Holidays, Boarding School and Going Home

February 6, 2017

Hello there my friends.  How are you all?  It has certainly been a while between blogs hasn’t it but I have had a lovely break and there has been so much happening.

I will try to keep the update snappy but can’t promise, we all know how I love to bang on.

After arriving at Brisbane airport we picked up our hire car… realised we needed something other than a sedan to fit all of our luggage and I tell you what – Mr Chardy packed that little X-Trail like some sort of packing ninja, it was like suitcase Tetris.

We enjoyed a lovely holiday on the Sunshine Coast.  Gosh it went by quickly.  Because we had to fly out in the end we arrived on the coast 2 days early so we stayed with some lovely friends (who we actually only met last year thanks to our good friend Di, but we now count them as some of our closest friends).  Don’t you just love those people who you really connect with.  Eddie & Rob are those people, we feel like we have known them for years, they have hearts of gold and we are just so grateful to have met them after such a shitty year in 2016.  They were one good thing that came out of last year.  They are the sort of people who would give you the shirt of their own back and we just love spending time with them.  They also happen to have a holiday home on the Sunny Coast and invited us to stay for the 2 nights before we checked into the house we had booked.  It was so lovely too, gosh we had fun and it was great to be able to settle into holiday life a couple of days sooner than we had planned.

Eddie even took one for the team and came shopping with me at Sunshine Plaza.  You see we still had a long list of gear we had to get for Tom before he started boarding school.  I did have to do some begging but she came through in the end.  And thank god she did, far out.  If Eddie wasn’t with me I think I would have given up after item 3 on the list.  I would have put it all in the “too hard basket” and said “i will get it later”.  Not sure when later was but I would have given up.

We did 5 solid hours at the Plaza and it wasn’t fun.  In the end all we needed was a pair of summer pj’s for Tom and do you think we could find a plain old pair of pj’s??  Nope… Target, Best & Less, K-Mart…. even Peter Alexander.   Nothing – it was at this stage of our shopping adventure that Eddie saw “The Real Miss Chardy” and it wasn’t pretty, there may have been a foot stomp involved.  In the very end Mr Chardy took him to Myer and managed to find him a pair of boxers and a plain old bonds t-shirt, I should have just out sourced this job to him in the first place.  But he was pretty busy wrangling Clancy who was determined to spend his $50 on a drone from one of those dodgy shops in the middle of the shopping centre.

On Saturday it was time to check into the house we had booked with Mr & Mrs Savvy B & Co and I will tell you something for nothing, we were not disappointed with our selection.  Oh my goodness, it was amazing.

Selecting holiday houses is a Summer Sport I take very very seriously.  This time last year I would have been sifting through hundreds of holiday houses to find us the perfect one.  I left no house un-viewed.  I am thinking perhaps I could start a little side business where I find holiday houses for people.  So if you are in the market for a house but don’t have the time (because obviously I have so much to spare) then let me know and I will hunt one down for you – just tell me where and how much you want to spend and I will find you the perfect house – no really, I am serious…. just shoot me an email and I promise to find you a house**.

But I digress… back to the house….  we were very happy here.  We even had a spare guest room for visitors to stay over, we were definitely not cramped.  This was the perfect house for 2 families and sharing the cost means you can afford a view like this…

We stayed at Sunshine Beach and gee we loved it there.  Sunshine Beach isn’t crowded like Noosa.  The beach was on our doorstep, well down quite a few steps to tell you the truth but it was right there.  As in we could wear just our swimmers and nothing else and trot on down to the surf.

We were walking distance to the Surf Club and little shops and cafes but to tell you the truth we only went to the Surf Club a couple of times because why would you want to leave this…

A lot of people told us the surf was really rough at Sunshine Beach but it turns out we like it rough.  There were quite a few stingers though which wasn’t much fun.  I think most of us got stung but we found if we went in the mornings it was much better.  I only got stung once and it wasn’t really that bad.

Most afternoons we would all go down to the beach where the kids would play cricket and we would sip wine while the sun went down.  So soothing for the soul.

Mrs Savvy B and I managed to squeeze a little hike into our holiday.  We went all the way through the Noosa National Park one morning.  From Sunshine Beach right around to Nooooooooooosa.  It was so lovely.  The Sunshine Beach side was pretty hard going, quite steep and lots of stairs to climb but lovely and quiet.  We even had to walk the full length of a nudist beach.   We looked up ahead and noticed there was one person on the beach doing yoga.  As we got closer I said “Is she naked”…. then we realised she was a he.  Downward dog then a head stand (I kid you not).  We were not sure how we were going to pass this one.  It was all ok, he ended up heading into the surf as we got closer, thank god, because I would have had to have a look and I think he was pretty old.  Anyway, it gave us a good laugh.

