I should be in Darwin!

March 27, 2015

Well, we made it to Friday my fine friends.  We did it.  While cooking yesterday I was feeling quite jealous about all of my friends who are up in Darwin at the moment for the annual Northern Territory Cattleman’s Association AGM and Conference.  There is always a fabulous ladies luncheon on the Thursday and I missed it this year.  You can read all about last years event here.  We didn’t go up.  I am trying not to be too bitter and twisted and instead concentrating on the hangover they probably have today.  One of my neighbours went up so one of her boys flew over here yesterday to have a couple of nights with us, because that’s how we roll out here, the kids are dropped of for a sleep over in a plane.  The boys are very excited to have an extra little friend in their school room and they are having a wonderful time.

It has certainly been a very busy week here at Chardy Central and the kitchen has been a hive of activity.  We had a first aid course in there on Tuesday and then yesterday the girls from the DPI in Tennant Creek (ok, so I think it is actually called something different now, but I tell you I just can’t keep up with it, they change their name that often) came out to run a Barkly Rangelands Management Course for our stock camp.  So they were busy learning all about pasture and wild fire – ok I am totally talking out my ass here, who knows what they were learning, I wouldn’t have a clue because to tell you the truth I was busy with my little ear plugs in listening to 3,072 podcasts.

Yes people, I think I have a problem…. My name is Miss Chardy and I am addicted to Podcasts!!!!  I think it is time to download an audio book, to really keep me going.  I asked my Facebook readers for any good Audio Book recommendations.  Have you listened to any lately?  I am into autobiographies because I am a total sticky beak, I also love hearing stories from the middle east.  I have listened to a few fiction audio books, but it has to be a good one.  Not into thrillers or murder mysteries although maybe I should give them a go.  So put on your thinking caps.  Miss Georgie has suggested “Dear Fatty” and “The Wolf of Wallstreet” so I might get onto those to start with.  What do you think?

I have managed to keep my shit together for the whole week while cooking.  I thought things may have been about to spiral out of control yesterday.  I had failed to fold my washing for 3 days and hence had a huge basket full.  I have been making such a huge effort to stay on top of it all and couldn’t bear the thought of it all going pear shaped.  So I popped the earplugs in and folded it all and even ironed the few little things that needed it.  It will not be pretty if I can’t stay on top of things, the cheese will fall of my cracker and Mrs Savvy B reckons I will even trip on the cracker and “aint nobody want to see that” – I am telling you now.

vintage cook

Can you believe it is Easter next week, which means school holidays.  Wow.  After that the year will disappear before my very eyes.  Does anyone know where the first 3 months of 2015 have gone?  All I can say is thank god it is 2015 because 2014 was a shocker.  I am happy to report that we have a fabulous crew (aka: Staff) here this year.  Fabulous I tell you.  You have no idea the different having a great crew makes.  Mr Chardy is happy, which means I am happy which means most other people are happy.  It is so important to have the right blend of people when you work and live together.  One wrong personality thrown into the mix and BAM – station morale goes downhill FAST.  I feel like we are back on track this year and it is amazing what a different it can make to ones sanity.  I am very thankful to have such a wonderful Govie – yes I am talking to you Miss Gabby – in the schoolroom.  Without her there is no way I would feel so confident in my new career as a cook.

So, happy weekend.  Are you doing anything exciting, I bloody well hope so because I am not.

Please share your Audio Book recommendations with us all.  We would love to know what you have been listening to.










  1. foodthatsingscatering

    Oh Miss Chardy, you have such a personality….thanks for sharing your wondrous station life.
    So glad you sailed through your week with your chins up :))
    I am off to the Goldie for a day watching equestrian training, lunch at the pub, music jamming party on the deck that night. Then a day at the beach & a night at the Sebel with a girlfriend drinking red & chilling on Sunday…
    happy days :)) cheers Roni xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Roni, your weekend sounds wonderful. Have a brilliant time!!!!

  2. jillyjamjar

    2 of my favourite tips 1.. Hamish & Andy podcasts. I have been know to pull off the road from laughing so hard!
    2.. next time you are in town join the local library & you will have free access to BORROWBOX APP – free Bolinda Audio books, plus free iBooks (including Cookbooks). If you are a member of 2 libraries (perhaps if you visit your mum) you will have access to 2 great book ranges – each library seems to have a different collection!
    Ps. All of my friends are RAVING about a 12 episode podcast called “Serial”. Google it!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Jilly, right….I am totally on board with Hamish & Andy, love them, very funny. I am also all over Serial like a fat kid on a cupcake…rolled the whole season in 3 days last week…couldn’t get enough of it – loved it, I was hooked. Was so sad when it finished. But as for that local library/Bolinda Audio business…..well that sounds like the business…. wow – I am gobsmacked…I will definitely be trotting myself off to the library when I am in town next….thanks so much for that wonderful tip. 🙂 You rock!

  3. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Yes they’ll all be feeling rotten today! I don’t have time for much leisurely listening sadly but do research on audiobooks for old people, see what comes up! Not that you’re old but they make them for blind/sight impaired people. Glad that the right mix of folk are now at the farm, and here’s to a happy hubby! Happy Friday, I’m off to Wet n Wild with my daughter for her 7th birthday! xx

    • ffhousemouse

      Me too! Cannot stop thinking of the FUN they are all having. Pretty sure you would enjoy the book I recommended yesterday. Well done on Week 1. X

  4. Mrs T

    I just finished reading big little lies by liane moriarty. Really enjoyed it, it was the right mix of easy reading with an interesting plot without being too twisted or crazy. (I didn’t love gone girl for that reason). I’m sure it would be available in audio book somewhere online! Mrs T

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh thanks Mrs T, I have actually been thinking about that book lately, have seen it around the traps. I think I might download it. 🙂

  5. robbsie

    You must make a Cow Tail Stew Miss Chardy !

    • Miss Chardy

      I will never make ox tail stew Robbsie – never I tell you – the tail in in the freezer…not sure who is going to use it, perhaps Mr Chardy…

  6. Emma

    Miss Chardy you should start following Raqs Kitchen on FB. She is an experienced Stn Cook I worked with many moons ago in the Kimberley and is on a CPC place in QLD, lots of good recipes for station cooking you would like!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Emma, thanks a million, I just headed on over and liked her page, looks good! 🙂

  7. Mrs Rumbo

    Missing you Chards 🙁 Wish you were here!

    • Miss Chardy

      Don’t even talk to me about it….so sad…..:(

  8. FBH

    Lost a mate today…… to my mate Mick… that’s it.

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes….not much else to say is there….

  9. Chrissy

    Wowzers Miss Chardy….you are nailing it! Maybe you need to put on a do at your place and get everyone to fly in? There was an old hostess book my mum had from the 80’s about how to host a dinner party in the outback. I can’t remember the name of it but I loved reading it. It had a party guide from the hostess of each station and then the menu and recipes plus drinks to serve with each course…I remember one was fresh ha vies from their dam….will see if I can find it…such a blast of a read


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