Lets Chat

April 29, 2015

Goodmorning.  What would you like to talk about this morning?  I would love to hear from you.  So don’t be shy, we are all pretty friendly around here, because you are all such lovely people!

So tell me a bit about yourself.   Lets keep it simple to start with.  How about you tell me where you are from, how old you are and what you do.  You can do this in the “comments” section at the bottom of this post.  Go on, have a go, you won’t regret it.

Is it getting cold in your part of the world, or is it warming up?  Things have finally cooled down here at Chardy Central, which I am very happy about.  I even have my winter pj’s on.  The air conditioner has been switched to heat (well for the first few hours of the morning anyway) and things are just so much more pleasant.

I have been feeling like the old Miss Chardy was returning the past couple of days.  In a mess, cranky, cheese falling off the cracker and what not.  After all of my Get Sorted with Chards efforts earlier in the year I thought it was all spiralling out of control.  It is all well and good when we are here 24/7 but when we go away for a weekend I just can’t seem to catch up.  Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves?  Seriously, I can report that I am nearly sorted and look, it is only Wednesday, it isn’t like I have been playing catch up for 2 weeks.  Of course I am not going to have everything perfect at the snap of my fingers.  Why the hell do I even care?  Oh god it makes me cranky.


So last night I put the kids to bed and I stayed up and sorted the house out, once and for all.  I got the laundry back in order, I picked up 246 pieces of tiny lego and a few other bits and pieces.  Turns out the mess was all in my head.  It only took about 20 minutes to clean up, but by golly once it was all tidy I felt so calm.  I took a deep breath and just looked around and my tidy house.  It sure was soothing to the soul, you are so right Faux Fuchsia have I even told you how good you are lately?  So hopefully today will be a better day…. surely.  Maybe I won’t be such a cranky old cow to the kids and my lovely husband.  I might just go and pop a Rescue Remedy for breakfast.

Do you have any hints and tips you can share with us on dealing with the mess and washing and car load of crap that comes with a weekend away?  If you have ANY little tips please share them.  The year is about to get busy and we will be going away a fair bit, each weekend seems to be full already, I really don’t want to fall back into my old ways.  Remember – I have now been clean since 27th January!  This is an all time record.   I am looking forward to having this weekend at home to catch up, but after that it will be crazy town.

happy peopleImage credit: Hypervibe

Well that is it – another ramble done and dusted from Chards.  Lets have a chat in the comment section.  Share your tips, they really do motivate me.  Tell us where you are from.  We would love to hear from you.  People are such sticky beaks and love to know the ins and outs of others.   Or maybe that is just me.

Have a great Wednesday!




  1. Sublime Finds

    Miss Chardy WELL DONE on staying clean and on top of things for so long and rediscovering that twenty mins was all it took to get on top of it! I have no tips. I am a terrible procrastinator and have a wicked untidy gene I’m fighting. I try to get as much done as possible when the mood hits. And when the mood doesn’t, well, I need to revisit getting sorted with Chards!
    In my world, today is THE LAST day I am in my twenties! That’s right, tomorrow is the big three-oh, thirty on the thirtieth. I’m very excited! It’s cooling down a bit here in Brissy but it’s mostly just lovely. Isn’t the year disappearing at a rapid rate? Before you know it one of those weekends away will be on the GC!

    • Miss Chardy

      Wow, the big 30!!! I wouldn’t have thought you were a day over 20 you gorgeous thing! You will love your 30’s, I promise you!! I can’t wait for the GC, and yes, you are right, it will be here before we know it. Have a great week.x

  2. Ali B

    I live in Central Qld. We have three kids , it never rains here and somedays I want to run away and live on the beach.

    I have a great job encouraging students, parents and teachers to consider Ag as a viable career option. It is fulfilling and challenging at the same time.

    I am so glad you are feeling a little better, grief is a horrible journey.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello Ali, so lovely to hear from you. Thanks for letting us know a bit about yourself. Keep encouraging those kids to consider Ag – well done. I hope it rains one day for you and that you don’t have to run away to the beach – you would get sick of it….

  3. Michelle Mathieson

    Hi Miss Chardy. My name is Michelle and I am from Gilgandra in Western New South Wales. I am 47 and 3/4 old (lol) and I am a Legal Secretary in Dubbo. Love my job which I do 4 days a week. Rest of my time is spent doing housework, feeding the family etc etc and socialising with great friends as much as possible. I have 19 yr old daughter at Wollongong uni and a 14yr old daughter in Yr 9. I love cooking and swapping recipes with friends and I love your blog!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Michelle – good old Gil. Do you know my sister? I was a legal secretary for all of about 1 year… Thanks for sharing with us all and thanks so much for reading my blog. Great to have you. 🙂

      • Michelle Mathieson

        Your sister lives in Gil or Dubbo? What is her name?

        • Miss Chardy

          Hi Michelle, her name is Toni, she lives on a farm out of Gil and works for Peakocke Dickens Clarke (I think that is the name) Solicitors in Gil.

