Miss Chardy + Kirsten & Co.

September 6, 2016

Well guys… I am not sure where exactly the last 2 months have gone and now we are somehow in September, not to mention a whole other season.  Hello Spring.  But here we are.  I have unpacked and repacked and will be heading off before sparrows fart in the morning and I mean well and truly before sparrows as I start my long trek to the annual ProBlogger Conference on the Gold Coast.

I am super excited this year as I am going to be roomies with one of my favourite bloggers – Kirsten, from Kirsten & Co.


She is one top chick and super funny.  Just an all round great girl.  I know a lot of you are big Kirsten & Co fans too so we are looking forward to getting together and having a good old chat with you on Wednesday…tomorrow!!!

Kirsten lives in Brisbane with her husband – Guns –  and their two children, Sophie is 12 and Bailey is about 15 I think (sorry Bailey, I can’t remember exactly how old you are).  Here is Guns…


Anyway to cut a long story short I met Kirsten at the first ProBlogger Conference I attended back in 2014, it was a total fan girl moment.  I introduced myself and felt like such a stalker, but it was all good and we haven’t looked back.

So tomorrow morning I will head off at 4:30, drive to Mt Isa and fly to Brisbane.  My chauffeur  Kirsten will be ready and waiting at the Airport to take me back to her house where I will stay the night.   Oh and the most exciting part about the whole sleep over at Kirsten’s….. it is her wedding Anniversary …. so I will be totally intruding and loving myself sick while Guns pumps out cocktails on my arrival.  I do love to intrude on peoples lives.  Oh and did I mention that I have never actually met Kirsten’s family before so when I say intrude I really mean it.  ha ha ha.

Now, Kirsten has started a little thing on Facebook.  Each Friday night she does a Facebook Live Chat.  I am not even sure how to do Facebook Live so can’t really tell you much more.  It is basically a live video where she has a little chat.  You can watch and chime in using the comments.  Anyway, she tells me we are going to do a special Facebook live thingy together this Wednesday.   Won’t it be fun, we can all wish Kirsten and Guns a very happy 19th Wedding Anniversary and have a cheeky drink together!!!

FBL Blog

So what do you need to do?  Well it is simple, just head on over to the Kirsten & Co Facebook Page (just click on that link) on Wednesday night at 7:00pm (QLD time) and you will see our happy little faces there ready to have a chat to you all.  Basically a Kirsten & Chards webinar!!!

Gosh it really does only seem like yesterday that I was getting ready to head off to my very first ProBlogger Conference.  That was back in 2014.  I didn’t know one single person going, but I put my big girl pants on and off I trotted.  Fake it till you make it I say.  I sure did step right outside of my comfort zone back then but that outside area has now become my happy place.  I love meeting new people, doesn’t really faze me.  You can read all about that first conference here.  Or you can read about last years event here.

I am off now to get sorted once again and get all of my jobs done.  Royyyyyyyyal Piiiiiiiiiiines here we come!!!!

Will you be at ProBlogger?
Fancy a wine?


    • Miss Chardy

      Yay, can’t wait.

  1. jac7star

    Thank goodness for spring! Whilst the winter here has been mild, I am still glad to see the back of it! Plenty of calves about the place, almost swimming weather and it is just starting to get light when I leave for work 🙂 these things make me happy!
    Have fun ladies! Happy anniversary Kirsten & Co! (were you a child bride?!!!)

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi There… where do you live?? Warmer weather certainly makes getting out of bed easier, although I would never complain about our winter because I save that for the Summer… the complaining I mean. Yes, I agree, Kirsten must have only been about 5 when she got married…right???

      • jac7star

        I live in Biloela and every winter I start looking at jobs in the Territory/closer to the equator! 😉

        • Miss Chardy

          Ha ha ha, yes we don’t get much of a winter at all.

  2. Barbie Walker

    Miss Chardy I am away in NSW and will miss seeing you, I’m feeling pretty sad about it, you are a breath of fresh air.
    Have a fantastic time here on the Gold Coast, I know you wil have a blast, love to you all .

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh bummer Barbie… was so lovely to have a cheeky Chardy with you last year… amongst ALLLLLLLL of those people.. Boy weren’t there some people!!!! Enjoy NSW!!

  3. Jo @ Countrylifeexperiment

    I was hoping to get to Problogger again this year, but with a house extension due to start any time now, I couldn’t really get away. I will be following social media and trying to keep my FOMO under control – enjoy!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh what a shame, would have been lovely to see you in amongst the hudreds of other people, ha ha ha. Extensions will be good. We will keep you posted on social media. 🙂

  4. Kylie @ValleLagunaBlog

    Yes!!! This is my first time at ProBlogger. Just like you did the first time, I’m putting on my big girl pants and going by myself. So excited.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Kylie, I just checked out your blog and it looks like you live in a stunning part of the world. Gorgeous!!! Please say hi if you see me in amongst the hundreds of people who will be there… are you arriving today? We are. Hope to say hi.


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