It’s My Birthday, i’m 38 today!

December 22, 2016

Now look, I am not ashamed to tell you that I am 38 today. Β To be honest I feel (not to mention look) quite a bit older but I am happy to have made it to 38 and hopefully I will be allowed the privilege to grow much older. Β A privilege that many are not so lucky to be blessed with.

If I am totally honest with you I get a little bit sad at this time of the year. Β Isn’t that just ridiculous. Β Sad around my Birthday and Christmas. Β I think it is because this raging extrovert is stuck on the station with not many people to chat to. Β It is just me and 3 kids most of the time. Β Talk about first world problems!!

It is at this time of the year that I really do miss having family close by. Β Last year they came up, which was fabulous. Β I had them here for my Birthday and gosh it was good. Β But this year it is just us and our Headstockman (who is basically family) – Georgie. So at least I actually have another female here this year.

I often think that the people who live in remote parts of Australia are a lot like Expats. Β I like to think of us as Outback Expats. Β Like Expats we are usually a long way from our family. Β For me it is a 3 day drive to reach my family or a whole day on a plane and many $$$. Β I know we are much closer than real Expats but 3 days in a car with 3 kids is pretty much the same (if not worse) than a 24 hour plane trip right???!!!

Anyway I am getting off track… back to my Birthday, did I mention it was my Birthday? Β So I guess I will just have to celebrate with all of you online. Β I will pop this bottle of bubbly Mr Chardy gave me and have a cheers with you all this afternoon…

I told him I wanted a surprise for my Birthday this year… it didn’t need to be expensive, I wouldn’t care if it was a packet of Tic Tacs wrapped up… as long as it was a surprise. Β Well I guess he did surprise me…. surprise… you are getting the usual. Β But again – first world problems. Β I am very thankful that he did get me something. Β and check out the Louis Vuitton-esq bag it came in, second to none my friends.

My Mum bought be a box set, a series called House of Elliot and I can’t wait to binge watch it.

And look at this gorgeous present that my beautiful, thoughtful boy Harry bought me…

My friend Katie took him down town when we were in Mt Isa for Sports for Bush Kids and he bought it then, with his own money. Β He hid it from me and wrapped it up. Β I was so excited to have a surprise to open. Β And I was even more excited when I opened it. Β I think he was a bit concerned that I thought it was really expensive and said “oh Mum, it is only from K-Mart”. Β Well I really did start crying and told him how much I loved it and that it doesn’t matter how much something costs, it is the thought that counts and I was so grateful that he thought of me and knew just what I would like. Β I am wearing the trio of small bangles as I type this.

I was a little worried I wouldn’t have any presents to open so I made myself some necklaces and wrapped them up…

Can’t wait to try one out this afternoon when we are sipping bubbly poolside…

Tonights dinner will be cob loaf dip (fully homemade because we can’t just pop around to Woolies to grab an actual cobb loaf, so the bread maker is churning out out as we speak), cheese & crackers and some marinated lamb ribs – yum… while the kids splash around in the pool. Β Oh it is going to be perfect. Β There will be no whinging, no fighting kids, we will all be splashing around, laughing and slapping each other on the back… just your average, perfect family!

I really do set myself up for a fall don’t I – because when my romantic image of us all poolside doesn’t come to fruition I will be most disappointed.

So I would like to invite you all to join me …. virtually …. poolside this evening. Β There will be laughter, I will be throwing back my head and stomping my foot with Birthday excitement while sipping my bubbly, there will be little baby cheeses but sorry, I don’t have any little boys, saveloys or mini cocktail franks. Β I wish I did – they have always been a party favourite of mine.

Anyway… Β How are you all going? Β 
Are you all set for Christmas?
Are you going away on holidays?
Where are you going, what are you doing…. I need to know all the details!
Will you have a drink with me this afternoon?


  1. Maggie

    Happy birthday. I can’t remember what 38 feels like! Ha ha! What a thoughtful young man your Harry is. I have never received such a beautiful present like that (from K Mart or anywhere)!

  2. Heather Sharp

    Happy birthday! I’m driving to Brisbane from Newcastle so I’ll have my bottle of water rather than champers to help celebrate your birthday πŸŽ‰ 🍰🏊🍾

  3. Ange

    Happy Birthday. I will sip a bubbly to you as tomorrow I fly to NZ to spend time at our beach shack. I had a birthday last week . My children did surprise me ( with cosmetics they wanted!) But they dont use their money , they hit up bank of Dad. By xmas they have run out of steam for present buying but like you I always wrap up my own!!! Merry xmas too.

  4. Amanda @ Cooker and a Looker

    Happy birthday Chards! I’m sitting at the hairdresser feeling very lucky to have jagged a last minute appointment that coincided with Mum and Dad visiting. (Mum’s taken the kids to the park)
    We’ll toast your next 38 years tonight.
    A x

  5. Sandra Scott

    Happy Birthday to us, its mine today too.

    • Miss Chardy

      Sorry bit late replying to all of these… hope you had a lovely day!!

  6. Toni Jenkinson

    Happy Birthday What a wonderful way to spend your birthday, kids, swimming, pool, homemade bread, add drooling to that because it’s something us city chicks take for granted. And a few drinks.

    • Miss Chardy

      It was a lovely day Toni. Nothing better than homemade bread.

  7. proseccoprincess

    Sending you birthday and bubbly wishes and for what it’s worth I don’t think you look older than 38 at all. And I can sympathize with you, we are qld expats living in Perth and last year we had no family at all to visit and it was a bit sad, but tomorrow we fly back to the sunshine state, can’t wait to see the family and friends. 😊

    • Miss Chardy

      It does get you down doesn’t it, but it is just one day of the year and we soon get over it, but still… not fun.

