Lets Chat: Belle Gibson, Jailhouse & Podcasts

June 29, 2015

I have a few things to discuss with you today.  Belle Gibson, Jailhouse, Podcasts and a new show I saw advertised last night.  We much chat about them.  Go and grab a coffee and sit down…

Ok, so Belle Gibson… wow.  Did you see her on 60 Minutes last night.  I haven’t really been following her story but certainly caught up last night when I flicked the channel over.  That girl has serious issues, she couldn’t lie straight in bed.  She couldn’t even give Tara a straight answer when asked “how old are you Belle”.  I actually feel sorry for her because she really does have problems.  What are your thoughts?  Did you see it?  Were any of you followers of her blog etc?

After 60 Minutes I flicked over to a show called Jailhouse – all about life in a women’s prison.  Did anyone else watch it?  I didn’t watch all of it, but it did make me think.  They seemed to have it pretty good in there.  I am thinking that for most of the girls/women it is the first time they have had structure in their lives and people to look after them.  Well I am not sure that “look after” is the right term, but you get my drift.  It seemed to be a bit like boarding school.  They didn’t wear prison uniforms, their cells looked more like bedrooms, with bright coloured doona’s and they were probably more useful in there than they were on the outside.  To tell you the truth I don’t know why any of them would want to leave.

A few quotes from some of the inmates interviewed…

“I really do like it here”

“I don’t want to go, I know that is weird”

“Get paid 1 pound a week and are allowed to have a tv in their cell”

“No lights out rule”

My goodness… I am thinking I might like to make a booking.  Sounds pretty good doesn’t it.  Someone to cook for you, someone to wash your clothes, basically one big sleep over.  It is no wonder they don’t want to leave.  I wouldn’t either.

While I was watching Jailhouse I saw an ad for a new show coming soon… the name of the show is “Plonk”.  Can you believe it.  Why have they not asked me to host it?  I really must see what it is all about.

I also found a few new Podcasts yesterday.  Are you a Serial fan?  I didn’t realise there were so many other Podcasts out there about Serial.  Podcasts talking about a podcast.  I downloaded a few episodes of The Serial Dynasty.  From this one I discovered there are also others which discuss Serial: Serially Obsessed & Serial Serial.   And of course there is Undisclosed.  For any Serial fans out there you must get on board with Undisclosed.   3 Attorneys are continuing the investigation.

Now, for any bloggers out there you might be interested in the new ProBlogger Podcast with Darren Rowse.  I listened yesterday while doing the mowing.  Here is a visual.


Clearly I don’t have anything terribly exciting to tell you, my weekend consisted of cooking and cleaning.

So what have you been watching and listening to lately?  
Do you have any new podcasts for me?
How was your weekend?


  1. Cooker and a Looker

    You spent the weekend cooking and cleaning too?
    Yesterday Em and I had a text-off, we sent each other photos of clean floors and dirty fridges etc and agreed that we lead very glamorous lives. We should have included you! 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I was right up there in the glamour stakes… 🙂

  2. vanessajrowse

    Oh you are too funny Miss Chardy! Lots of domestic admin here too as usual although we did escape yesterday for lunch and Mister Maker in the city. Mr SnS and Mr 8 even kicked on to the footy while the little boys and I were happy for a lazy arvo at home. I did watch Belle and found it shed no light just asked more questions. I can’t believe she was paid for it too. x

    • Miss Chardy

      OMG – Mister Maker – wow!!! I saw him interviewed on Studio 10 yesterday, I just love Mister Maker!! I felt a bit weird listening to your husband while doing the mowing yesterday, kept thinking of you and laughing to myself, ha ha ha.

  3. Fashionista

    Didn’t watch Belle, 60 Minutes annoys me no end. I have not followed her blog/story so care factor is a bit low.

    All weekend excitement here with cooking/cleaning/endless laundry chores/preparing for the week coming. My sister (being a smart alec) asked me why I wasn’t on the Real Housewives of Melbourne. Other than the obvious that my bosoms are too small (and shy), there is nothing TV worthy in real (as opposed to the manufactured) housewife life. There is no drama/glamour in piles of washing, either dirty or clean. There is no drama/glamour in writing a meal plan and then cooking it yourself.

    Have a most excellent week.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, you crack me up Judy. Since my sister left I can’t seem to stay on top of the washing, I need my housekeeper back!

