I’m Back

June 12, 2016

Hello… is there anyone out there?  It’s me… Miss Chardy… can you hear me?


I am back online… third time lucky.  There were just a few issues with our new Sky Muster internet service.  I am not really sure what they were or how they fixed it but I do know it involved a lot of calls to Activ8 and emails to NBN.

It involved a lot of automated messages that went something like: “You are caller number 92 the wait time is one… hundred… and …. thirty…. seven……… minutes…. to request a call back press 1”  and back and forward we would go.    The poor technician had to come out no less than 3 separate times.  Which I guess in a town or city would be no biggie but this man covers an area far bigger than Tasmania so would often mean he would be 5 hours away.  Actually he probably covers an area closer to the size of VIC or NSW.  That man sure does cover some km’s!

Anyway, Phil (our friendly technician) arrived here again at 10pm on Friday night ready for his “service call” at 7am on Saturday.   When he left we still didn’t have internet but my fine man Steve from NBN (yes, I am on a first name basis with the big wigs in NBN) in Sydney got me sorted and I was back online by Saturday afternoon.  Fingers crossed we stay that way.

So here I am, just wanted to say hi and that I haven’t forgotten you all.  Things have been very busy around here and we will get to that in the next few days.  I will fill you in on all the goss.

Winter has finally found it’s way to the NT with our first chilly night last night.  The “Barkly Breeze” is blowing a gale and will probably continue to do so for the next few months.  Yep, the clothes went in the dryer this morning, I was not fighting with washing and wind, no sir-ee.   I even had to turn the air conditioner onto heat this morning so that Harry wouldn’t catch the death of cold as he sat on the lounge in his shorts and t-shirt.  At least Clancy had the sense to put a jumper on.  I pulled out the good old uggies.

I have enjoyed a lovely quiet Sunday today.  A day off.  A sleep in.  Catching up on some housework.  Ready to face the week again.  It is mowing day tomorrow and Tuesday.

Clean House

How have you been?
What did you get up to this weekend?
Will you still be my friend even though I have neglected you for so long? 


  1. Maggie

    So pleased you are back online. I can’t imagine how difficult live must be in your neck of the woods without Internet. We city slickers think both our arms have been cut off if our internet goes down but it is vital for country folk especially for your education and health services. Let’s hope Malcolm Turnbull does a better job running the country (if he wins the election) than he did as Communications Minister and supposedly rolling out the NBN!

  2. Mish

    Hello Chards and welcome back – it has been rather quiet without your postings from bum truck nowhere!
    So happy that the interwebzs is working again for you and I look forward to catching up on all of your gossip 🙂

  3. Belinda

    Great to see your latest post. What a time consumer it is when your trying yo get things fixed. So pleased it’s all fixed. Been a month long battle against the Consumption that No 2 son brought home from Singapore and all six of us went down which believe me isn’t pretty. Can see the end of it now so I big sigh of relief. Thrilled to bits to have said son home even with the germs. Hope the wind settles.

  4. Meredith D'Arcy

    Welcome back, we’ve missed you, don’t let Mr Chardy tell you we’ve forgotten you, cant wait to hear what’s been happening, the weather’s not too good here either, blowing a gale

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Meredith, lets hope the wind dies down a little today!

  5. Emily Toxward

    Welcome lovely! So much has gone on I can’t even begun to write it, but we’ll catch up over time. Glad you’re back. Getting cool here too – a low of 15C tonight 😉

  6. mummabear22

    Welcome Back, Miss Chardy! I was beginning to worry about you! It is cold here too, the wood heater has been going all day, nice and toasty inside. Glad the Barkly Breeze hasn’t disappointed and has arrived in time for Brunette.

  7. KezUnprepared

    Welcome back! I had a rather understated weekend and it was lovely. I took the Little Mister to see my parents – they were returning from a caravanning trip to the north west of WA – we took some chocolate cake (the way to my dad’s heart) and had a great chat! Today, I spent time in the kitchen enjoying the possibilities that come with a new load of groceries!

  8. annemerton

    Haha, I love that last card. So me. Glad you are back online. I’ve just been having a taste of winter further south but the weather decided to turn winter off for me on my last day.


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