  8. Anne Davis

    I’ve been busy all day in the kitchen making food! We are having an ‘immediate family’ Xmas this year, including my parents too. With three adult children, one son-in-law, one new partner, two granddaughters and two extra (step) granddaughters, it still means a few extra beds to be made up πŸ˜‰.
    Tomorrow will be more cooking but for now, I’ve just sat down to rest the sore feet and have a brandy and coke so cheers to you for your birthday πŸŽ‰

    • Miss Chardy

      Anne that sounds so wonderful, I hope you all had a great day!!!!!

  9. Nikki

    Happy Birthday from an overseas expat to an outback one! After 7 hours yesterday with two kids in the car from Oslo to Copenhagen I could not do 3 days. You win!!! This year for my birthday we were packing our house in the US to move to Germany. I said to my family, don’t get me anything. So they didn’t. They didn’t hear my inner voice asking for surprises. Next year I shall adopt your approach of ensuring something to unwrap on the day. Long may the birthday bubbles last xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, god you crack me up. I am so hearing you on the “don’t get me anything”…. it’s all well and good until there is nothing under the tree for you. Not looking forward to the 3 day car trip… well actually I am, I will be so happy if we can just get our car out first… what a bloody circus. Hope you had a Happy New Year. xxx

  10. Nikki @ Styling You

    Happy birthday beautiful lady … will raise a glass to you for sure *twistsarm*

    • Miss Chardy

      A belated thank you! xxxx

  11. Tanya

    Happy birthday Miss Chardy! I love your blog, and am sending you a big squeezy hug for your birthday xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Tanya! (Sorry bit late with this reply).

  12. Sublime Finds

    Happy Birthday Miss Chardy!! Sending big Birthday wishes your way and will be sure to indulge in a little festive merry-making on your behalf tonight! xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Knew I could rely on you to take one for the team Andrea!!! Thanks

  13. Sally Marsh

    Happy Happy Birthday Miss Chardy!!! How “rich” you are to be able to share your birthday and Christmas with Mr C and those three beautiful boys. I write this as I sip some bubbles on my balcony overlooking the Pacific Ocean. As a mother of two “grown up ” boys and someone who spent her childhood in various western locations in NSW, I envy and reminisce about “my childhood country (not outback) experiences” and those wonderful Christmases with two small boys. I am 57 – have an amazing husband and family and am so thankful for everyday. Thank you for not being hesitant in sharing your age and for being grateful for the small things. Merry Christmas to you and your’s.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Sally, so sorry I am so late replying but thank you so much for your wonderful message. So lovely to hear from you.

  14. Kirsten and co

    Happy Birthday! Wish I was there with you enjoying that freshly baked Cobb loaf and poolside bubbly. What a thoughtful boy Harry is – his present is beautiful xox

    • Miss Chardy

      He is so thoughtful. I am loving myself sick in my K-Mart bangles. xxx

  15. Barb .B

    Ha so I’m not the only one that doesn’t get birthday presents if I dont buy them. HAPPY BIRTHDAY

    • Miss Chardy

      Looks like it is definitely a “thing” to just buy your own presents (or make them in my case).

  16. Miss Chardy'S Big Sis

    Happy birthday little sis. I have tried phoning you twice, but you must be poolside!! I hope you got my singing jingle on voicemail!!
    I am so disappointed as by reading your blog it would seem that my present didnt arrive for your bday!! Oh well, you will have a late birthday present. I guess that also neans that none of our presents will be there for you for Christmas Day!!?? Very disappointing.
    Happy birthday old girl xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Well thank god they all arrived before Xmas day! I loved your phone singing and actually didn’t realise it was you to start with because it was such great singing! You shocked me.

  17. Taryn

    Happy Birthday Miss Chardy! I hope you have had a lovely time by the pool.
    I’ve just dropped my son off at nursery and I’m currently on my way into the office in London for my last day of work before Christmas – hurrah.
    (I’m an expat and completely agree with your analysis by the way.)
    I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now and it’s so interesting πŸ˜€

    • Miss Chardy

      I love hearing from readers all over the world… thanks so much for saying hello and for my birthday wishes. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. x

  18. Leesa

    Having a sparkling while waiting for my plane home to visit my family for Christmas Happy birthday Miss Chardy 🍾

    • Miss Chardy

      Nothing beats a cheeky airport tipple!!!

  19. Bourkey

    Happy birthday Chards, we will have a beer for you. Tomorrow we have Marts birthday.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Bourkey! Hope you had a great Christmas. πŸ™‚

  20. Jo @ You had us at hello

    Happy Birthday Miss Chards! Sorry I missed your arvo drinks by the pool! Hope it was as glam as imagined πŸŽ‰πŸ‘πŸ» I didn’t realise you lived 3 DAYS away. I’m 3 hours away so I shan’t complain again!! Have a lovely Christmas xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, yep a good 3 day drive to my family from here… if we can ever get out… we still haven’t got our car out…

  21. Mrs Rumbo

    Hi Chards, no way are you 38! I think you meant 28……I’m sure I’m 38..hahaha. Happy Birthday my bubbly friend enjoy your family and champers! xxx mwah

    • Miss Chardy

      Surely!!!! I must have it wrong. Thanks for your birthday wishes (sorry I am so slow replying). x

  22. Heidi

    Happy, happy birthday Chards! Tonight I will have a glass of wine in your honor!
    Enjoy the bubbly and pool (it is freezing here).
    Have a fabulous day!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Heidi. How are things over in Missouri????

  23. Chookyblue

    Happy birthday… I missed the party last night sorry…… Hope you had a good time…..
    You are a lot more remote then me but once you live out of town and you have ramps and a dirty road family is never keen to come visit…….

    Merry Christmas….

    • Miss Chardy

      ha ha ha, so true. Thanks for the birthday wishes.


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