t wait to see you…….. getting closer all the time

    • Miss Chardy

      I am sure she is, ha ha ha. Can’t wait to see you guys either.

  8. KezUnprepared

    Oh I really want a pic of your hair!!! 🙂 Have fun! x

    • Miss Chardy

      I had best put one on Facebook.

  9. annemerton

    Ah town is so much fun and catching up is even more fun. So much energy in this post! Piccies, yes please. I want to see the Isa, a place I a yet to go.

    • Miss Chardy

      I have been trying to remember to click away today. The photos people want to see are probably the ones I forget to take.

  10. Cate

    can’t wait to see your new hair xx

    • Miss Chardy

      I promise to do a blog post tomorrow….I am a little behind after my big week in town…. 🙂

  11. cloverandtwine

    Love the visual of ladies lunching and swinging that bottle back in celebration !

    • Miss Chardy

      Cute isn’t it, ha ha ha.


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