Miss Chardy: Lets Chat #2

March 6, 2015

Can you believe it is Friday already. Β Where are the weeks going? Β Not to mention the fact that it is the 6th March 2015….um, where did the first couple of months go?

Are you ready for the weekend? Β I bet you are glad you don’t have to pack a lunch box tomorrow or do school drop offs. Β I really don’t know how all of you town Mum’s manage it. Β I tried it for a couple of weeks before Clancy was born and it definitely wasn’t as easy as I thought. Β Firstly I was fat and pregnant, secondly it was a freezing cold July in Mudgee, so that was a shock factor for myself and the kids, especially the 4 year old who refused to wear a singlet or anything warm. Β Then there was the getting up, getting dressed, popping some makeup on (because nobody wants to see this face bare I am telling you now) doing your hair, packing the lunch boxes (ohhhhhhhh god, I really don’t know how you do this everyday – there were quite a few days where I just threw some money into a bag for a lunch order) and then the whole getting out of the house etc etc. Β I used to think you all had it easy, just dropping your kids off to school and that was that. Β The day disappears before your very eyes and before you know it, it is time to collect the little buggers again. Β And don’t even get me started on how sick Harry got at Day Care…..he is scared for life from “Squeakers”.

Well that was a little off track wasn’t it. Β But we are here for a chat so I guess it is ok. Β Lucky these little fingers can tap away on these keys like it is nobodies business….thanks June Dally-Watkins.

Mr Chardy popped into town yesterday. Β Just had to pick up a few things. Β Now by popped into town I am talking a 10 hour round trip in the one day, and by collect a few things we are talking a whole ute load packed to the brim of stuff. Β I am pretty sure he did it in record time as he was home by 7pm. Β That meant he had a whole 4.5 hours in town. Β He bought me home a surprise present…. here have a look…




IMG_4625A rattle gun and a blower. Β Isn’t he sweet. Β I am quite excited about them. Β The rattle gun will live in my car and I am pretty sure that even if I don’t really know quite how to change a tyre now, this gun will make me bullet proof and I will have that flat sorted in no time….won’t I? Β I did ask him to get me a blower while he was in town, but I didn’t have high hopes.

Then there was all of the wine he arrived home with. Β All the Dan Murhpy’s purchases I have made that haven’t found their way out here. Β Did you know I have been out of Chardy for over a week – I know, first world problems. Β It was probably a good thing. Β But the drought is over and I am pleased to introduce you to a couple of my friends…



If that Peter Lehmann Barossa Blonde doesn’t have my name written all over it then I don’t know what does. Β Isn’t it cool, I just love the label. Β And after my makeover on the weekend it is the wine for me…..I am probably more of an Outback Blonde than a Barossa though. Β  And I discovered this Wirra Wirra Scrubby Rise while on holidays and took quite a liking to it. Β And my sister used to call me a “scrubber” when we were young (wasn’t she lovely) so it reminds me of her a little, and I haven’t seen her in over a year so I guess this Scrubby Rise is going to have to do for now. Β I did stuff up one part of my order though, and 6 bottles of 375ml red wine arrived, cute little bottles, no wonder I thought they were so cheap. Β O well. Β And look, there is a little plug for Nikki Parkinson’s book – Unlock Your Style. Β The Ivy Chronicles is also a good read. Β Gucci Mammas I couldn’t get into, just a bunch of snobby Mum’s from Melbourne, I couldn’t handle it sorry. Β I could probably just watch The Real Housewives of Melbourne instead. Β The personal shopper wasn’t too bad. Β Ha – look, just slipped a quick book review in there with my wine talk.

