Hello, how are you?

September 1, 2016

It’s been a while hasn’t it.  Where does time go?  Here we are… first day of September and Harry turned 10 yesterday.  10 – TEN people.  How can that be?

Harry 10

We are in Camooweal for Mini School and it is pretty hot to say the least.

Well where do I start?  When I haven’t blogged for a while I never really quite know where to start so then I just don’t do anything.  I go into shut down mode and put it in the too hard basket.  I just pretend it isn’t there.

So I am just going to start by saying hi.  I am still here and we are doing ok.  I have missed you all and hope you are still out there waiting to read my blogs.

Things have been crazy, we have been here there and everywhere and now I am sitting here in Camooweal, in my horse truck typing away having a bit of a break.

This week is one of my boys favourite school weeks.  We all camp together at the race course in caravans, tents, horse trucks or horse floats.

PicMonkey Collage Camp

The kids get to play and do school.  We all eat very well and it is just a bloody good week for a catch up.  A chance to chat with other Mum’s and realise perhaps all is ok, perhaps you aren’t the terrible Mum that you think you are when you are out at Bum Truck Nowhere on a station dealing with kids alone.  Perhaps your kids are ok and not as naughty as you think they are when you are in your station bubble.  It is just so great to chat face to face with friends and boy do I have some great friends.  These women are absolute legends.   I know I say it all the time but we are so lucky to live in such a fabulous community.  Even if that community does stretch over about 2,000km’s!!!

Mini School 16 1

Here how about I introduce you to a few of my lovely friends…

This is Sal or you may know her as Mrs Gumnut – the gorgeous face behind Gumnut Designz.


This lady is one little pocket rocket and a fabulous business woman doing wonderful things from the middle of nowhere.

And check out this little hottie – meet Bab’s…


Bab’s and her family live on a station right up near Kununurra… yep, it takes her a couple of days just to travel down here for these school weeks but we are so glad she does.  Bab’s has 4 children ranging from year 12 down to year 3.  She always makes everything look so effortless and looks like she has just stepped out of a Vogue magazine most of the time, even if she has been travelling for 2 solid days to get somewhere.

This is Amanda…


Amanda and her husband manage a gigantic cattle station.  Yep – it is about 3 million acres… 3 MILLLLLLLION ACRES (cue little finger to mouth like Doctor Evil)…  Her days pretty much consist of managing people.  Lots of people because there are about 50 staff on their station.  I feel sick just thinking about it really.  Oh she also happens to be one of my friendly neighbours.

Meet Tina…


Another pocket rocket who can make a cappuccino like it’s nobodies business and her sausage curry is second to none my friends.  If you want something done Tina is your go to girl, she could rule the world I tell you.  Just a real little go getter.   Doesn’t mind a rum either – god bless her.

Anyway, I started this blog post yesterday and I am sitting here amongst all of my friends finishing it off today.

I hope you are all well and I am looking forward to hearing from you all.  Are you still there?

What’s been happening in your part of the world?




  1. Emily Toxward

    Still here lovely, hoping I’ll get to see your lovely face next week! So much going on here but none of it exactly riveting. Nice to have you back my friend xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hellllllloo there!!! Yep, you will definitely be seeing me next week, I finally booked my flight down so it is locked in EDDIE!!! See you for a drink on Thursday!!!

        • Miss Chardy

          Oh hello there …… I can’t wait to see you – only 3 more sleeps… eeeeeek.. I had best get my skates on. Shit. See you soon and you can fill me in on all the goings on that you have been through!

  2. pippi52

    I can’t believe this I was ironing this morning and thought of you, so glad to see you back and hope all is going okay for you and the family. xx Pippi (Sarah’s Mum).

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Pippi, aren’t you just so gorgeous!!!! So great to hear from you. I keep checking Sarah’s Podcast to see if there is a new one up… gee I miss those girls and their happy little voices. Hope all is well down there. 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Good to be back!!!

