Life on an Outback Cattle Station: My Mundane

May 4, 2015

Life has been pretty busy since I decided to give this whole cooking thing a go.  I feel like I have been chasing my tail the past week, trying to get ahead but feeling like I am getting nowhere.  It is non stop action around these parts I tell you.  From baking to cleaning to disciplining kids (oh dear lord – send help) to unpacking stores….it is a thrill a minute and totally glamorous.  Here is what I have been up to the past week.  I just know you are dying to see what has been going on so here are some visuals…

I have really been enjoying my early morning walks lately.  The weather is just glorious (as my Aunty Theresie would say).  It is so peaceful strolling through the bush, of course I listen to podcasts as I go along.  I listened to such an interesting one the other day – Converstations with Richard Fidler: Leila Abukar.  It was a new one and only released on Thursday.  You need to listen to it, this lady was fascinating.  All it says in the “info” section is: “Leila Abukar was born in Somalia and spent her teenage years in refugee camps”. But let me tell you, this lady is amazing and the story will have you dropping everything to listen.  Onto it people.


Of course life has been busy cooking cooking cooking and more cooking….. here are a few things I have whipped up…. last week there was sweet corn and bacon pies, crumbed steak, butterscotch pudding, anzac slice, chocolate slice, roast, beef curry and last night I decided it was an easy night: hotdogs at the rec club.

sweetcornbaconpies pudding

Here is my little offsider/apprentice chef.  He does love to help….can’t say I am all that thrilled about his eagerness though. We all know my thoughts on cooking with children.  Yes, he does have his shirt on the right way in this photo, but don’t worry, it is inside out.  Oh well, at least he can dress himself.


On Saturday I decided to eat a big fat frog… I cleaned the dreaded stove top and oven.  I have been thinking about this for weeks.  It is possibly one of the worst jobs ever.  2.5 hours of solid scrubbing not to mention nearly passing out from the fumes of the “Predator” cleaning agent…even sounds nasty doesn’t it.  But it works an absolute treat.  Feels so good to have it done.  Don’t have to worry about it now for another month.


A heap of frozen/cold items came on the plane last week, we were flat out fitting them on the resort buggy. Looks like no one will be going hungry for a while now. See…


The stock camp have been out mustering the past 4 days which has been SO SO NICE.  This means I don’t have to do smoko or lunch for them, which gives me a chance to catch up a little bit.  On Friday I was so over it that I offered the kids chip sandwiches for lunch.  Did you used to have these sometimes as a kid?  God I used to love a chip sandwich.  Mr Chardy then introduced me to grated cheese and sauce as an extra and I have never looked back.  Stop turning your nose up and give it a go.  You won’t regret it.  Although my children were not as enthusiastic as me.  Who the hell are they for goodness sake, they can’t possibly be mine if they don’t like a good old chip sandwich.  I was shocked.


I can feel my captain cranky pants about to explode.  I definitely need to get the hell out of here pronto.  You can tell I haven’t been to town for months, I am going bonkers.  This time next week we will be in Mt Isa and I cannot wait to drive out of here on Sunday.  So much to do between now and then though, so I best get to it people.

What did you get up to on the weekend?
Are you turning your nose up at my chip sandwich or are you a lover? Stop being such a snob and go and try it.
Are you onto the Podcasts?  Any new ones for me?  I am loving the TED Radio Hour.



  1. Laurice

    I hate to tell you that it rained all weekend. Torrential stuff. Can’t wait til it takes off. I tried yo duck the cooking all weekend and only ended up cooking dinner last night. Not really cooking when you shove it in the oven and leave it for 8 hrs on low temp – 8hr Lamb with Tabouli Hommous and flatbread. No to chip sandwiches. Sorry

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, so that is a no from you then…. The rain over on the south east has been crazy. That lamb sounds like it would have been delicious. I will be putting roast beef in the oven to slow cook all day shortly. 🙂

  2. Cat

    I loved a chip sandwich as a kid! My mum would make them with samboy barbeque chips, soooo very good.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh yum, I love Samboy bbq chips.