In other news I am still “Clean” and managing to stay on top of everything on the home front. Β There were a few times this week when I thought I may be slipping back into my old ways, but I soon slapped myself and released my inner DD. Β Just to prove that I was not slipping back I have been having a huge clean out in the boys rooms. Β Wow, I have taken 2 ute loads of rubbish to the dump and put anything that we don’t use/need in the house in storage boxes over in the shed. Β Basically I am pretending we are moving and I can’t tell you how liberating it feels. Β I have even found a home for my vacuum cleaner. Β Our house lacks storage cupboards and hence the vacuum cleaner has just been floating, homeless, around the house for the past 7 years. Β Lately it has lived behind the lounge. Β But i am pleased to announce, after cleaning out the guest bedroom (which Harry has actually claimed as his own), I have found a home for it in the wardrobe. Β I keep going into the boys rooms and just looking at the empty spaces, it is good for the soul I tell you. Β When you toss out the shit you feel like a whole weight has been lifted from your shoulders. Β Not to mention how much easier it is going to be to keep tidy. Β Next on my list is Clancy’s room, which I did not long ago so it should be a breeze and then our wardrobe, which also just needs a bit of a tidy up.

So…. my name is Miss Chardy and I have now been CLEAN for 39 days!!!! Β Woooo hooooo, I think it has finally become a habit. Β And I don’t even mind doing it. Β How are you going with #getsortedwithchards?



Have you managed to stay clean? Β Do you feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders?
Got a rattle gun in your car?
Am I going to be loving myself sick with the new Blower?

Have a great weekend my friends.








  1. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    What a man Mr Chardy is filling up your wine supply and I love a good blow-er – mine is well loved. I love that you’re so clean… but have you thought of your next project, once your house is spick and span from top to bottom? What about writing a book? YAY for Friday, but I have SO much work on, 3 pages of website content for a boutique building business, 2 features, 5 stories about ANZAC day taken from words and rambling of 80-year-olds! – HOLD ME. At least it’s a KFD – kid free day! I will be buying wine tonight xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh…KFD – I love the sound of that. Wow, you are one busy lady aren’t you…you will definitely deserve that wine tonight my friend!!

  2. SarahG

    Hi – recently discovered your blog via BabyMac and Styling You. I’ve also jumped on Beth’s pre baby nesting bandwagon (although my two are just 11 and very nearly 13) and have been doing massive clean ups and chuck outs of all our crap this week. We have lived in our house over 12 years so it was definitely time. Luckily, we have our School Fair coming up so I’ll be donating bag loads of stuff to the Clothing Stall, Book Stall and Trash and Treasure. It’s scary how much stuff we accumulate.

    However, this evening we have 7 10 and 11 year old boys camping out in our camper trailer in our Home Paddock to celebrate the 11 year old’s birthday so today I am making Nigella’s Italian Meatballs for their dinner (11 year old’s request) and icing and decorating his cake (Beth’s Anne Chocolate Cake covered with kitkats and other chocolate related lollies..)

    If I have time, I might do a bit of studying – have just started an online diploma in Art History and Appreciation. Hitting the books for the first time in 14 years is a tad challenging but fun too.

    Have a good weekend and enjoy that chard.. I’m more of a sauv blanc or pinot gris girl myself.. cheers!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello Sarah, Beth and Nikki are so lovely for spreading the Chardy love for me, I am so glad to have you over here sharing it too. It feels so bloody good to be “fake nesting” and knowing that I never ever ever need baby shit again….I chucked out so much baby stuff yesterday and my word it felt good. Wish I had a “fair” to donate half of it too. Goodluck with all of the kids this weekend and that Anne cake sounds yummy! Happy studying too, you go girl!!! I will definitely be enjoying a Chardy this weekend. My new Barossa Blonde!!! x

  3. Anne@gritandgiggles

    Presents from town, how exciting. Actually I wouldn’t mind one of those rattle guns. It would come in handy especially because they always but the nuts on too tight. I need to practice tidying up, that is for sure but right now sleep is more on the agenda. I spy a flying doctors box. Those things are like Christmas especially when it comes to checking whats in them and cleaning them out.

    • Miss Chardy

      You should definitely get a rattle gun, they are the business. My husband bought one last year, telling me it was mine, but then he took it for himself, so I kept telling him I need one to leave in my car…now I finally have one. Now, you go and get yourself one.

