Miss Chardy’s Guide to Station Cooking: The Epic Cookbook Fail & The Great Ham Fart

March 4, 2020

Well I am here to be fully transparent and tell you all of my epic cookbook fail.  I have learnt a very hard lesson this week: don’t get 500 cookbooks printed without asking 1 or 3 people to proofread it.

Seriously guys, why do I think I can do EVERYTHING myself.  It is like my kids when they were young and they used to say “I can do it mine self”.  Well that is me!  Why do I find it so hard to ask for help, why do I think I can do it all?  Turns out I can’t. And it turns out I am not a cookbook editor.  Who’d have thought.   I must think I am a jack of all trades, but turns out I am master of none.

Over the past few months – while kind of stuck here on the station – I have basically turned into an Author, Editor in Chief, Hairdresser and Kick boxer. But really – I haven’t!

As you know I have been putting my cookbook together – Miss Chardy’s Guide to Station Cooking.  I have been so excited about it – I have wanted to do this for a few years now.  I found a publisher in Australia and I typed up the copy for them, even did the cover artwork myself – of course I did.  I have read that cookbook so many times over the past 2 months, but it turns out I needed a different set of eyes to check it over.  I mean it is a no brainer right?  Wrong! 

Of course I also think I am a Website Developer, so I have been working on the backend of my blog to turn it into an online shop.  The gorgeous Kirsten from Bettyquette and Kirsten & Co has been helping me and I think we nearly have it sorted but again – maybe this is something I should get someone else to do, but no – I think I can do everything.  There are actually trained professionals who do this shit.  

So yes – I sent through that copy to the printers and off we went.  Of course, I don’t do things by halves so thought it best to order 500 cookbooks – as you do.  

They are now sitting pretty in a warehouse in Brisbane – where they will be distributed from – and I also had 100 sent to Mt Isa so I could launch my cookbook next week at our Wild Spark Event in Mt Isa.  I was so excited until I started to actually use the cookbook (well the version I had printed here and put in a folder).  I started to find a couple of mistakes – OF COURSE I DID – because I am not an editor!  I was in denial after finding the first couple of mistakes and thought it would be ok, then I pushed myself to check further and kept finding mistakes.  I mean look guys – it is real, and there are 400 of them at Lexington Logistics in Brisbane – isn’t it pretty…

I felt sick.  I wondered what I should do – of course just having conversations in my own head at this stage.  Talking it over with myself, because that’s always a good idea isn’t it?  Heads up: it’s not!   I talked over a few options with myself:

  1. Sell the cookbook and hope for the best – ignorance is bliss right? I mean there is a disclaimer at the start telling everyone there may be mistakes so that makes up for everything, right? There are probably mistakes in the disclaimer for crying out loud.
  2. Sell the cookbook at a reduced rate – but then those cookbooks would be in circulation with all of those mistakes in it and was I prepared to do that? 
  3. Fix the mistakes, do a re-run of the cookbooks and give the dud ones to family and friends.   No way – not one single dodgy cookbook will ever go into circulation!
  4. Fix the mistakes, get a couple of different people to proofread it and do a re-run of printing the cookbooks.  Discard all 500 of the dodgy cookbooks and start again.  Suck it up and pay the price. Shit was getting real!

Our crew came over for dinner that night and I admitted my massive mistake to them – that wasn’t easy!  I like to do things perfectly and this was not ok.  How embarrassing – I mean seriously – what on earth was I thinking.  I really do like to learn things the hard way, but this was ridiculous. 

I asked them what they thought and the hesitation alone was enough for me.  They were thinking exactly what I was thinking – there is no way I can put that cookbook into circulation, NO WAY!  Then I told Mr Chardy – well that made me feel sick.  But he was amazing – always very wise.  He just said bluntly – well you can’t sell that.  You will ruin your name and your brand!  You are going to have to fix it and start again.  He likened it to branding cattle – the brand that goes on his cattle here are a reflection of him, he needs to make sure those cattle are in the best possible shape when they leave here. That brand is his brand. Isn’t he wise!