          • mi

            Such a small world! Yes I know your sister. She always says hello and always has a smile! She has been at Peacockes awhile now so she must be good at her job.

  4. Lara

    Hi Miss Chardy,
    I happened to stumpled across your blog about 3 weeks ago now and really enjoy reading about life out on the land, it’s alittle different to life on the Gold Coast thats for sure! I’m also sorry to read of the tragic loss of one of your station hands, such a terrible loss for all of his loved ones.

    Thank you for taking the time to write your wonderful blogs and giving people an insight to country life and I really do like the recipes that you have posted- I really must give them a try some day!

    Have a great day.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Lara, thanks so much for reading, so glad you found my blog. Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself too. Yes, very different up here compared to the Gold Coast. 🙂

  5. Megan

    Hi Miss Chardy, what a fabulous idea! I love reading your blog and hearing all about your life on the station. I am so sorry to hear/read about the tragedy that rocked your lives recently. My name is Megan and I am 26. I am a civil engineering working in the construction industry, however I am 6.5 weeks (not that I’m counting) away from maternity leave. This will be my first baby and I am so excited. Lets face it, I’m a bit of a sticky beak too so love to hear about other people’s lives! Have a great day x

  6. mscate

    Hello, I’m Cate from Berlin. I write recipe, doing a bit of editing work and writing tech articles, Busy week I’ve been trying to take photos this week for my next cookbook but the weather has been gloomy and it’s just too dark! No kids but have a new family member, a cat called Ginger.

  7. Danielle

    Hi Everyone! Hope this Wednesday treats you kindly!
    I’m Dan I live in Broken Hill and I’m a Speech Pathologist. I am a baby at 22 but have a bit of an old soul!
    I love my job as I get to work with adults, children and just about everything you get to see as a speech pathologist!
    It is very cold in BH especially of the evening/mornings! Only a top of 17 today but after all it is the desert!
    My sister lives up near Miss Chardy so I live vicariously through this blog to work out her world, and I love the honesty around here too, because that’s how I roll!
    Take care x

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Danielle, thanks so much for chatting to us all. Lovely to hear about you and where you live. 🙂

    • brooke anderson

      Hi Danielle and Miss Chardy. I use to work on one of your neighbouring properties and Danielle BH is now my local town 🙂 must catch up at mulga one weekend. Im working on a sheep station couple hrs out from BH south of Wilcannia and besides work, and all house duties you always seem to fill the 8th day in the week so I get where your coming from 🙂

      • Miss Chardy

        Hi Brooke, thanks so much for saying hi and telling us where you live. Great to hear from you. Yes, and 8th day would be helpful wouldn’t it, ha ha ha. Have a great day. 🙂

  8. Janelle

    I am Janelle.I am 35 years old and I live in Wollongong NSW.My days are spent Homeschooling my 4 daughters aged 121,10,8 and 7.I love reading your blog and always get a good laugh :).

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Janelle, wow sounds like you definitely have your hands full. Thanks so much for sharing.

  9. NPot

    Hi Chards, i think you know my age which is sadly getting closer to 40. I’m a stay at home mum in Melbourne with two kidlets. Currently freaking out because my baby boy goes to high school next year. Our house is filled with daily challenges and cleaning is not high on my list of priorities. I do however have a plan when we get home from being away. I unpack each thing as soon as it goes inside. So uneaten snack foods get put straight back in fridge and pantry. Each persons luggage gets sorted into clean and dirty and a load of washing goes straight on. While doing this I am usually cooking pasta and and reheating bolognese for dinner. Before going away I make sure I have something in the freezer for when we get home. I used to be terrible at unpacking and I must admit my suitcase is in my bedroom with clean clothes still from my last trip away. But I try.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi there stranger. So great to hear from you. I love your tip about making sure you have something in the freezer that you can serve up for dinner, that is gold, I am going to try and do that one. I need to also make sure I unpack everything as it comes in, I end up in the biggest mess with everything plopped in the doorway or on the bench, it isn’t pretty. Unpacking as you bring it in is key, I need to make sure I do that one.

  10. Alison

    Hi Miss Chardy – I’m from York Western Australia and love reading your blog. It reminds me of my time working as a govie near Boulia way back in 2003. I am a teacher and worked for a term as a govie before exploring lovely Queensland during my Long Servic Leave and loved it. I grew up on a farm in the Whealtbelt Area of WA and my Dad was from a station in the Murchison. . I’m now on maternity leave and loving looking after my active 3 yo boy who is keeping me young at 44! PS I’m a sticky beak too!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, I think we are all sticky beaks at heart aren’t we??!! Thanks so much for sharing this with us Alison, so lovely to hear from you. Hmmm active 3 year old….. oh I am so hearing you!!!