As we got closer to Noosa the path got very busy, so many people.  Yuck.  Sweaty jogger, families, strollers just so many people!  Not what I am used to that’s for sure.   We carried back packs with us so we could have a swim when we arrived at Noosa and boy it was lovely to bob around in that gorgeous clear water.  We then enjoyed some breakfast at a cafe over looking Noosa Main Beach before calling Mr Savvy B to come and collect us.  It was such a lovely morning.

After a week at the beach it was time to face reality, check out and head to Brisbane so we could put Tom into boarding school on the Sunday.  Again we stayed with Eddie & Rob who put up with us for a week this time.

On the day we put Tom into school my lovely friend Nikki – from Styling You – had a BBQ lunch for us at her place with 2 other families.  You see they all have boys at the school where Tom is going so it gave Tom a chance to meet another boy who would be in his year.  They also all live really close to the school so it would be nice for Tom to meet some day families.  Gosh it was lovely of them to have us.  I can’t tell you how welcoming people are, everyone we meet says “if Tom ever needs anything just let us know, we can go and collect him or drop anything off”… it is just so comforting to know there are so many people down there willing to do anything for him, especially when we are so far away.

Tom had his first game of cricket on Saturday and Caro (who was at the BBQ) messaged me telling me she was at cricket watching Tom.   She sent me a few photos and Nikki even asked her husband, who was also there, for a photo.  He even bowled someone out first go.  Not to bad for a little boy from the bush who has never really played much cricket.

Anyway, back to school drop off.  I thought it was going to be easy but of course in the end there were tears.

We kept it together quite well while saying goodbye but there was no way I was going to leave him sitting on his bed all alone while we walked off.  I looked down the dorm and noticed another lovely family saying goodbye to their son, they were all looking a bit teary and I knew this was a boy Tom had met and got along with at his orientation weekend.  So I walked down and asked if their son would like to come and hang out with Tom while we all headed off.  Once out the doors I was a little bit upset and looking back up the path and seeing Tom and his mate waving out the window yelling “Goodbye” didn’t help matters.  But we did it and it wasn’t too bad.   Tom has been really brave, but I am sure the tears will come eventually.

They keep them pretty busy and it is basically one big school camp!  They all went to Wet & Wild the first weekend.  This weekend they headed up to Mooloolaba and in between all of this there has been slip’n’slides, bbq’s, Laser Tag around the school, dodge ball, movies…  more than we got when I was at boarding school I will tell you that!

Mr & Mrs Savvy B loaned us a car while we were at the coast and it all worked out really well because we also drove it back up to Camooweal.  Saved us 4 airfares too.  The trip home was very quiet and there was NO FIGHTING!!!!  Life with only 2 kids is quite easy my friends.  Of course we miss Tom so much but know that he is where he should be with so many opportunities awaiting him.

We finally arrived home last Wednesday and of course it was a massive effort to get back in.  We had to stay in Camooweal the night and then fly in.

Oh and we have a new Govie.  Miss Pip joined our convoy at Longreach and slotted right in with our family.  The kids love her and I think she is going to do a great job over in the school room.  We are only 2 weeks late starting school which means today is their first day back.  Just a little bit of catching up to do but we are trying not to stress too much.

Clancy starts Prep this year which I am only MILDLY EXCITED ABOUT!!!! Yippee, he will be at school EVERY DAY.  Oh wow, I am not going to know myself people.  The house is going to stay clean and he won’t need feeding every 2 minutes.  Bring it on.

Ok, I think I really need to wrap it up now… just looked at the word count and it is 1,839.  Sorry!!!  If you have made it this far then well done.  There is so much more I could chat about but I am going to finish now.

It is time to get back into 2017.  How are you anyway?

Did you go away?
Where did you go?
Did you do the boarding school drop off too?  How was it?

**Disclaimer: if this little house hunting venture proves popular then I promise to find the first 2 people that email me a house… after that I can’t promise anything.


  1. Kirsty Rice

    Gorgeous! How beautiful were those holiday houses?!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ohhhhh, take me back Kirsty Rice!!!!! Take me back!!!