Geez, turns out actually speaking to real people does help. It really is true what they say – a problem shared is a problem halved.  

I guess the hardest thing was admitting my error to my business partner – Ed!  That really did make me feel sick.  But doing the right thing isn’t always easy.  I feel so bad that I have let her down and I am just so cross with myself and so embarrassed.  

So, Sam – our Jillaroo – helped me proofread it.  I read through everything and highlighted the mistakes and then Sam went over it again and highlighted anything I had missed.  Um hello, if I took an extra 3 days and did this before sending to the printer I wouldn’t be in this predicament!

We have all been having a good old laugh about it – if I don’t laugh I will definitely cry.  Sam found a few funny mistakes… as I said: Epic Fail.  Check these out, this is the blooper reel.

We call this one “the ham fart”…

“Make sure you cut just through the FART and not into the meat”. I will definitely take that on board Miss Chardy!

Then there are the Taco MICE…

I mean really, a Taco MICE Pizza sounds like the business doesn’t it! Where exactly do I get these Taco Mice from? Should I set a trap the night before?

On the upside I have learnt quite a lot from this silly mistake.  I have learnt that talking your problems over out loud with an actual person really does help.  Stop having conversations with yourself in your head Dan!  I have learnt that you really should ask for help especially if you are planning on having 500 cookbooks printed!  I have learnt that I really can’t do EVERYTHING myself.

In the whole scheme of things it is a first world problem, no one is sick, no one died, and it is just a bloody cookbook.  I am so glad I found these mistakes before I sent them out into circulation.  I mean how embarrassing having that cookbook in station kitchens with all of those errors.  I just couldn’t do it.  

So why am I telling you all this embarrassing story – hopefully it will make you feel better about yourself and it is important to be transparent.  People make mistakes, and I am just glad I am able to fix this one before I release it for real.  

Of course, Ed has talked sense into me, and I am putting the cookbook aside until after our Wild Spark Mt Isa Event which is happening next Friday 13th March.  I am so sad I won’t be able to launch it there, but I have got to stop rushing things.   I mean I actually emailed my printer yesterday to see if there was any chance at all that we could get a new batch of books to Mt Isa by next Thursday – because I think I can do ALL THE THINGS.  Don’t worry – I am not doing that – I am not going to rush this one, turns out it is better to do things properly – gosh who’d have thought.  To the printer’s credit, he said he would try, but I have put that idea to the side for now.  

Once Wild Spark Mt Isa is done and dusted, I will turn my focus to the cookbook, hopefully it will be almost perfect by then, and we will be able to have the new books printed.  It also gives me time to sort out the website and online shop.  You will be able to purchase the book online and pay using your credit card or PayPal.  

I hope I haven’t scared you off.  I am so excited about this cookbook and can’t wait to have one in my own kitchen – all of my favourite recipes in the one spot.  

Now is there anything you would like to talk over? This is basically a therapy session. 

PS: It seems I am not alone – Kelly has left a comment on my facebook post that reads: “Be kind to yourself! Even major publishers mess up?…. she linked to an article that is titled: Penguin cookbook calls for “freshly ground black people” – they had to destroy 7000 copies, makes mine seem quite tame.


  1. Cooker and a Looker

    Oh love! I feel you. It’s hard to wear all the hats. There’s a spelling mistake in a dedication I made in my book – PRINCIPAL instead of PRINCIPLE. How embarrassment!

  2. Jean Mulder

    Seriously, my two cats would love to provide the taco mice. How am I going to break the news to them? BTW if you have a need for bunnies, I can enlist them in a flash.

    So refreshing to hear that these kinds of things happen to others. We are not 100% superheroes. Sigh.

  3. AIleen Falvey

    Dan I would love one of these books with the “ham Fart” .An original copy, might be worth lots of dough in the future and also a family heirloom. Cheers AIleen XOXO

    • Miss Chardy

      Done – I will send one to you old girl – you taught me all I know!!!

