Joy’s Off the Track Training

January 29, 2016

Would you like to get in shape but don’t seem to have the time or the energy.  Can’t seem to get away from your toddlers or fighting children for more than 5 minutes at a time?  Then boy do I have the solution for you: Off the Track Training.  And let me tell you – you don’t need to live “off the track” to join.  Anyone can do this.  I have done it and you can too.

Meet my friend Joy…

Joy{Image Credit: The Land} – actually no – I take that back… just realised that photo was taken over at Mrs Savvy B’s house, so I don’t think that we can give The Land credit for that photo… perhaps I should be giving Mrs SB credit!

Joy is a total pocket rocket.  A mover and a shaker.  She will have you up and at it and feeling motivated in no time and you want to know what the best thing is about Off the Track Training… it is do-able, no matter what.  Doesn’t matter if you have babies, toddlers.  It doesn’t matter if you don’t have any gym equipment, it doesn’t matter where you live, YOU CAN DO IT.

Joy lives on a droughted sheep & cattle station down near Longreach but she doesn’t let that crush her spirit, she just gets on with things.  Joy will tailor a program that suits YOU.  She will work with you but she won’t make you feel like a slob or a lazy cow if you have a slack day here and there, she will support you and encourage you.  I have done a couple of her programs and they really are fantastic.

Now you might be thinking – no I can’t do that I have so many children and they are really little.  Wrong – think again.  Joy has 4 children and they are not all that old.  Her children do School of the Air – so if there is anyone who has an excuse it should be Joy, but no – she soldiers on.   She helps you to work with what you have, where you are.

Joy and Family

Here is a little something from her website…

Off the Track Training

Our programs are designed to merge with the lifestyle and landscape of people who live in isolated situations. No fancy gym equipment and long laborious fitness sessions on the back of a tough day in the cattle yards or hectic trip to town. It’s all about creating a conscious fitness habit that merges with your lifestyle. An exercise for any amount of time, location or lifestyle! With this comes the need to be connected and motivated. This is where I step in – a bit of Joy in your ear, on your page and in your life – to keep you accountable and motivated. I’m your training partner, coach and mate to get you rolling with health and fitness.

It doesn’t matter if you live in an apartment in the city or 5 hours from town.  Anyone can join in.

You can join JOYS FITNESS HUB right now… here is what it is all about…

Joys Fitness Hub

A hub where health and fitness is the rule, not the exception!
Fitness sessions that fit with your lifestyle and landscape
Stamina, strength, suppleness and intensity sessions for all levels of fitness and preferences for exercise (ie you don’t have to be a runner)
Min 24 weeks of training that progressively challenges you
Audio sessions downloadable to your device
Video workouts to check your technique and bounce along with
Accountability to your trainer
Fitness journals
Food ideas and planning
Weekly teleconference with Fitness Trainer, Nutritionist and wiz bang guests
Recipe Book for real people with real ingredients – no crap here!

Outback Training

Those Teleconferences are REALLY GOOD!  You don’t have to hide and feel bad if you missed a few sessions, just be honest and you will find that you are not alone.  Joy finds some really great people to talk to you too on those sessions.  One of my favourite Teleconferences was with a nutritionalist.  It was a real “ah-ha” moment where I realised all the crap I was putting in my body.  I thought I was doing the right thing and was so smart having all of that low fat, diet, skim milk stuff, but boy was I wrong.  It was the slap in the face I needed and I haven’t touched that stuff since, but have managed to get fit and lose weight – all on full cream milk – who’d have thought! Thanks a million JOY!!!!  Now I just think about this every time I see “low fat” or “diet”…

low fat chemical

So what are you waiting for?  Head on over to Off the Track Training and join up, tell her I said Hi.  You won’t regret it.

Joy has a fabulous Facebook page too and you can find it HERE – head on over and click “Like”.

Let me know how you go, good luck my friends.  And while you are all out there sweating your asses off… I will be starting my own business….


Credit: Oh and Joy – thanks…. I have totally just stolen these images from you but I know you won’t mind, ha ha ha!!!  


  1. Joy

    Love your work Miss Chardy and Miss Savvy B!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Joy. x



  1. Operation Drop 5 Kilo’s & Find Some Discipline - […] I wrote a post all about Off The Track Training at the beginning of last year, you can read…

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