  11. Julie McDonald

    Hi, Miss Chardy! My name is Julie and I’m a 50 years old. I have lived in our small town in the lower south east of SA all my life. I have been married for nearly 29 years to a wonderful man and we have 2 daughters 25 and 21 years old. We have been empty nesters for over 3 years now since our baby moved to Adelaide to go to Uni.
    We own the local Ford dealership and also have Land Rover and Suzuki franchises. We bought the business 26 years ago. I work in the office doing general admin and payroll. We have been lucky to travel to some fantastic places in the world like India, Tahiti, US, UK, Italy and France.
    Nothing is better than having our girls come home or visiting them in Adelaide. I am fascinated with your remote station lifestyle so I love to hear about your day to day goings on!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Joolz, so great to hear from you. Thanks so much for sharing a bit about your life down in SA! I bet it is just gorgeous down there. Thanks for the support and traffic you send to my blog from yours! You had done so much and only 50! You young thing. x

  12. benemharris

    Hi Miss Chardy
    Thanks for your blog. My name is Emma and I’m 34 years old. Live in the Perth hills and have 3 children – 9,7 and 5. I am a clean freak and so can well relate to your feeling of clean house and clean mind!! Drives my husband crazy at times but I just can’t operate/cope when mess prevails!!
    Starting to get cold here and am just waiting for our wood delivery before I light the fire – can’t wait to have it crackling away at night.
    Thankyou again for sharing your life and hope you have a great day. 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Emma. So great to hear from you and thank you for sharing this with us. I am telling you now – things have been so much happier today since I tidied up last night – I have that clean mind! I can think and not get cranky, god it is good. Oh Emma, your fire crackling away sounds wonderful, I am jealous.

  13. Heidi

    Hello Miss Chardy and fellow readers! My name is Heidi and I live in Jefferson City, Missouri in the USA. This August I will be (gulp) the big 50. I’ve been married for 25 years to a great guy and have 2 boys, 23 and 21. The oldest graduated from college in December, the youngest is in his 3rd year. I work as a Supervisor at the Board of Education at our local school district. My family and I emigrated from Hungary when I was 11 and I think that’s where my fascination with other countries comes from. I love reading about your lifestyle! And I love reading others’comments especially when you all use those great Aussie slangs! (which I then have to google:)

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, hello Heidi. I love that you have to google our slang, that is hilarious. Thanks so much for sharing a bit about yourself. I am fascinated about where you live, I even google earthed Missouri the other day! I always love to hear from you all the way over there in the U.S. of A!!!! and just like saying U.S. of A, ha ha ha

  14. ffhousemouse

    Hi Everyone,
    I am 45…YIKES!
    Have recently moved from quite near Miss Chardy across the Border into Qld.
    What do I do? Ummm pretty much whatever needs doing; office work, cleaning…just did 3 days cooking – not a fan!
    My ‘handy hint’ for when there are many weekends away is – always unpack the car that night – even after you have fed / put children to bed, put on a load of washing and sort the loads ready for the next day and deal with the cooler bag / esky situation!
    Have a happy day! X

    • Miss Chardy

      OMG, really – 45, aren’t you still 35? Ok right, I need to sort this “getting home and unpacking” business out. I am onto it, this is my year. I have nailed making my bed every morning and staying on top of the washing and keeping things tidy, now I need to nail the whole going away and coming home to a tidy house thing. Thanks so much for sharing your life with us old girl.

  15. ANGELA

    Hi Miss Chardy. Im Angela and live on the gc , aged 45 and a full time unpaid taxi driver to my 2 teenage girls . My service started at 430 this am to take them rowing ! I also work casually in a boutique to escape the house. Im useless at homework but get inspired by your efficiency! Love reading about your station.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Angela, my efficiency is not that great I can tell you now. Most of the time I feel like I am drowning. I can’t believe you were up at 4:30am to take your girls to rowing, that is dedication. I hope they appreciate that (probably not…). I like the sound of working in a boutique to escape the house, wish I could do that, I think I would love to do that kind of thing – talk to people and help them spend their money!

  16. Dawn cook

    Hi miss Chardy my name is Dawn and I live in NewZealand really enjoy your stories and was so sad for you with your recent loss . HUGS !! It is getting colder at night here and a first frost this morning brrrr. I am 52 married and have 2 fantastic lads one married and one with a lovely partner. I love to travel read and cook. I would love to produce a cook book one day. All the best. Dawn

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Dawn, lovely to hear from you and a bit about yourself and where you live. Sounds like it is getting very cold there. 🙂

  17. Rebecca

    Hi Miss Chardy, Im Rebecca and I’m 31 years old. I live in the little town of Keith in the South East of SA. I’ve been married for 11 years and have two children, a boy who is almost 4 (going on 14) and a girl 18mths. I’m a stay at home mum but I have a very small little handmade clothing business called Funky Chook which I began about 5 years ago. I sell my items in the local craft shop and try to attend local markets where I can. I started off with other items (not clothing) but never really enjoyed making them so when i had my little girl I decided i could make all the cute little dresses instead of buying them. I love sewing and every spare minute I get that’s what I’m doing. I hate cleaning but am trying to get better at it. Your an inspiration being clean and tidy since January. Well done! One day I’ll get there.
    I love reading your posts and so does my husband. He loves the station country and has worked on a few and one day we hope to move to a station. We are a typical farming family so here’s hoping one day ill get to experience exactly what you are and my kids get to live the station life. Xx P.S you can find my little business on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/FunkyChookCreations or on Instagram at funky_chook

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Rebecca, great to hear a bit about you. Thanks for sharing. I love the name of your little business. Thanks so much for reading my blog, great to have you. Hope you get to experience station life one day.