  4. Evie Jean

    Hey Miss Chardy!
    I like your mowing style – beats having to do a gazillion clipping runs with the wheelie bin!
    I just received a package from JB HiFi – started on Girls, it’s a bit young, I prefer the original Sex and the City girls! Late to the party, as usual, I have just started watching Orange is the New Black, I like it!! I have True Detective there to watch too, Matthew McConoughey AND Woody Harrelson; even if the story line is rubbish, it should still tick quite a few boxes!! 😉
    I have about 3 weeks of podcasts to catch up on!!
    My weekend was fab! Had markets on Friday night (Evie Jean Jewellery 🙂 Look for me on Facebook!), sleepovers with my nephew and his bestie on Saturday night and family lunch on Sunday; all good times!

    • Miss Chardy

      Girls… have never heard of it but might have to look into it. I am listening to Orange is the New Black on Audio Book at the moment. Which podcasts are you listening to? any new ones for me? Will head over and look for you on Facebook now. Glad you had a lovely weekend.

      • Evie Jean

        No new podcasts; catching up on 2 Fat Expats, Over the Back Fence, Love Life (cause I need help with that) and Hay House guided meditations 😉
        Check out Hay House, they have some cool stuff if you are into that kind of thing, I cannot get my brain to stop long enough to meditate by myself, so the guided ones are really good!

        • Miss Chardy

          Fantastic, I am going to check it out.

  5. Sandra Scott

    Missed 60 minutes but hope to catch up with it, I did watch Jailhouse and its sad to think all those girls have nothing else in life. I recently ordered some colouring books for adults ( more like arts therapy) and I think I’ve started something as at least six of my fb friends have now bought one and new coloring pencils (Derwents) but I’m guessing you probably don’t have the time to sit and colour in. The Book Depository in the UK has free delivery and their range of all sorts of books is amazing.

    • Miss Chardy

      Enjoy your colouring Sandra!

  6. Auntie Theresie

    Morning Miss Chardy, The photo of Clancy takes me back to when you were his age. He is the living image of you.
    A Theresie xo

    • Miss Chardy

      Isn’t that a cute photo of him, he was driving that dump truck around the whole time I was mowing, and kept collecting any clippings that I dropped. So cute.

  7. Anne@GritandGiggles

    Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning … why does it never end? I need to go do some more now. Belle Gibson … ye I watched the interview, yes she has issues. I also watched house rules and they did some nice things to that old gem of a house but I still can’t get over the fact that they took out the windows. Jailhouse … can I move in tomorrow? No, not really but I’d love to head back down to my Mum’s. I hope your week is a good one.

    • Miss Chardy

      NEVER ENDS….oh god it never ends! Never. I am just about over it. I hope you have a great week too Anne.

  8. barbiewalkerBarbie Walker

    Was excited yesterday Miss Chardy, the new Coles supermarket now has the same trolleys as Mt Isa somewhere to put the drink and a sheet with isle numbers and where to find things WOW really good.
    TV I watched on 7 here “A new face for Yahya”
    A Moroccan boy who was born without eyes, a nose, or a fully formed mouth has undergone marathon surgery to give him a new face. an amazing story and show the dedication of the Dr’s .
    also watched
    “Keeping The King Alive”
    Elvis’ spine-tingling, explosive comeback in the late ‘60s has been restored and the woman closest to him, Priscilla Presley, speaks about his incredible career, as I am an Elvis fan it was amazing story.
    Cleaning yes I scrubed the shower today and rest !!!
    Have a great week Miss Chardy

    • Miss Chardy

      Yay for the new trolleys!!! I saw some of the Elvis show too. The one about the Moroccan boy sounds amazing, but very sad. 🙂

  9. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    It was a boring weekend here with mundane cleaning and washing but now I’m glad it’s over for a week or a month depending on how lazy I feel! Raining here for first day of school holidays. UGH x

    • Miss Chardy

      So nearly as fun as my weekend Em!!! Happy holidays…..;)

  10. hugzillablog

    I saw the Belle Gibson interview. Infuriating. Frustrating. Bewildering.

    • Miss Chardy


  11. Erica

    My life consists of cooking and cleaning. Oh and teaching, reading blogs, watching tv, reading, drinking bubbles, but mostly just cooking and cleaning.

    • Miss Chardy

      So glad I am not alone… 🙂

  12. Caitlin

    I’ve only just recently discovered podcasts. A friend sent me one on ADHD, which is pertinent because my eldest was diagnosed with it earlier this year. Anyway, once I’d listened to heaps on that channel, I started branching out. The latest I’m enjoying is Gretchen Rubin. She’s a US blogger, talking about happiness. I have a thing about being happy, so I’m loving her content. (I read her book a few years back for bookclub, it was very good.)

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Caitlin, I am always up for new podcast suggestions, will definitely check out Gretchen Rubin. I listen to Mamamia Outloud podcast and they were discussing this very podcast only last week. My favourites are: Two Fat Expats, I Don’t Know How She Does It, Mamamia Outloud, This Glorious Mess. Great to hear from you.


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