  3. Danita Mcmurray

    Chip sandwich who doesn’t love them with a dash of vinegar not sure about the sauce and cheese bit.. Since it bucketed in brisbane on friday outdoors activities were out which can only lead to one thing – get organised, cleaning washing and food prep done for the week looks like more time to catch up on reading and finish the crochet blanket I started last year.. Hope you have a great week

    • Miss Chardy

      Mr Chardy would love that vinegar idea. He is a big vinegar man. Well done with getting so organised, that is fantastic, bet it feels great. I hope you have a great week too.

  4. Have A Laugh On Me

    I too was quite upset that my kids didn’t appreciate the amazing creation that is the chip sandwich, weirdos! All that cooking and baking, my mum would love it. I wish I had time for podcasts, I do listen to Richard when he’s on ABC radio though… love who he gets to interview. This weekend we looked at land, maybe to build again, but so much to consider.. watch this space. And you’re on the home stretch and this time next week will be tasting freedom BABY! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Who are they Em…not liking chip sandwiches indeed…very weird. A great time to listen to podcasts is when you are cleaning or doing boring mundane jobs. Oh that is very exciting (and daunting) about looking at land to perhaps build on. Keep us posted. Oh god I can almost feel the freedom…not to mention the hair cut that I will be having next week in town….bring it on.

  5. Anita McCarthy

    Morning Miss Chardy….somehow I came across your page (maybe dear old social media, FB) & love having a read! Life out here on Stirling is always go go…but love it. Yes I put my hand up…I loved the chip sandwich or chip roll…not sure with sauce though! Would love to think I had time to listen to a podcast. Really interested in the one with the girl from Somalia.We are always cooking up a storm in the kitchen…made this huge banana cake yesterday.I have had this recipe for the best part of the last 25 years & it has never failed. 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Are you with Josh and Toni? Great to hear from you Anita. Hope you get to listen to the podcast. I have loved listening to podcasts while I cook or clean or go for my walk. Can’t get enough of them. I love a good banana cake. 🙂

      • Anita McCarthy

        No…not sure who Josh & Toni are. Stirling Station…280 kms north of Alice Springs.Where do I find the Somalia girl podcast?

        • Miss Chardy

          Oh sorry, wrong Stirling. Ok, for the podcast with Leila Abukar – go to Conversations with Richard Fidler on iTunes or on the “Podcast” app. The interview with Leila is second from the top, from Thursday last week. It was fantastic. Let me know if you can’t find it.

  6. Edwina Hick

    Love a good chip in a bread roll. have not had one in years!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ohhhhh in a roll, have never done that. I too hadn’t had a chip sandwich in years either Edwina, god it was good, just can’t believe the boys weren’t excited.

  7. Sandra Scott

    I love chip sandwiches too. You have such a busy life, enjoy your break in Mt Isa.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I WILL enjoy my week in Mt Isa Sandra….I will indeed. 🙂

  8. Trish MLDB

    I shouldn’t have come today – I’m starting a $2 food challenge – Live below the line with 8300 others. I could inhale a chip sandwich in 5 secs .S & V.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh wow Trish, I just had a look on your blog. Well done to you for living on $10 for this week, wow, can’t wait to see how you go. Yes, perhaps avert your eyes from this blog post then Back to your rice. Good luck.

  9. Michele davis

    Haven’t had a chip sandwich but at school we’d have a sausage roll, in a roll, with sauce of course! Haven’t had one since. You must be so organised with your food order! All those boxes! I shop nearly every day, not so organised! Have been listening to Serial, very good. Enjoy Mt Isa,.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Serial….god I loved it, I was so sad when I listened to the last episode knowing there was no more. Then I got onto Criminal and This American Life. Have to be organised when you live this far from town or we would all starve, ha ha ha. But at least I only have to do it every month or so. When I was at school we used to have a chicken & corn roll in a bun with sauce, that was all the rage. 🙂

  10. Margareta

    OMG, chip sandwiches. We love them here. Such a treat! My late mum would always let us have a ham and chip sandwich for lunch on Saturday. My kids love them. Never tried cheese and sauce though. Knowing my lot who LOVE cheese & sauce – we buy them in bulk – they’d probably love it. We’ll give them a whirl. This podcast business. I’ve never tried. Do you have to have really good reception? And do you have to subscribe to something to get them? I’d love something like that to listen to on my morning walk. Spent the weekend at East Gippsland Farm Field Days signing books and then at the Victorian Yard Utility Farm Dog Championships – not competing, just dreaming 🙂 Gorgeous day here now, but shocker of a start. Fogged in like you wouldn’t believe!