  18. Lynly Kerin

    Just sitting in the school room with my daughter who is in year one with School Of The Air in Port Augusta. We live on a sheep and cattle property in north west SA. I am supposed to be supervising her at the moment, but luckily for me her teacher has set her a maths task involving textas, paper and her imagination!! Which means 15mins of bliss for me, to sit and trawl f/book and blogs!! I was just looking at your fuss free meatball recipe as I do usually slave over the stove while cooking for our staff – but not tonight, in the oven they will go!!
    Keep blogging, I enjoy hearing from other station mum’s living the unique lifestyle we have.
    I only have one tip. I keep all the dirty clothes separated from when we are away and almost as soon as I walk in the door from getting home I chuck them straight in the wash – when I am washing I feel like life is somewhat ‘normal’ again!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Lynly – teaching your own children – taking in my hat off to you right now, god and cooking by the sounds of things, how the hell do you do it? I buggered up my rissoles last night and didn’t put enough sauces in, they were a bit dry, I also cooked them without the foil over them to start with which I think made them dry, I told everyone I was serving prison food. ha ha ha. Right, I need to get better with this washing business when we are away. It is my aim to nail it and stay on top of it. 2015 is the year for it. Has only taken me 36 years. Thanks so much for sharing some of your life with us. Hats off to you.

  19. Kate

    Kate, 31, work for a kid’s charity in Sydney. Love my job, love the city but also love reading about your life in NT : )

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Kate. Great to hear from you, thanks for sharing. I love that you read my blog from Sydney, thanks so much!!!

  20. Evie Jean

    Hey Miss Chardy & Co!
    Sorry, I don’t have any hot tips for you……. I live alone so I clean / unpack when I get the urge 🙂
    I am 32, live in Central QLD and work as a Quality Assurance supervisor/auditor at an abattoir.
    I have only just found your blog, I love it! You are humble, hilarious and real! I am pretty sure we will get along great 🙂 though I am not a wine drinker, don’t hold that against me!
    Thanks for the podcast recommendations – the 2 Fat Expats have been accompanying me on my walks, time goes so much quicker now!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Evie. So lovely to have you on board and thanks for sharing a bit about yourself. So glad you found us. Oh don’t you just love the Podcasts. I actually look forward to my walk. This morning I just wanted to get out and go for a stroll with my earphones in – couldn’t wait – it was so lovely out there too. I have been enjoying some of the TED Radio Hour talks lately. I am all up to date with my favourite podcasts, so I am really trying to find new ones. Thanks so much for reading my blog Evie.

  21. Margareta

    Hello there, I’m Margareta. I live in the high country of East Gippsland on a cattle property which I farm with my wonderful husband. We have three children, 21, 12 & 10. When I’m not running around after kids, cooking, cleaning and helping H run our property, I’m writing books. Specifically Australian women’s fiction set in rural Australia. I write what I know and am passionate about, which is what I love about your blog, Chards. You’re very warm, real and to be honest, it’s so nice to hear/read that someone else is thinking like me. Yep, we’re all battling to keep it together in one way or another – lego or no lego (yes, I can SO relate to that). My tips: empty the esky/Engel ASAP, start of the washing machine ASAP, get the kids to unpack their OWN bags ASAP, and make sure there’s at least one bottle of wine/drink left from the weekend so you can toast yourself once all is unpacked & organised! 🙂 Love the blog. x

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Margareta, thanks so much for sharing a bit about yourself. Wow, I can only imagine how gorgeous the countryside/farm is that you live on. I bet it is gorgeous. I have also just googled you and I will be finding myself one of your books to read. Well done to you!!! Oh and thanks so much for your tips on unpacking, I love them, especially the one about having some wine to toast myself once it is all done, that is motivation to do it isn’t it. Love it. Thanks again!!!

