Life on an Outback Cattle Station: School

January 27, 2016

Is today the first day of the school term for you?  It is up here at Woop Woop.  Our kids follow the QLD school terms as they do their schooling through Mt Isa School of the Air.  I will tell you something for nothing: I am so ready for these boys to go back to school.  Oh the fighting – they are getting so bored and it seems the only thing to do when you are bored is to wrestle or annoy each other.  Is that how it has been at your house?

And guess what…. Clancy starts e-Kindy this year.  How bloody exciting!!!!  He won’t be at school full time but he will be out of my hair for a little while.





We have a lovely new Governess too.  Miss Bobbie arrived on Monday.  The great thing is that she also has a year under her belt of Governess experience.  Last year she had 3 children and has even taught year 6 and e-Kindy so I think she is going to totally rock that school room.  Sorry, I don’t have a photo of her to share with you, didn’t want to scare her off on day one by shoving my camera in her face like some sort of crazed paparazzi.

How was your Australia Day?  Do anything fun?  Hope you had a great one.  Ours was pretty quiet, we did manage to enjoy some time poolside yesterday afternoon and boy was it hot.  The weather has been disgusting.  Even the pool was on the warm side.  I have no idea how Mr Chardy & Co work out in that heat, FOUL!

I am sharing a blog post that I wrote last year – all about our school room here at Chardy HQ.   Things will be a bit busier over there this year with 3 kids.  It is also Tom’s last year of school here before he heads off to Boarding School in year 7.

You can read all about our school room HERE.

Too all of you sending your kids off to school for the very first time today be it prep or boarding school –  good luck and stay strong.  To everyone else who has had enough of school holidays – WOOOOO HOOOOOOO – enjoy!!!

Happy days my friends.

Do your kids do School of the Air or Distance Ed?
Do you have a new Govie starting too?
Or are you teaching the kids yourself…. sending patience if you are!



  1. Npot

    You are so lucky. I have to wait until next week for my kids to go back to school. My eldest is off to high school on Monday. Exciting times.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh wow Nadine – high school. Geez. Well, not long to go now until they are back at school for you!

  2. Sally

    I’m hearing you Miss C!! Very over the fighting here but the only down side is……is when they head back into the school room (next week for us) so do I 😳😩!! I’m so not ready to head back in but I’m thankful to only have 2 in school but also have 2 out of school. It might be the year I start colouring my hair if the greys appear haha.
    Enjoy your few days of no kids 😉

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Sally, I feel stressed just thinking about what you do… not sue how you do it. Gosh – go you!!! Good luck with it!!!

  3. Em @ Have A Laugh On Me

    I forgot to get a photo of the three of mine at the front like I do at the start of each year!! Parenting fail! But they all seem happy – the oldest two have all the friends in their class and the same teacher from last year so they are STOKED! Enjoy the serenity x

    • Miss Chardy

      Em, don’t worry i nearly forgot the photo too, but school isn’t far away, ha ha ha ha. It has been so lovely having Clancy go off to the school room. He had a lovely time, back home with me now. 🙂

  4. Helena

    Dropped one back to start year 11 today in Brisbane and start teaching yr 6 when we get home ( not sure I’m ready for it ) and we will probably do Yr 7 as well, definitely not ready for that! Will make 12 years of teaching distance ed and many grey hairs later.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh wow Helena!!! Go you. Geez. Good luck!!! 🙂

  5. Katherine

    Hehe I can relate I did SOTA when they had 2 way radios and no internet! Loved it. When my sister and I fought mum would say you have a million acres find a place where you’re away from each other! Give or take a few swear words that was the gist of it! Mum did well teaching us from pp- 6 for me and pp-4 for the sister so far the sis has a diploma and is helping run the family business and I’ve done a Uni degree tafe cert and grad dip and am attempting to enrol in honours so I can go back bush! The whole family misses the bush we have a small farm but nothing like the station we had as nan and pop sold it as they were too ‘old’ to keep it up and we weren’t old enough to take it on and dad had a business where we currently are by the way pop is 85 and still does a spot of shearing, fencing, mustering etc here and there! Yep my email is the name of the station we had 😉

    • Miss Chardy

      Love hearing all of this… thanks for sharing, you guys have done really well. How much of a champ is your Pop!!! 🙂

      • Katherine

        Thanks, I hope our year goes well and it’s not to stressful and it’s a goo yr all round! yes there’s hope at the end of the tunnel and mum didn’t kill us kids though I’m sure she wanted to many times as keeping us in the school room was a challenge, it was way more fun mustering, helping the geologists and exploring than being in school mum became quite the negotiator at getting back in and keeping us in the school room! Pop is a legend he was still chasing mickey bulls on a motorbike at 75 or so, he has awesome stories too.



  1. Welcome to Miss Chardy - […] to the house, and we also have a Governess who teaches the kids.  You can read THIS post and…
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