    • Miss Chardy

      OMG, this whole chip sandwich thing is cracking me up – I can’t believe all the different varieties that there are popping up…ham seems to be a popular one yet I would never think to try it. Sounds good. You have to get onto the podcasts, you need decent internet as you have to download them (hence uses download usage). I wrote a blogpost about them – you can search “podcasts” on my blog and you will find it. My sister breeds kelpies and they used to compete at dog trials in NSW, I think they might be a bit busy lately to do any.

  11. Lauren Bax

    Oh miss Chardy, next time u are feeling like a chip sandwich, put an Aussie twist on it.. u must try original chips with butter and vegemite!! It’s the best! I had one last week! Bron and I used to eat them as kids! And sometimes I will add a slice of cheese too!

    • Miss Chardy

      YUM, I love the sound of that!!!!

  12. Heidi

    OK…you’ve got my interest piqued…a chip sandwich. I am going to try it. Butter, bread, chips and what is the sauce? My boys used to put chips on their ham or turkey sandwiches. I wonder how well it would go with a glass of Chardonnay? How far is Mt. Isa from you? It sounds like you’ve been busy, busy, busy. I, too love TED talks, especially ones regarding our brains and how you can rewire it:) Have a great week!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, I am pretty sure the old chip sandwich would team perfectly with a glass of Chardy!!! I used tomato sauce. So yummy. We are 5 hours from Mt Isa.

  13. Mrs T

    Chip sandwiches!! Yes! My mum used to make those as a treat sometimes. I do like the sound of sauce and cheese extras. The other my mum did was fry crumpets in butter in the fry pan and put a slice of tasty cheese on top to melt. Yum!! Cheesy buttery goodness! I did mention they were a sometimes food. Stove top looks lovely, well done!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh too funny, all of these dirty little secrets are coming out for everyone to see, I love to keep it real and honest. That crumpet thing sounds great, not sure about the cheese but I am sure it is fab. I do love a crumpet.

  14. vanessajrowse

    I love reading about your life on the station Miss Chards – it is such an eye opener. Good on you for cleaning the stove – that’s a great thing to tick off the endless list. I do love a chip sandwich but I usually make them with hot chips :). Hope the rest of your week goes well. x

    • Miss Chardy

      Yet another one I haven’t tried – a hot chip sandwich, I would have to have gravy with it too… ha ha ha. Yum!

  15. Beth Graham

    I used to love twisties in a bread roll, cheese being my fav. Had a fab weekend taking my daughter to her first archery comp. in Bordertown SA. Had a ball shopping in Naracoorte. Miss the Country Boutiques.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh wow, all of these different chip roll/sandwich varieties are coming out of the woodwork… I have never had a twisty sandwich but definitely wouldn’t say no.

  16. Kimberley

    I would love the recipe for the Anzac slice, it looks like it would be more time effective than biscuits. Was that a self saucing pudding also? Please share.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh it is so much easier that biscuits, but I did just use my biscuit recipe. I will pop both recipes up on the blog, how about that?? See you next week???

  17. Dee

    Chicken Chips on a double cut buttered Roll memories of high school in the early 70’s (plus mustard pickles on toast for breakfast). At least my kids enjoyed chip sandwiches too

    • Miss Chardy

      YUM!!!! Yes, what on earth is wrong with my children. Is it the fact that I at too many smiths chips when I was pregnant…I thought they were going to come out looking like the Gobbledock.

