Miss Chardy’s Guide to Station Cooking – Part 4 – Sweet Smoko

February 24, 2017

Smoko would have to be one of the best little meals of the day… right? No, just me? I love everything about smoko, a little too much if you catch my drift. I remember when I first arrived up in the NT to work as a Governess. Oh the food. It was something else. Surely I was on a feedlot not a cattle station. So much good food. A girl could become the size of a house if she wasn’t careful – thank god for Aerobics Oz Style is all I can say.

Anyway, lets chat about Sweet Smoko. Here at Chardy Central we prefer to have a hot savoury type smoko served with sweet stuff available on the side to pack or snack on. As I said previously, all stations are different.

Set aside a baking day and get cooking. Bake till your little heart is content. Fill up those biscuit, slice and cake containers ready for the busy week ahead. We don’t want those skinny, hungry little Jacks and Jills fading away now do we?

So, what shall we bake? So many options when it comes to sweet smoko… here are a few suggestions:

Get your free printable here: Sweet Smoko Template

You get the drift don’t you? So many options and so yummy! I really need to stay away from the kitchen because I have no willpower and …… all that food!!!   There are 30 options to choose from in that list I have provided. If you stick to that alone you will be doing ok, should get you through the year.

Depending on how many people live on your station you really want to make sure you bake enough smoko to last the week. It also depends on what sort of people you have working for you each year. Do they have a sweet tooth, or are they savoury people? This will determine how much you bake. You will get a feel for what they like and don’t like. It will be trial and error in the beginning until you find your groove and this will change each year. One year you might have a whole crew who devour all the cakes and biscuits, the next year they might hardly touch it. You will figure it all out, don’t stress.

If you have a crew with a sweet tooth you are going to want to double, triple or quadruple the batches, depending on numbers. Remember, they are growing boys!

So what are my go to sweet smoko favourites? I get a little stuck in a rut and tend to bake the same old things over and over, but they are winners. They are the tried and tested favourites, that never seem to go to waste:

This is my go to Butter Cake Recipe.  It is so yummy.   My good friend – Sal – gave it to me, and Sal’s sister in law – “Manda” – gave it to her.  So it is tried and tested.  You can mix it up with different flavoured icing.  Perfect for birthday cakes too.  Just so yummy!

More Recipe Links

Chocolate Slice
Banana Loaf
Cinnamon Teacake

Now it’s your turn. What are your go to sweet smoko suggestions? We would love to hear them. Feel free to share a recipe with us.  Who doesn’t love a new recipe?!



  1. Margareta

    What are those yummy looking ball things in the photo at the top? You wouldn’t have a recipe for those would you, Chards?! Although my body won’t thank you, my taste buds will 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, I think you are talking about the cream buns…. is that right??? Just make some plain rolls and pop some cream in them. 🙂

  2. Amie

    I had to google “smoko” Now I know it’s like a cigarette break? So what snacks you have available for break time. Got it.
    Those yummy looking filled round things look spectacular. They would not last long here.

    I’m going to try the butter cake this weekend. We are suppose to get a snow storm of some significance tomorrow. Yesterday was in the 70s. Spring is coming!
    The butter cake will be just what we need with our coffee as we hunker down for a good old fashioned blizzard this weekend.
    I love trying new recipes.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Amie. Where do you live? Did you give the butter cake a go? It is so yummy! Hope you liked it.

  3. nicolethebuilderswife

    Um…..yummy!!! I think I could like living and working on a station if this is how I would be fed. That said, pretty sure I’d be so fat that I the horses would run in the other direction when they saw me coming 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh it is so bad, I need to stay away from the kitchen. Just so much to choose from and tempt me.

  4. Anne@GritandGiggles

    Oh my gosh, drooling!
    I miss my station baking … I may have been the govie but I certainly provided my share of baking and it might have only been the family and me and sometimes the neighbours but someone was always around to scoff whatever sweet treats were made. I used to make a lemon cake with a crunchy topping, chocolate cake was always a hit and so were scones and scrolls I made using scone mix, both sweet and savoury. My boss used to make the best fruit cake with pineapple in it. We ate so much smoko, especially when working in the yards.
    One day I’ll have people to bake for again!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yum, all sounds delicious Anne!!! The lemon cake with crunchy topping sounds good and I love a nice fruitcake smothered in butter!

  5. Cat@Life through the haze

    Oh boy I am drooling on the shopping list all these ingredients go!!! I will need to have a think I used to make a good sultana slice (very similar ingredients I think I used about 1 cup sultanas instead of cocoa) and put a lemon icing on top! that was great too and an apple slice with cream cheese probably more suited for something special but pretty divine I will have to make that and pop it up for you Dan xoxo

    • Miss Chardy

      Yum, sounds so delicious!!!



  1. Guide to Station Cooking - […] Part 1 – So you want to be a cook Part 2 – Breakfast Part 3 – Savoury Smoko…

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