Keeping it Real

February 4, 2016

I have just been catching up on my favourite blog: Baby Mac.  I wasn’t going to pump out a blog post today but after reading her past few posts I slapped myself and started typing.  You see sometimes I think …. “geez, as if they want to hear me bang on about pointless shit” and I overthink the whole blog post thing and then I think I have nothing to talk about.  But that is what this blog is all about isn’t it?  Keeping it real.  So thanks Beth from Baby Mac – I always love to listen to her everyday mundane stuff!!! #keepingitreal

I know there are lots of Baby Mac readers here at Chardy HQ – we just love this crazy lady don’t we…..


{Image credit: Baby Mac}

Beth has been through a really rough trot lately – 3 sick kids and baby Maggie is not even one yet.  3 sick kids is bad enough but it wasn’t just sick – it was whooping cough.  Bet you were glad for those vaccinations Beth, could have been a whole lot worse couldn’t it.  Sick kids is no fun at all.  Hang in there Beth.

So I think that there is nothing to report on here at Chardy HQ but there really is… 2016 is going great guns.  You know how happy I was to say goodbye to 2015 don’t you!  And I thought… SURELY 2016 WILL BE BETTER.  Surely!!!  And it is, it really is.

I always worry before new staff arrive… worry worry worry.  I don’t know how Mr Chardy does it all the time… new people that is… it is stressful.  But all that worry was for nothing because our new Govie and new Cook are FANTASTIC.  Can you even believe it.  So we have gone from a station of blokes to Girl Power… it is just Mr Chardy, my 3 boys and then us girls… Georgie, Miss Bobbie, Rachael and Me!  It is payback for all of those times it has just been me and a bunch of blokes here. It is just so easy, they are so lovely and life is good at the moment.  I know it can change at the drop of a hat but for now I am very very grateful.

So there you have it, a blog post that I didn’t over think… usually I think “no, nothing to write about, and I don’t have any photos” ….. geez the world is really not going to end if I don’t have a photo is it.  Although I do like a few pictures.  Beth – hope you don’t mind me slapping your picture around the internet.  Thanks!

Have a great Thursday (I can’t believe it is Thursday already).  Hope things are going well in your part of the world.  If you have sick kids I really do feel for you, there is nothing worse is there.  Sending hugs your way.



  1. Rebecca

    I love when people write or say what they are thinking in their head and don’t usually say it, like your first paragraph and a great Govie we had would say things like oh that was awkward which would then make it unawkward.

    • Miss Chardy

      I love it when people keep it real too Bec, just need to remember that when I am writing. 🙂

  2. Mish

    Sick kids are the worst, but I’ve woken up this morning with a big headache 🙁
    The worst part is that I still have to drag myself to work, as we’ve got our staff conference tomorrow and I’m helping to organise it! Wish me luck and fingers crossed for lots of coffee!

  3. Fiona

    Good on you…you might be thinking it’s just a normal nothing happening day…but seriously, I know no one living on a remote Aussie outback station?! It’s all interesting! I’m terrible for commenting (well lack of) but I can’t have u thinking it’s not being read or not interesting…it’s all great, from the lack of hair care to the factual bits!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Fiona, that is so wonderful to hear because honestly sometimes I just feel like I bang on about the most boring things…. glad you enjoy reading. Thanks for saying hi. 🙂

  4. KezUnprepared

    Babymac is the bomb 🙂
    Also, I feel you on the overthinking thing. I do it ALL the time! Thanks for writing anyway, champ! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Sometimes we just need to slap ourselves and get out of our own head… perfection and overthinking, we need to stop! 🙂

  5. Joolzmac

    I do love Beth for keeping it real. Her photo post excercise class showed her with red blotchy face – how else should you look? Having 3 sick chickens is enough to do anyone in but whooping cough, how horrible! Glad they are on the mend!
    Its nice to hear your govvie and cook are settling in well, that must be a load off your mind! I’d love to see some of what gets cooked up there so get clicking, Chardy! 😊

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, have been a bit slack on the recipe front/photo’s of food Joolz. Yes, it sure is a load off my mind that everyone is settling in well, lets just hope they love it here. x

  6. Carmel

    Worry Worry Worry – and I have had a bunch of that and really for no good reason. My daughter started Prep. I have had all the worries that she wouldn’t make friends, that she wouldn’t fit in, that she wouldnt eat her lunch, that she would lose things and get upset and even that she might be lonely.

    Ultimately these are all my own worries and concerns for her and she has totally settled into school. Is very smart and very aware of herself and over time make friends.

    So I totally get your worry – there are few extra worries in there too…. and everyone tells me this too shall pass and I know it is true – but damn it doesn’t make you feel good – while all this worry is going on.

    So thanks Miss Chardy – #keepingitreal

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Carmel, how wonderful that your little girl is going so well with Prep. It is always our “own” worries really isn’t it… I always blow things up to be so big in my head… if we could just get out of our own head it would be ok. I saw a quote not long ago that I LOVED, I wrote it down and stuck it to the wall: “Never to the envy, jealousy & insecure stuff. Be the hustler, the well wisher, the go getter” and I am standing by that quote this year!!! Thanks for reading Carmel. 🙂

  7. Michele Davis

    I love hearing your pointless shit!! 😊

  8. Anne@GritandGiggles

    You reminded me I need to stop procrastinating and blogs something … anything.

    • Miss Chardy

      You go girl…. ANYTHING!!!

  9. Miss Twinings

    Hi Chards, as a city slicker i LOVE hearing all about your day to day life….. because its awesome. Loved looking eg at the blog with all the foodstuffs at your “home Woolies” on the property for instance and the fun stuff you guys (or girls rather now) get up to.keep up the good work. 😃And yes, really sick kids is the pits. Poor BabyMac.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Miss Twinings… so glad you love to read my dribble. ha ha ha ha 🙂


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