  18. Kate

    Chip sandwiches are THE BEST. I love Conversations as well – Richard always asks such insightful questions but knows when to be quiet and just the guest speak as well. Great stuff

    • Kate

      Oh I just realised you meant potato chips…. I meant hot chips! Gotta have marge too and sauce. The only time I have sauce on hot chips is in a chip sandwich. Has to be white bread too, no other bread works nearly as well. Super healthy!!

      • Miss Chardy

        I have never had a hot chip sandwich and it looks like it is a thing, must try it, carb on carbs, ha ha ha.

    • Miss Chardy

      He is brilliant isn’t he Kate.

  19. JP

    Gee I used to love a potato chip sandwich. Spread cream cheese on both slices first and you won’t look back.

    I also used to love adding hot chips to a ham (and butter) sandwich. How can something so bad be soooo good?

    Why did neither team think of these options on the MKR final tonight? If you run into Jac and Shaz when you’re next in The Isa, you might pass a few tips on to them.

    • Miss Chardy

      I missed the final of MKR, did Jac and Shaz win???? Wow cream cheese – that sounds good.

  20. Sarah Prunster

    Chip sandwich – yeah/nah don’t think I could. I love the volume you can cook in – more than 4 and I am in a tailspin. I also loved the massive block of butter – we have had sanctions on butter (yep of all things) for ages now and oh how I miss it. We just had our first ‘snow free’ week since last November/December so I think that spring may have sprung here in Moscow….FINALLY!!! I can feel your needing to get out and I’m right with you. I haven’t been ‘out’ since early Jan and I feel that the cranky pants are on 24/7 – the countdown is on…..6 weeks until school is out and we are on that plane home to Oz – can’t wait!!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh yes – get us out of here …. be it Moscow or Chardy HQ, ha ha ha. Too funny. That is very exciting that it is only 6 weeks until you get out of there for a trip back to Oz. That will be here before you know it.

  21. Evie Jean

    Your weekend was much more productive than mine! We had my cousin’s 21st on Saturday, there was waaaay too much rum consumed and therefore, Sunday was very dusty…… was a hilarious weekend, but it is probably lucky we only catch up every couple of years!

    • Miss Chardy

      Sounds like lots of fun!!!

  22. Ellie

    Sorry nose will be permanently upturned on that one. Not even willing to give it a go and I am quite an adventurous eater. But all the noes on this one.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Ellie, never say never. Don’t you like chips? I am telling you, I turned my nose up when Mr Chardy first did the cheese and tomato sauce thing, then I had a bite and had to eat my words. Go on, I dare you to try it. Live dangerously.

  23. Mrs Bargie

    You are looking very good Miss C, we love chip sandwiches nothing better than a chip sandwich on fresh Biggenden Bakery Bread :). it rained down here most of the weekend, which was just lovely, myself and Mr B just played inside all weekend and were hermits! getting ready for a few days in Rockvegas and Beef. hope you have a great week cooking up a storm. and I have not tried any podcasts but think I may have to give them ago!
    oh and I am cheating with the organisation thing, I got a cleaning lady to come, she is the fairy!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh go you….a cleaning lady is my dream….I would totally have one if I lived in town!!! I am so jealous that you are heading to Beef Week you lucky thing. Have fun. Check out Hitchley and Harrow for me please. Oh I would love to go one year. The rainy weekend sounded lovely, nothing better. Thanks for saying hi.

      • Margareta

        OMG, Hitchley and Harrow. The shirts! Let me swoon now …

        • Miss Chardy

          Mmmmmmm 🙂

  24. ffhousemouse

    I bet you know what I think about the chip sandwich…
    I would like one of those little quiches though.
    After the past few days, I would LOVE some mundane! X

    • Miss Chardy

      Have you ever tried a chip sandwich – I dare you to do it….go on. You haven’t lived until you have had a chip sandwich!!! I think you need a chip sandwich after your past few days!!! Or just a G&T.

  25. mscate

    you have inspired me to make chip sandwiches, bravo

    • Miss Chardy

      You go girl 🙂

  26. andreahomeplans

    Ah the Country Life! Excellent! Thanks for sharing.. Sure gives em a lot of ideas about Ranch House Plans & Designs.. ^_^


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