  2. Nikki @ Styling You

    Oh Miss Chardy! YOU’RE BACK!! And look how green the station looks. Was so lovely having you at ours xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Nikki, it was so lovely of you to have us… sorry for being slightly …. ever so slightly…. flustered. Wasn’t the easiest of days and I did forget to mention Clancy’s howling and sobbing in that blog post didn’t I. Oh it wasn’t pretty. We were doing ok until he started howling. ha ha ha.

  3. Cooker and a Looker

    Welcome back Chards. I was just wondering if you had a new Govie yet.
    Hope you’re settling in back at home.
    A x

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Cooker!!! Lovely to be back. Yep, new Govie going well.

  4. Emily Toxward

    Lovely to catch up on your news… boarding school sure has changed since we were there that’s for sure! But for the better I see. I might to get details of that lovely abode, we want to head up there for some special family birthdays at the end of this year! xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Em, that house is just perfect for large groups!!! All the kids slept in the one room – all 6 of them… send me an email and I will tell you all about it. You won’t be sorry!!!

  5. Renee

    Love hearing about your holidays and boarding school stories….your world is sooo different to mine so I find it so interesting and 1800 words is nothing lol…i could read thousands of them….always funny and love seeing your name pop up in my feed that you’ve posted a new blog😀

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh thanks so much Renee, so glad you enjoy reading my posts, makes it all worthwhile. Where do you live Renee?

  6. Lisa

    Soooooo it seems I’ll be working at the Qld Country Hour for five weeks in April/May. I might just have to visit Tom and do a follow-up interview about what he’s been able to teach the other boys about the cattle industry. Glad you had a good holiday.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Lisa, oh wow. You just might have to, ha ha ha.

  7. Mish

    Looks like a fantastic holiday and I am sure that once Tom finds his feet he will enjoy boarding school!
    We did a road trip from Brisbane to Canberra and back via Orange, Dubbo, Gundagai, Moree and the Gold Coast – only 3,600km in 6 days – it sure was fun though!

    • Miss Chardy

      Well that is a pretty good effort for 6 days…wow!!!

  8. Chookyblue

    looks like a great holidays if some what extended too due to the wet at home…………..glad the school drop off went ok………….I still hate it years on………….and i have a few more to go yet..

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, it was a bit extended due to the wet weather. School drop off was not that much fun but I think he is going well.

  9. Caitlin

    Hi there Miss Chardy! I just shed a tear for you leaving your boy at boarding school. Gosh that would be hard. Probably easy to cry at the moment. I’m sitting in the waiting room about to have spinal surgery. A bit nervous. (Understatement) so 2017 will be preoccupied with recovery for me. Your beach house looks amazing. I do love the hunt for an each house. We have just come home from a holiday with my parents which was the kids Chrissy pressie. The beach house had a games room full of arcade games. The kids were in 7th heaven! I would have preferred your view to pinball hands down though!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Caitlin, so it is finally time for your surgery. You are probably done and dusted now and feeling very sad and sorry (and spaced out) for yourself. Good luck with your recovery, oh you poor thing. I hope it all goes really well for you. Glad you had a lovely holiday.

  10. Karen Milton

    Love your blog Dan! Hope you’re feeling ok, emotional start to the year. Sunshine coast is one of my favourite places in the world. Might have to take you up on offer of finding us a house when we next go! Much love.xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Karen, so far so good, all going well. Now you just say the world and I will get my fingers tapping and find you the perfect house! Hope Lach is going well at high school xxx

  11. Georgie

    Oh I shed a tear reading this and remembering starting boarding school and saying goodbye to my beautiful Mum. Now that I am a mother too, I shed more tears for how hard it must have been for her. It is the best for little bush kids, just the best, but so hard on the hearts ❤️. At least the Easter holidays will arrive soon and you can have your baby home for a little while. Now I live in London the farewells are even harder. Love your blog, miss my beautiful country so much. Thank you for giving me a lifeline to home and a laugh. X

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Georgie… thanks so much for your lovely message, great to hear from you all the way from London!!! You have a whole new understanding of what your parents went through when you get older don’t you. And you are right, it is the best opportunity for them, I only think of all the amazing experiences and opportunities he is getting down there and know he will thrive. So good!!!

  12. Janice

    Aaaagh brought back terrible memories for me….only child, lived on a sheep station in North Of WA, never been away from home, 11 years old…. sobbed for 5 years at PLC in Perth!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Janice… your poor mother… reminds me of our Headstockman who also cried for 5 odd years at a PLC in Sydney!!! Maybe it is PLC that is the problem, ha ha ha ha.


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