      • Anne@gritandgiggles

        I think it might work as a late Birthday present request or maybe I should be asking for a tool set to keep in the kitchen or my car or maybe one of those cool battery chargers. Hey it gives me an idea of what to get him later in the year πŸ˜‰ Mr Sparky is a hopeless gift buyer, they are good when he gets them but he never knows what to get unless your suggestion is a bit blokey and sticks in his head that way. Ahhh well.

        • Miss Chardy

          Tool set for the kitchen sounds good.

  4. joolzmac

    You won’t know yourself with the leaf blower, such a handy thing. I am starting to purge things too. Our ‘new’ house is 10 years old now and I have canisters and a bread crock in the kitchen that have been there that long. Time to go! Time for something new (I just need to find and buy them!). I ditched the bread crock this morning.

    I can see your point about making lunches and getting kids ready for school. I actually didn’t mind packing my kids lunches and I did it right up until they finished Year 12. I’d put them on the bus (that went to the college in Mt Gambier, 50kms away) at 7.30 in the morning, sometimes armed with a chai latte and a toasted cheese and vegemite sandwich for brekky. Sometimes I’d bake a batch of packet muffins and they’d be the envy of the school bus!
    Now, I have to get my hubby’s lunch each day as he is a workaholic and doesn’t have a lunch break, apart for eating it. What to give him? Sometimes leftovers from last nights dinner, sometimes Subway, sometimes and meat and salad roll from the deli. Sometimes a sandwich homemade by me. Always accompanied by a tub of yoghurt and a banana or apple. I haaaaate it! I am tied to that chore each work day and it gives me the shits! He’s been away all this week so I haven’t had to think about it! Yay! But I will be glad he’s home tonight.
    My big girl (Kirby 24) is coming home for the long weekend (Adelaide Cup) too so that will be lovely. Hopefully we’ll get to go to the movies and see the Second Best Marigold Hotel. When she comes home, she requests STEAK cooked by Dad, salad and spudl. Simple pleasures.

    By now, I bet your front yard has been sucked and blown of all leaf litter and your sitting back, having cracked a chardy and surveying your handy work! Enjoy!

    Cheers – Joolz xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Good work with chucking stuff Joolz, especially the bread thingy, ha ha ha. Way to go, feels so good doesn’t it. Have a great time with your daughter this weekend.

  5. Tim Batten

    Hi Miss Chardy.we carry that exact rattle gun in our rally car!!! πŸ™‚ helps us to change a flat tyre in under two minutes! Lol ……ps soooo glad it’s Friday!! because we have a public holiday on Monday, here in our nation’s capital!! Canberra day holiday!! πŸ™‚

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello Tim – so good to know I have the right kind of GUN!!!! I wonder if I could change the old girl in under 2 minutes…perhaps under 2 hours might be more me….Have a great long weekend!!!

      • Tim Batten

        Hope you have a great weekend too! Practice is the key!! You will get it down to under a hour in no time!! Lol…..my girls love your story’s about the “outback” πŸ™‚ Teagan is 9 and Gemma is 7! Once again have a great weekend! πŸ™‚

        • Miss Chardy

          Think I need some practice. So glad your girls enjoy the outback stories. πŸ™‚

  6. Jess

    You love your SA wines, if you ever find yourself in Adelaide I’d love to take you to some of my favorite wineries πŸ™‚

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Jess, I have never been to SA, would love to visit Adelaide, looks like such a pretty city.

  7. ffhousemouse

    Excellent. Hooray for the ‘blower’. You will have that lego sorted into a pile in no time! Ha ha.
    Thoroughly recommend to declutter as if you are moving…I thought I had been…X

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, I will see if it sorts the lego out!!! πŸ™‚ Now back to your packing please.

  8. Zamamabakes

    You go Chards!
    You’ll love that blower and I like the sound of that rattle gun, very handy I deed especially for your solo trips you do (amazing lady!).
    Glad to see you FINALLY got your wine!
    Have a great weekend xx

    • Miss Chardy

      I am excited about the blower…really need a life don’t I. Hope you had a lovely weekend, we had a big trip away for a farewell party – 7 hours there, stayed the night and 7 hours home…very quick trip…:)


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