  4. Anne@gritandgiggles

    Hey I have good and dud copies of the LSODE cookbook … everybody does it. Let’s not mention the mistakes I always pick up in novels I’m reading (yet my own blog is chockers with them) and they go through proof readers and editors etc.

    • Miss Chardy

      I think I am coming to terms with it and I am going to sell the book with the mistakes and put a sticker or something in to fix the major errors. First world problem isn’t it.

  5. Cate

    Serious laughs here and a strong sense of been there, done that! All jokes aside I would happily purchase one of your not-so-right cookbooks at full price – provided you personally sign it for me! Would that be possible?

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Cate, thanks so much, I will send you an email and get one in the post to you!!! It really is a first world problem at the moment isn’t it. ha ha ha.

  6. Wendy Kelly.

    Don’t beat yourself up Miss Chardy. Am sure you were disappointed but in the great scheme of things it is a minor detail.
    The main aim is for the book to be printed and we are all able to purchase it and you will have the satisfaction of achieving what many of us have not.
    Good Luck and all the best
    Wendy Kelly

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Wendy, the book has mistakes but it is also full of love, so I should look at the positives.

  7. Johngerard Doyle

    Can I have an original copy and 10 edited versions for my friends ,great post,hope you are all ok and getting rain -we are at the moment from cyclone Esther,cheers The Riverina Doyle,s

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello John Gerard!!!! So happy to hear you are getting some rain.

  8. Shelly Hawkins

    That is too funny Dan, love your honesty, don’t worry we have all been there!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Shell, it really is funny isn’t it.

  9. Sue Scarlett

    Loved that read about the mistakes in your cookbook. Gave me a giggle. Lesson learnt 😉

    • Miss Chardy

      Why do I have to learn everything the hard way Sue???

  10. Gail

    When the Australian Mint makes a mistake they call it a collector’s item. Maybe you should keep them for auction or advertise them as collector’s items. I’m sure there would be plenty of people who would love to buy it. I know I would.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha ha, too funny Gail. I am definitely going to leave the Ham Fart and the Taco Mice in the book, it just wouldn’t be the same without them now, ha ha ha.

  11. Heidi

    And this is why I love and admire you! It takes a lot of guts to admit when we make a mistake and yet you did it and did it with class. I always love reading your blogs and my dream is to make it to Australia and maybe have some Chardonnay with Ms Chardy! Much love from the US….

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello Heidi from Missouri – thanks so much for your kind words. I would love to have a Chardy with you – although can I make a confession – I have become quite partial to Pinot Gris …. don’t tell anyone!!!

  12. mel

    This is GOLD!! Huge amount of gratitude to you for telling the story (you certainly could of keep it quite and we’d be none the wiser!!), your honesty and the ability to learn…..this experience, as with all life’s adventure’s helps us grow as an individual, so don’t be too hard on yourself- the reprinted version will be Fantastic and the story will make for a great camp fire yarn with a chardy or two!!! xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Mel, thanks so much! It does make for a great story, ha ha ha ha, and it is a first world problem isn’t it.

  13. Gail Adler

    Absolutely loved the farting ham recipe! Well done to you for your honesty and Mr Chardy, Sam, Ed and co for their love and support. Pity the exotic mice recipe won’t be in the revised version. 😂. Looking forwarded to purchasing the real thing in the near future. Xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, I have decided that the Ham Fart and the Taco Mice need to stay in the new version! I just can’t part with them now.

  14. Michele Davis

    That made me laugh out loud! Not at you, mind you! The fact that you owned up made it so genuine, I’d have been happy to buy it, mistakes and all!
    ( I once half read a self published novel, I gave up, I wanted to go through it with the red pen😂)
    Looking forward to buying my copy. 🤪

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, well I will send you my book and you can go through that with a pink highlighter, ha ha ha. Did you see the comments on my facebook post, a lady said that Penguin once published 7,000 cookbooks that called for “Freshly ground black people” ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.


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