How to download your FREE Audiobook in 7 simple steps

October 5, 2016

Lets chat about how simple it is to download your first audiobook using Audible.  You see, Audible and I have been good friends now for quite a few years.  When I run out of podcasts to listen to, I just pop onto Audible, download a book and Bob’s your uncle.  I am good to go for another 10 hours, possibly 20.  Makes the mowing, cleaning and folding quite enjoyable.   Not to mention the ironing!

Below I will walk you through 7 simple steps to downloading your first audiobook (if you get stuck or have any problems just ask me a question in the comments section, I am happy to help, or you can email me – no question is too silly).  The sign up process may take around 5 minutes but once you are signed up with Amazon you are good to go, you don’t ever need to hand over your credit card details again, the next book you want to download will seriously take you all of 2 minutes.  Lets do this…


Audible is of course where I get all of my audiobooks.  And guess what…. if you aren’t already a member then your first book is FREE, I mean it doesn’t get any better than that does it.  No obligation to stick around either.  If you do want to stick around you pay $14.95 per month membership which gives you one credit = one book.

If you haven’t downloaded a book for a while you can suspend your membership without penalty.  Yep, I am serious… you just stop paying your $14.95 for as long as you like but you don’t lose any credits you have accrued.  It really is a win win situation. When you are ready to start up again just reactivate your account.

Why Audible?

Simple – it is cheap.  Such great value for money.  Lets look at the book I am currently listening to: Big Little Lies.  I was able to use my 1 credit available which means it was really just $14.95.  However if I were to buy this audiobook through iTunes it would cost me $39.99.   If you want more than one audiobook during the month all you will pay is $14.95 per book, far cheaper than buying though iTunes I am telling you now.

How do I download and listen?

  1. *Click this link to go to the Audible Australia website: and click “Get my FREE audiobook” (if you are out of Australia it should redirect you to
  2. You will be asked to sign in using your Amazon Account.  If you don’t have one already click “No, I am a new Amazon customer” – to sign up.  You will be asked to hand over your credit card details… don’t freak out, it is ok.  You can then use this account for all Amazon companies.  They sell everything, I am telling you now.  Oh and the great thing is that once you are signed into Audible you don’t need to enter your credit card details ever again… because they just use your Amazon account, how good is that?!
  3. Browse for your new book.  If you click on “Shop Audible” you can choose from a range of categories.  Or you can just enter the book you are looking for in the search bar.  You can also listen to a sample of the book to make sure you and the narrator are going to get along ok.


  1. Once you find the book you want just “Add to basket” and head to the checkout.
  2. How do you want to listen to your book?  I listen to mine using my iPhone…. here is what you need to do…. Search and download the Audible App on your device.  On the iPhone App Store it looks like this:audible-app
  3. Open the Audible App on your device.  Then, go to “My Library” and click on the little arrow pointing down on the Audiobook picture to download your book…. now you are good to
  4. Just click on the book to listen to it.  When you stop listening and start again it will automatically start where you left off last.  So don’t fret, you won’t lose your place if you stop listening.

Once you have downloaded your book you do not need wifi or any sort of internet connection to listen which means long trips on isolated roads just got a whole lot more interesting!!!

How to download to your iPod

Go to iTunes.  Click on that little box up in the top left hand corner (in this picture it says TV Shows) and click on Audiobooks.  Then it is just a matter of clicking and dragging it across to the device you want it on.



I have only really ever done this to put the audiobook onto my old iPod Classic for my kids to listen to on a long trip.

Long Trips

Audiobooks are PERFECT for long trips…. be it plane, train or automobile.  Seriously, your trip will go so fast.  I can’t recommend them enough.  And I can tell you first hand how great it is… you see at the beginning of this year I drove myself and my three boys (aged 10, 8 & 5) down to NSW – a 3 day drive.  I downloaded a Harry Potter book for the big boys – 30 hours worth, thank you very much and a few books for myself.  Oh and if I were to buy the Harry Potter book on iTunes I would have been up for around $70.00!  Not on Audible, all I paid was $14.95.  PS: The Harry Potter book got us all the way down to NSW plus some.

I downloaded the boys book onto my old iPod Classic and put mine onto my phone.  I also had a spare phone that I could throw to the 5 year old so he could listen to music or snooze.  The boys had a special little plug in the iPod that meant they could plug 2 sets of earphones in and listen away.  I popped my earphones in and off we went.  I didn’t hear a peep out of those boys and the trip went by so fast for them.  Gosh it was great, I actually couldn’t believe it.  They were just SO GOOD!  Best road trip I have ever done with 3 boys by myself.

This is the adapter plug I use.  It is $20.00 from Target


So there you have it my friends.  The run down on Audiobooks from Audible.  Get onto it people, you won’t be sorry.

Now it is your turn to recommend something….

What have you been listening to?

*Contains Affiliate links


  1. Cooker and a Looker

    Love audiobooks – if you haven’t listened to Water for Elephants I highly recommend it. An old man narrates Jacob late in his life and a young bloke reads his older character. So clever!
    A x

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Amanda. No I haven’t heard of that one. Will have to check it out. Just listening to Big Little Lies at the moment. 🙂

  2. Dimity

    I wish I’d seen this earlier!!! I bought the first Harry potter through iTunes and the rest through pottermore, which is marginally cheaper. I love audiobooks for the same reasons! Long car trips and just general chores! My favourite authors are Marian Keyes and Kate Morton.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Dimity, oh bugger! Those Harry Potters are so expensive on iTunes, I couldn’t believe it. I love memoirs and autobiographies… true stories… but at the moment I am really enjoying Liane Moriarty’s Big Little Lies – so good!!! Makes mowing much more enjoyable. Thanks for your Author suggestions!!! Keep them coming.

  3. Kit@Life through the haze

    Hey Chards
    I am going to start downloading books because then I can listen as I walk but at the moment I am listening to Liz Gilbert Big Magic podcasts. I have to admit I absolutely hated Eat, Pray, Love I struggled to read past eat. I just found it so bloody self indulgent, but having discovered the Big Magic podcasts (which I only really looked up because I wanted to listen to the one with Brene Brown) I have discovered that perhaps I missed something. There is no way I am going to read Eat, Pray Love but I think I will pick up Big Magic.
    Cath xoxo

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Cath, I just love listening while I walk, so relaxing. I haven’t read Big Magic but have listened to an interview with Liz and heard so many great reviews about it. Let me know how you go. Do you listen through Audible?

  4. Barbie Walker

    Awesome Miss chardy as you have explained exactly how to do it people that are not sure. 3 cheers for Chards

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Barbie. I had best get back to my mowing so I can keep listening to my audiobook… Big Little Lies – IT IS UNREAL!!!!!!!!!

  5. Bron

    Hi Miss Chardy, possibly not an option for you in ‘the outback’ but my library offers a whole selection of ebooks and eaudio books free of charge. I think most public library services offer these now. Much cheaper, (well no cost at all!) to download.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Bron, yes our I joined our library earlier this year but still have to figure out the audiobook Bolinda thing…. should get onto that. Thanks for the reminder.



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