Do you like to freeze meals but hate to see all of your plastic containers sitting in the freezer leaving you none in the cupboard to use? I have the solution.
Find a ceramic bowl that will fit your meal in it and give it a spray with some oil.
Take a long piece of foil and place in the bowl. Whack your meal in it.
Wrap up the foil and pop it in the freezer – now I know you are thinking
“but that is using a bowl….” just bare with me, the bowl won’t be there for long.
Leave the meal over night. Remove from freezer. Now we are going to take the foiled meal out of the bowl. You may need to sit the bowl in some hot water to remove the foil, but it might just slip out. This is why we used the spray.
I then put the meal into a plastic freezer bag, but it should be ok to just stay in the foil if you would prefer. Label using a permanent marker and Bob’s your uncle.
Hey presto – frozen meal and no container wastage. Yes Baby-Mac I am looking at you, start freezing those meals for when the baby arrives and you can’t be bothered cooking. I always love to have some dinners in the freezer for nights like this.
Meals that I find freeze well and are easy to make in bulk:
Spaghetti Bolognese
Crumbed Steak – if the beef is fresh and hasn’t been frozen you can just freeze it without cooking, or if it has been frozen you can cook it and then freeze (same goes for rissoles)
Beef Stroganoff
Pasta Dish
Devilled Sausages
In other news…
I have the sorest bum from my 30 day challenge and today is only day 4… This little black dress challenge is really working I think. And as for my Get Sorted with Chards – I am all over it like a fat kid on a cupcake….you should see me go. Each day another thing. Yesterday I did my laundry and the day before that it was my wardrobe. I just don’t even know who I am anymore, I was telling DD (my Mum for anyone new around here) that she would be so proud of me and not recognise the place, I told Dad he should send help and that I am scared for me….what the hell is happening? Now that I have turned 36 I have totally matured and sorted my shit out…may also help that the baby is nearly 4 (thank the lord….I see the light at the end of the big black tunnel of toddlerhood). So things are looking pretty good on the home front – it is all done – all of it, even the boys rooms, decluttered and clear. Feels SO GOOD I tell you, you really should give it a whirl. I am in such a better head space. Thanks to all of you for keeping me motivated and giving me someone to be accountable too.
We are off over to Mrs Savvy B’s this afternoon, as soon as the boys finish school, for 2 nights. I don’t think we have been over there since last year, good heavens. I haven’t seen her for a good few weeks and I am suffering serious withdrawals. For anyone new – Mrs Savvy B is my bestie who also happens to live next door – which is actually a 2 hour drive away through 5 gates and over the QLD border….just popping interstate for the weekend….I know, I am so cosmopolitan it isn’t even funny.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone. What are you all up to? Anything exciting? Nooooooosa, Brisvegas, perhaps just next door?
Now it is your turn to share your hints and tips. What meals do you freeze?
Any plans for the weekend?
How is your SORTING going?
Ahh Miss Chardy always a laugh when I read your posts. Weekend in limbo here as waiting to see if Husband is allowed out of hospital after a mishap with his mountain bike and some rocks last Sunday. Has an ugly laceration on his arm displaying exposed bone that has required surgery, supercharged antibiotics and pain relief which is so good he thinks he is better. Hospital is only 10 minutes drive away but I think the Pajero could pilot itself I have been there so many times this week!
Enjoy your weekend 🙂
Now if I actually made freezer worthy dishes I’d SO do this. I’m very excited about your weekend plans, YAyayayayayayaya have a ball my friend and DO NOT behave x
I bet your meals are fabbo!!!
Thanks for the freezing tip Chards! My tip for freezing is to make all of the kids school sandwiches for the week on a Sunday, wrap, label and freeze and then just grab one out each morning. Also keeps them fresher in the lunchbox as they don’t get hot!
Have a great weekend away xx
Yeah RIGHTO. I might just get it done this time around!!!
Ha ha ha, you will be better than me, I am only just getting my shit together now that baby #3 is nearly 4!!!! I definitely don’t take my own advice, ha ha ha.
Quick risotto for dinner tonight with wine and TV. Have been promised breakfast in bed tomorrow (we’ll see!) and no other plans for the day as yet. Portuguese festival here in Sydney on Sunday woot woot!
Oh I love nothing better than an easy dinner with a wine in front of the TV….love it.
You’re a clever clogs Chards. I tend to use large ziplock bags so they take up less room than containers – only problem is, sometimes they wrap themselves around the bars of the freezer trays before they freeze. Painful!
Oh, I might have to give the zip lock bags a go – if I had some, ha ha ha ha….
Oh Chardy, you are a breath of fresh air! Onto it like a fat kid on a cupcake – Lols!
Love, you’ve grown up, that’s what’s happened! All of a sudden you are in control. Don’t worry, it won’t long!
Ha ha ha ha, I hope it lasts Joolz…..I don’t want to slip back into my nasty habits. 🙂