Into the Wild with Mrs Savvy B & Off the Track Training

June 18, 2019

This week I am doing one of my favourite things… packing up and heading over to help Mrs Savvy B with one of her big loop hikes. Mrs Savvy B started Trek West Tailored Hiking Tours over on her station a couple of years ago. This came after I read and watched Wild by Cheryl Strayed and decided I wanted to go hiking so roped in good old Savvy B and off we went. You can read about that very first hike HERE. Gosh it was fun, I have such fond memories of it.

Anyway, here we are a few years down the track and my amazing friend and neighbour and turned it into a successful business – taking other women and showing them this wonderful landscape that we love to call home. I am so proud of her and all that she has achieved, she is one of the hardest working women you will ever meet and can and WILL fix anything!

And boy hasn’t she come a long way since that heavy old tent and dehydrated meals. You should see the set up at the stock camp now – Glamping!!!

Today I will head off over to meet Mrs Savvy B & her hiking gang. Each year Joy from Off The Track Training brings a group of her hubbers up to hike the Big Loop. I helped with this hike last year and boy it was good fun. Now when I say helped with the hike I don’t actually hike – that is the group leader Shelly’s job (Mrs Savvy B). I help Tilly shift camp each day – our job is to pack up, move camp and set up again and to look after our gorgeous guests.

Joy runs Off The Track Training from her Longreach sheep & cattle station – helping people get fit and healthy no matter where they live! No gym or fancy equipment needed. She is a little pocket rocket and has also achieved amazing things.

Oh and guess what – both of these fabulous women will be joining us as guest speakers in Brookfield for our Wild Spark Ladies Day on Saturday 12th October 2019! Shelly will be then hitting the road with us down to Mudgee for our Ladies Day down there on Saturday 19th October, but unfortunately Joy can’t make that one.

Why do I love helping Shell on the Big Loop? The peace and quiet, stunning landscape, amazing ladies that I get to meet and just being able to disconnect for 5 days. It really does soothe the soul.

I am also excited that the weather has cooled down again so we will be able to rug up and sit around the campfire. I really do enjoy the tiny bit of cold weather we get up here for winter – but the past 2 weeks have been anything but winter.

So if you don’t mind, I had best get to it and get some jobs done so I am ready to head off a bit later. Bring it on!!!


  1. Mish

    This looks like it would be the best trip to take, whether you know the other ladies or not!

  2. Toni

    Oh my wish It wasn’t cold. 3 degree’s in Pinjarra WA. Brrrrrr. It’s fantastic to hear of wonderful country women making businesses successful. Onwards and upwards ladies

  3. Chookyblue

    R u doing wingspark at mudgee?
    Have fun on the trek….. Could be driving thru your neck of the woods next week……


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