  22. Janine

    HI, I’m Janine, an Australian living in Dubai. We have lived here for 8 years now but I am from Melbourne and my husband is from Sydney. I am 45 years old but that just sounds way too old as I really still feel like I am in my 30s. Actually I am fitter, healthier and happier than I was in my 30s and people say I look younger than I did then so I am just going to embrace it. I have two girls aged 14 and 13 and they go to a school with over two thousand students and they are the only Australians there. Here it is currently getting hotter! We are heading into the summer months where it is over 40 every day. But it is not too bad and I am used to it. I work in finance. Love reading your blog and did not know much about podcasts until you wrote your post on it so thanks for that. I love Two Fat Expats because I can relate to it all and they are funny chicks! So thanks for helping me out there xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Janine, wow, I am sitting here totally fascinated by your life. Wow. Thanks so very much for sharing it with us all. I have such a fascination with the middle east and would love to head over there one day for a trip. I am so glad you are onto Two Fat Expats. They are great aren’t they. Stay cool.

  23. Fashionista

    Hello Miss Chardy. Well I do love a good sticky beak so I had better add my trivia to the mix! I’m 48 and live in Melbourne. It is getting colder here, I wore gloves on the train this morning (along with a coat and scarf). I’ve been married to Darling Husband for 28 years and have two children, Bike Boy (19) and The Dancer (16). My day job is a Finance Manager (I have an accounting degree) but my fantasy job is a costumer on Mad Men. Or Miss Fischer’s Murder Mysteries. Or as an intern for Catherine Martin (legendary Australian costumer). In my spare time I draw pretty frocks and then sometimes get to sew them up. My tip for keeping on top of everything is to just keep doing the jobs. If I let them slip it only ends up in tears. Mostly mine.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Judy, oh god, you are so right about just doing the jobs and not letting them slip, that is definitely when THE CHEESE FALLS OFF THE CRACKER!!!! I love that you are a finance manager but would rather be a costumer on Mad Men, ha ha ha ha ha, cracks me up. Thanks so much for sharing this with us.

  24. Lauren Bax

    Hi miss Chardy, I’m coming up 35 and live just up the road from u in good ole Isa. My sis is the Townes cook out at Helen springs and told me about ur blog.. Have worked on a few stations before so is lovely to reminisce listening to ur stories. Hubby and I met in camooweal and now have 3 rug rats, I’m a stay at home mum and work at the school tuckshop too.. Tis getting chilly here too (though ive only worn my uggies once so far!) but at least the wind drops out by lunch to enjoy the warmth! Bet it will be freezing by rodeo though as usual! I totally understand ur crankiness at a messy house! Ask my kids! Lol
    As for cleaning after a weekend away.. As long as I get the cold stuff in the fridge and a load of washing on before I go to bed I’m happy.. The rest will just slowly get done when I’m in the mood (it really peeves me that after having a nice weekend out relaxing, there sooo much to do on returning home!) and get the kidlets to do their share too! Nice chatting 🙂 Loz.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Lauren, so lovely to hear from you. Saw Bron just the other weekend at Women’s Day. I met my husband in Camooweal too!!! Thanks so much for sharing a little bit about your life with us.

  25. Have A Laugh On Me

    What a MASSIVE fan base you have my friend. You know WAY more about me than you probably want to know. The best news is that I’ve picked up more work until October so it means I can re-hire my cleaner……..words can not describe how excited I am about that. Love you long time x

    • Miss Chardy

      Ohhhhhh a cleaner – stop swearing at me like that. I am so jealous! I need one – ASAP. Ha ha ha. Well done to you with your work, way to go. As for the “fan base” as you call it, well I am not sure what has happened there – well I actually it is a few great bloggers i.e. YOU!!! Sharing my blog, so thanks!!!!!! xxx

  26. Debs Sutton

    Hello I’m Debs and I live in Buckinghamshire in the UK. I’m 55yrs young….where the hell did that time go? I’ve been married to Ray for 35yrs, have 2 kids, Tom who now lives in Perth W.A & Kate who’s near us PLUS our 2 fabulous granddaughters, Izzy & Lola.
    Me, I trained as a nurse then went to work as an Early Years Specialist THEN took a sabbatical to help Kate with the Two Giggly Wigglys whilst she returned to work and I’m still doing it!
    I love cooking, drinking reasonably decent wine,G&T’s,time with friends,reading and travel….this years adventure is Sri Lanka in 3wks time with a girlfriend.
    I told my 89yr old Dad about you and he always asks what’s going on in your neck off the woods!!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello Debs, so great to hear from you all the way over there in the UK, WOW!!!!! Thanks so much for your message and sharing this with us all. How lucky is your daughter to have you, that is impressive. I think I would love to have a wine with you – and your Dad for that matter, so say a big hello to him for me – from my neck of the woods!!! 🙂

    • Dawn cook

      Hi Debs you sound like a really lovely person I live in NZ but was born in Yorkshire left in 1972. Would be interested to hear how your holiday goes as my son is going to travel there also he was going to go to Nepal with his girlfriend but now they have had the terrible quakes there they are changing there planning. I live in Christchurch and know how frightening quakes are we have been living with it for four years now. Would love to hear from you !! My favourite programme in NZ is escape to the country. Do you watch it over there ? Cheers Dawn