  3. proseccoprincess

    So nice to see you back. We have missed you. 😊

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi there Princess… thanks for saying hello. 🙂

  4. Phoebe

    I’ve been checking your blog every day and was so glad to see you pop up today 🙂 Sounds like your week in Camooweal has been exactly what you’ve needed. Have a fabulous time and remember we are all wishing you and your family the very best.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Phoebe and thanks for the message. 🙂

  5. Meldie

    Good you are back.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi there, missed you at the races old girl xxxx

  6. Fashionista

    Hello there. Pleased to see you back (because you know, pandering to your blog readers needs is so important!) Enjoy your mini break

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi there Judy, missed you all! And yes, pandering to my blog readers is IMPORTANT!!!! It is important to me anyway!!! 🙂

  7. joolzmac

    Lovely to see you back! I had a blogging break over July too, mainly due to technical hitches…but once you get out of the groove, its hard to get back in, eh?
    Thank G spring has finally arrived. Have you had much rain up there? South Australia is drowning!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, I am hearing you Joolz!!!! So hard to get back into it but I just had to start somewhere and realised I probably overthink things a little too. Technical hitches – now that doesn’t sound like much fun. Joolz you should come to ProBlogger (or are you going?????) I would love to meet you one day. I am off to Pro Blogger Conference this week on the Gold Coast. We have to meet one day!!!

  8. Kit@Life through the haze

    Lovely to read you again! 3 million acres I can’t even comprehend how big that actually is!!!
    I went for a walk today to the beach just 1km from my house and was able to sit and watch the dolphins playing around in the ocean.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh how gorgeous Kit, that would have been very soothing for the soul. Good on you!!!! 1 km away, now that is crazy…. ha ha ha ha.

  9. Sally

    YAY, have missed you! Best email I have had all day……let’s face it the endless school emails can get a bit much lol
    Glad to hear all are ok and look forward to hearing more from you 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there crazy lady… oh the school emails.. I don’t know how you do it Sal, seriously. How many do you have in the school room now? We will be back to two in the school room next year which will be good. xx

  10. Heidi

    MISSED YOU!! Glad you are back. I can’t even comprehend all that you do out there. Give yourself a pat on the back and have a glass of chardonnay:)

    • Miss Chardy

      Heidi from Missouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuri…… HELLO to you!!!!!! How are things over there in the Mid West (is that what you call it????) Great to hear from you. Oh and by the way – I have had WAY TOO MUCH chardy lately!!!

  11. Miss Twinings

    Well hello there young lady, so great to hear from you. Of course we all all still here, waiting patiently for you to touch base again when you could 😊 i hope all is going ok again. Looks like you guys have so much fun with your schooling activities, how great for the kids to have so much contact on a regular basis with other kids from surrounding properties…..even if they are a thousand km’s away!!!! Wow i love in your photos the way you just see so much land & space, here in the city that is one thing you do not get….heaps of room, you are so lucky to have that. Your friends sounds like powerhouses, they must be very inspirational peeps. X

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there lovely Miss Twinings…. I have missed your little comments!!! How are things down your way in the big smoke? Yes, my friends really are inspirational, they are AMAZING ladies – can do anything I tell you – anything! We really are lucky to have all that space. The kids had the best week.

  12. Belinda

    I’ve been checking in every day, in a non stalker way, lol and thinking of you and your family. So lovely to read your blog post.
    Love Catt. 💞💞💞

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, oh thank you so much!!!! I love a bit of non stalker type action. I didn’t realise you had a blog – I am so sorry. Just checking it out and doing a bit of my own stalker type action. 🙂 x

      • Belinda

        Don’t be sorry. It’s only new and I’m not consistent. Life with the 4 mini men means I don’t post as much as I’d like, but that’s ok. Catt. 💞

        • Miss Chardy

          Hi there Catt!!! Love that nickname I have for you, ha ha ha. Well your blog looks great, well done!!! I don’t post as much as I would like either but life gets in the way doesn’t it. 🙂

  13. KezUnprepared

    Hello again! I never really thought about the ‘mum support’ aspect of living where you do! So glad you get to have that time with the other mums and kids, to put everything back into perspective!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Kez, yes, it is always so so so great to have a good catch up with the other Mum’s. Doesn’t happen often enough.

  14. Heather

    Welcome back Miss. It’s been quiet without you. Hope your family is getting past the sadness, but it’s a journey.
    Heather from Nova Scotia.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello Heather from Nova Scotia. Thanks so much for saying hi. It is definitely a journey. x

  15. Mish

    Hi Chards
    I’m still here too, just a little behind on all of your news 🙂
    I watched your Facebook Live broadcast in replay last night at midnight mind you and I laughed pretty much the whole time!
    Thanks for helping me deal with my super quiet house, which happens every time my partner travels for work….
    I’m looking forward to catching up on your other adventures!
    Enjoy Pro Blogger on the GC 😉

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Mish, just kicking back in bed still at ProBlogger…. heading off today. Has been such a great event. So glad our Facebook live made you laugh!!!! Enjoy your quiet house!! 🙂


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