I’m still here…on the station. How are you?

February 12, 2020

Hello there fabulous people, how are you all? I am doing pretty well I reckon for an extrovert who is going into her 45th day of being on the station… ok that’s a lie – I have been over to my friend Shelly’s house (you know Shell, she lives next door but it is 110km though the paddocks, 5 gates and in a different state) – one quick trip to collect her son for a sleep over and the second time we all went for dinner and we all had a sleepover there! So look, I have been away twice but not actually to town, give me strength. You can usually tell how long it is since I have been to town by the length of my hair – lets just say I have it in a pony tale! Thank god for home dye kits!

Now look, I don’t think I am the only one going a little batty up here… Clancy has been amusing himself quite well and has become quite the “Fly Hunter”…. yep, it is a thing. He has an arsenal of Nerf guns ready to go at anytime and he really is doing quite a good job at culling the fly numbers in our house. I think these pictures speak for themselves.

You know things have hit an all time low when he has a “pet fly” in a tiny jar with holes in the lid. Unfortunately “Flyie” died overnight, so that was a little sad but he has already taken a new fly captive. He just informed me that “I know how the last fly died…he drowned, I had too much water in the bottom of the jar”… OMG people, what is happening to me? I am talking flies for goodness sake. This is what my life has become on the 45th day here. Don’t worry, only 22 sleeps until I go to town, I think that will be some sort of record the the number of days I have been on the station without going to town.

Obviously I don’t really have much to talk about. There is one exciting thing I have been focussing on and that is our up and coming Wild Spark event in Mt Isa. It is only a month away…

We have 3 guest speakers – Local Mt Isa Business Woman Reegyn McElligot from The Skin Coaches, Sonia Hornery from Heartland Grazing, Stephen Hoey from Therapy Solutions in Brisbane. There will also be 2 “on the couch” panel discussions with amazing business women who will share all their secrets with us – perhaps over a glass of bubbly.

Tickets are $159 and include entry, a fabulous goodie bag jam packed full of treats, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea as well as a glass of bubbly. We have some amazing pop up shops coming along so you can catch up with the girls, do a spot of shopping and walk away feeling inspired and motivated after listening to our amazing speakers.

The Red Earth & Isa Hotel are our accommodation partners and have a fabulous deal if you are travelling in for the event…

We can’t wait to see you all there. Gather the girls or come by yourself – we will look after you and you will make friends in no time. Wild Spark is all about connecting women, helping you be the best you can be no matter where you live.

Speaking of Wild Spark, I was just totally speechless when this amazing quilt arrived on the mail plane…

A lovely lady by the name of Sue Hayes, who works with Ed down in Brisbane, made this especially for me. A Wild Spark quilt… can you even believe it. So much time and effort has gone into it and I just love it. It is my new tv blanket. And look at this gorgeous note she has sewn on the back…

I reads: ” Miss Chardy (Danielle), I just love how you and Edwina are doing so much to celebrate the coming together of women from all walks of life, especially rural and urban ladies. This is so exciting I felt like expressing myself through this quilt to you and giving you back just a little compared to what you lovely ladies have achieved. Cheers, Sue Hayes”

Can you even believe it. I had tears in my eyes reading that note and I just love my quilt so much, Sue – thank you so much, you are amazing. What a generous gesture!!!

In other news I am still dreaming about Thai fakeaway and the fact that I don’t actually need to live in town to have takeaway.

I also trotted out a hot lamb and crunchy potato salad on Saturday night – you know my favourite dish – Emma’s Hot Steak and Crunchy Potato Salad – well it was this one but instead of steak I used a butterflied lamb with rosemary and mint. Oh dear lord it was good. That lamb is so easy to cook, only takes about an hour in the oven.

Gosh it was yummy. Of course this famous recipe will be in my cookbook that I am in the process of publishing – Miss Chardy’s Guide to Station Cooking. It will have all my go-to recipes in it – the good old, tried and tested meals that I trot out day in and day out here on the station. The book will be available to purchase online here at Miss Chardy and we will be launching the book at our Mt Isa event on 13th March 2020 – where you will also be able to get your hands on a copy. It will be $29.95 and we will let you know as soon as it is available. Here is a little sneak peak….

I am so excited about this book and to have all of my favourite recipes in the one spot. My recipe book is in tatters.

Now look, I would love to stay and chat but I had best go and move some sprinklers and make a batch of chocolate brownies. Unfortunately it will just be a Lady Shake for me but I can confirm the weight loss it going pretty well…. I am determined to nail it this year!

Over and out. Have a great day. Only 22 sleeps until I go to town!!!!! Got any hot gossip for me?


  1. Sandra

    I cannot wait you get my hands on your cookbook! So exciting! Have a ripper time in town when you get there 🥳

    • Miss Chardy

      As soon as I have my website ready to sell the book it will be good to go – best get onto that today!!! I Can’t wait either!!

  2. Jill Norman

    So looking forward to your book release! And I do enjoy your stories of station life!

    • Miss Chardy

      Shouldn’t be too far away Jill. I can’t wait to see it. It will be available very soon.

  3. Wendy Kelly.

    Looking forward to your Cook Book, Miss Chardy. Am sure it will be really versatile. Great idea.

    • Miss Chardy

      Not long now Wendy.


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