  27. KezUnprepared

    Hello! I’m from WA, I’m recently 31 and I am a mostly SAHM but I have started working casually in admin one day a week which is great 🙂
    I have one Little Mister who is almost 3.5 years old and a Mr who is a bit of alright, although he can be super annoying haha.
    I don’t have a big station to keep me fit so I just bought a treadmill. It’s my new lover. I walk all over him, though haha. I’m really excited to go to a comedy show this weekend. It’s not really a date because we’re going with friends, but child free time as a couple will be so awesome. We have to get our babysitting favours in when we can because our parents on both sides are avid travellers – bloody baby boomers won’t sit still!
    I’m kind of boring at the moment, but to be honest I am so happy with that! When life feels mundane, I feel peaceful before the drama of life begins again!
    Don’t ask me about household stuff – I am SO NOT a domestic goddess 😉

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Kez, great to hear from you. So excited you have a treadmill, you won’t be sorry. I used to love watching Sex and the City while on my treadmill, I rolled so many tv shows and used to look forward to getting on there for some time out. I have now been enjoying walking outside since the weather cooled down and now listen to podcasts. I am hearing you about the baby boomers, mine are currently heading across the Nullabor and up the west coast, will finally come via me on their way home. Thanks so much for sharing a bit about yourself with us.

  28. Carmel K

    Hello from Mundulla in the South East of SA! I live on a farm just out of Mundulla and have been involved with farming all my life. I am hurtling towards the big 4 0 later in the year and am already starting to get organised for a celebratory party, love decorating and organising events! Have been married to the love of my life for 18 years and have two boys 15 and 13, jeez I thought I was busy when they were toddlers…… Throw two days work in the office of my local childcare/kindy and constant taxi service of said boys and I just don’t get enough time in my home!! My best organisation tip is always tidy your kitchen/cooking space after the evening meal it does my head to get up to a mess in the morning, just can’t do it! I so enjoy your blog and love how your sense of humour shines through in your writing, I am damn sure we would get on famously sitting on the deck drinking wine, the hours would fly by! Keep up the great work xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Carmel, so great to hear from you. I would love to have a wine on the deck with you! Sounds like we have quite a few readers from South East SA, would be gorgeous down there I bet. Love that you are already planning your 40th, it is the right thing to do! Thanks for your tip – they all help. Thanks so much for reading my blog. 🙂

  29. Katherine

    Ah Miss Chardy, thanks for the inspiration to finally vacuum/mop floors (while dinner was being prepared and getting kids bathed – hubby was bemused) before I allowed myself to comment on here. My name is Katherine, have turned 30 and live south of Alice Springs (why do I feel like I’m at an AA meeting), far enough from town to now be a home tutor for my son doing school of the air while trying to tame a feral 2.5 year old (girl) as well, but not far enough that we can’t get to town once a week if need be (I try not to go too often to avoid the same dilemma you have, unpacking the bloody car, so I’ve read the comments for hot tips). Looking forward to the day I finally join you on ‘being clean.’ I’m working on it, doing better, but a long way to go. All the best.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Katherine, oh god, I am hearing you – it is hard work this cleaning business. Yes, it is like an AA meeting isn’t it… ha ha ha. Wow, you certainly do have your hands full don’t you, teaching your own child (heaven help you) and a 2.5 year old…..bloody hell. Taking my hat off to you too. Thanks for saying hi and a big WELL DONE on doing your floors before commenting. Mine are in desperate need.

  30. Kerrie

    Hi miss Chardy and others, I recently hit the Big 50 and have been living in a small country town in the Kimberley since last October.. Moved to town from a remote and isolated location in the west Kimberley to get my son into mainstream school and for him to experience more social activities. I Had lived there for 14.5 years and I did school of the air with my son for five years and I think I looked forward to the school holidays more than he did! Can relate to lots of your posts Miss Chardy but we never had all the people around and didn’t have road access for half the year. I now have a job at my son’s school and it’s a bonus having one with school hours and where I get school holidays too when I actually get to holiday! Before my holidays were SOTA camps but they were always great fun! I’ve tried to get organised with Chards but I’m not very consistent although living with easy access to shops makes meals so much easier and I do have to get over having the freezer so full! Love your blog especialily the laughs along the way.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Kerrie, wow, was it a bit of a shock moving to town? That is great that you were able to get a job at your sons school, how fantastic. Thanks so much for reading and sharing a bit about yourself, great to hear from you. 🙂

  31. Mrs T

    Hi miss chardy, it would only be fair to let you know about us, since we know so much about what’s been going on in your world! I’m in my early 30s and live in sydney. I have four kids who I love dearly. I’m a stay at home mum by choice, because it hit me last year after struggling with work/life balance that my kids are my most important job and its a privilege to have them. Hubby agrees. I am into fitness and health, enjoy a good chat, and enjoy reading blogs such as yours. Have a great day!! Ps. I struggle with being organised in the home. It does not come naturally to me!! Xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Mrs T, so great to learn a bit about you!!! Wow, 4 kids, you must be very busy!! Good on you for saying no to work and focussing on your family. It is a hard job, god help us. Thanks so much for reading, I love having you around here. 🙂

      • Mrs T

        I’m no more busy than, say, a mum with three kids, a station to cook for and a mammoth shopping list every week!!! Love hearing your stories, I like how you tell it like it is! And I love anything a bit country!!

        • Miss Chardy

          Ha ha ha ha. Don’t blame you for needing a bit of “country” when you live in Sydney. I did 3 years down there and that was enough for me. 🙂

  32. Kacee Glynn

    Hi miss Chardy, I joined your website a few months ago. I come from Mount Gambier, South Australia and I’m currently completing year 11 at Allendale East Area School; the main subjects I am focusing on are Agriculture and Maths.
    I hope to move to Emerald, Queensland in a year and a half and work as a station hand on a cattle station.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Kacee, thanks so much for saying hi and telling us a bit about yourself. Good luck with your schooling and I hope you get to that station.

  33. Emma

    Hi Miss Chardy, I’m from regional WA and love and relate to many of your posts. I have worked on cattle stations, when I was younger as a governess, station cook, camp cook, jillaroo and nanny, like you I am now a Mum with 2 school aged children. I work part time at my children’s school and it’s fantastic to be in paid employment again after being a stay at home mum, unpaid for many years! I too love going away for weekends etc, but hate the unpacking at the other end. Especially when everyone gets the “All hands on deck to unpack the car when we pull up” talk, which everyone does agreeably for Dad as he bribes them with the last of the travel mixed lollies, then it gets dumped in a pile inside the front door for Me to deal with! Job complete for everyone else! My only tip is to take a separate bag for washing so you don’t need to sort through a million bags before heading straight to the laundry to get that first load churning. Love your blog and feel devastated for your recent loss in your little station community. He looked and sounded like such a lovely bloke.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Emma, really great to hear from you! Oh Emma, that is EXACTLY what happens here when we get home – everything plonked inside the door and on my bench…. unless I make really fast interceptions then it is all over red rover. Thanks so much for your tips and thanks for sharing a bit about yourself. 🙂

  34. Sarah Prunster

    Hi from Moscow, Russia!! I’m an Aussie Expat from a lovely little country town in Victoria called Mansfield. I have lived in 6 countries in 12 years and this is our second posting in Russia (last time was Siberia so this is a little more civilised but I liked Siberia better). I really enjoy your blog, love the outback of Australia, the red dirt, the roads that seem to go to nowhere and the isolation. My expat life is kind of like yours, I am are isolated from what I once knew and every now and then I have to get ‘out’ or i’ll go crazy 😉

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Sarah, oh god your life is fascinating. It am amazed that someone is saying hello to me all the way from Moscow….just crazy. I reckon Expat life and station life would be very similar, I always think this when listening to the Two Fat Expats Podcast. Your life sounds very very interesting. Thanks so much for telling us about yourself.

  35. grantwright1972

    Hi Miss Chardy, i must be the only male following here … ?? you have quite a following 🙂 and everyone’s feeds are interesting to read. I am about to click over to 43, and live in Hillston NSW, which i am guessing you may have heard given you have travelled these outback NSW roads and towns nearby. Have two children aged 13 and 10 who come out in school hols and odd weekends. My daughter and I are into horses. My son loves his computer games. Our home has two dogs, a cat, three budgies, one guinea pig and 11 chickens! 🙂 Originally i came from Sydney, but love it out here.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Grant…so great to have you here – a male!! Don’t worry, you are not alone, there are a few more blokes lurking around these parts!!! Big strong plumbers from Tennant Creek, horse made fire fighter from Gippsland, Farmer George….so you aren’t alone!!! Thanks so much for saying hi. Yes, I do know where Hillston is but have never been there, I did go to boarding school with a girl from Hillston though, that is why I know of it. Thanks again! 🙂

      • grantwright1972

        🙂 Who was it you went to school with from here?

  36. Heather

    Hello Miss Chardy!
    I am from Nova Scotia, Canada. Married with 2 kids – one living in western Canada and working – the other at home still, working after finishing university. Married for 30 years this year to a lovely guy that I hope to enjoy healthy retirement with in a few years. I’m 55 and still working in sales. Love your blog to get a sense of life in rural Australia. I have family in Sydney and surrounding area and have always thought I’d love to travel down under to meet them and see your lovely country.
    Keep up the Greta work on your blog- it’s clear you have a diverse and interesting fan club just from the comments you’ve gotten.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Heather…. yet another reader from far far away land!!!! So excited to hear from you all the way from Nova Scotia, still gobsmacked that people in other countries are reading this blog. Thanks so much for saying hi and sharing a bit about yourself. And congratulations on 30 years of marriage, that is impressive. My Mum and Dad will be up to 45 years this year I think. Thanks for reading Heather. 🙂

  37. Kristin

    Hi Miss Chardy – good on you for giving us a nudge to say G’day.

    I’m based in Sydney and think your blog is excellent – I love all the details on the life on a property such as yours in the outback. Every now and again I’m envious and think my own kids (5, 3 & 1) would love your life but then they do something SO CITY KID that I actually get a bit worried about them and their shockingly low levels of nature-based resilience (eg. “I DON’T LIKE THE RAIN, MUMMY!!! MAKE IT STOP SO I DON’T GET WET WHEN WE DROP FUZZ AT SCHOOL!” Yeah, sure, Kid – I’m onto it.).

    We travel a few hours up the coast regularly to visit my family & as soon as we walk back in the door & my partner unpacks the car I leave him to tend the Smalls while I unpack everything. Though, I think my weekends away may involve less hard work on return than yours might (I’m talking unpacking a few totes and putting through some washing).

    See you!


    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Kristen, so great to hear from you. Too funny about your children wanting you to stop the rain. Oh the unpacking after going away is a killer, it isn’t very often that my husband travels with us anywhere so it is usually just me and the kids, or me, the kids and the Govie. So Mr Chardy isn’t usually around when we are home to help unpack. But I don’t think it matters where you live Kristin….it is not pretty. I need to work on my strategy and will report back to you all after I return from my week in town this month. Thanks again for saying hi and reading.

  38. Anna

    Hi all,

    I’m Anna and I’m 19. I’m the govie on a cattle station five hours NE of Alice Springs. Love it here and can’t see myself leaving the area any time soon!
    It’s been absolutely freezing here lately, and oh so windy – yet, the flies are still out in huge numbers! It’s supposedly warming up in the next few days before it starts to get into the proper cold night and morning weather. It’s interesting to see how many layers you can start with in the morning only to be in just a shirt by smoko.

    I cringed when I read about you picking up Lego. That is my absolute least favourite chore in the world – it seems to be never ending! I started a new reward system a few days ago though, if there’s no Lego pieces left around unattended of the afternoon for two weeks then we get to go to the ice creamery after school when we go into town for Sports Week. The amount of pieces left around has quickly dwindled!

    The stock camp are all out tonight so I have our staff quarters to myself! I’ll most certainly be having a night curled up in front of the fire with the chick flicks on TV and a glass of wine in hand. It will be so peaceful. No doubt though, after half an hour I’ll be lonely, missing their company and wishing they were back to have a laugh with. Luckily I’m going out early in the morning to help them for the day! So great to combine my two passions in one job – agriculture and education!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Anna, so great to hear from you. Thanks so much for sharing. Have loved reading about what you are up to. Well done to you with the lego reward system, great idea. Oh I do love the sound of curling up in front of a fire and watching some chick flicks with a glass of wine, that sounds utterly divine, if only I had a fire. Seriously!!! Enjoy!!!

  39. Fiona Sherwood

    Hi Miss Chardy….well I came across your blog on FB…I think you were linked to a one of the Rural Australia pics….(great pics, love everything they post). I live in a beautiful seaside town on the south coast of Ireland called Kinsale. I met my Australian husband here when he was visiting back in 2000, I then went on to spend most of my 20’s living in Sydney – which I loved! I’m 37, and have 2 gorgeous (highly energetic) boys, 2 & 5, and a rather stressed out jack russell terrier named Tilly (our girl name haha).
    I never had the chance to visit much of rural Australia which is something I really regret, hopefully when the boys are older we will. For now, every trip home in spent between the Central Coast, Sydney & Lord Howe Island. But I was instantly attracted to your blog as my husbands late grandma grew up on a cattle station – and she was the ultimate lady.
    I love hearing about your day to day life….
    I was so sorry to hear about the passing of Mick – that was a heart breaking post to read.
    Keep up the good work…I don’t know how you face all that cooking everyday!!

    (Tip: I sweep up the Lego with a broom…much faster!)

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, I use the broom too on the hard floors…..I am totally with you there. So lovely to hear from you Fiona, great to have you on board. Thanks for reading and telling us a bit about your life – very interesting. We sound very similar, similar age – boys – jack russell. ha ha ha.

  40. Julie Hofmann

    Hi Miss Chardy,
    I so enjoy reading your posts and hearing about your lifestyle. It is similar to mine yet so different. I am a 50 something farm and ranch wife in North Dakota U.S.A. Our kids are all gone, but one of them lives just over the hill so the 3 grands are here often. I am with you on the mess.i am not happy until everything is picked up and put back where it belongs. Since I help with the farming and the cattle I don’t always have a lot of free time so it is important to keep on top of it. So happy you are managing that with your busy life. Thanks for keeping me entertained and giving me a glimpse into your world.


    • Miss Chardy

      I am so excited to hear from you Julie – all the way from North Dakota (saying that in an american accent in my head and cracking myself up)…. I love hearing from people all over the world. So thanks for reading and saying hello.


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