My Weekly Meal Plan

June 8, 2017

Are you a station cook who struggles to come up with meal ideas, or perhaps a busy Mum who gets sick of trying to figure out what to feed your family every single night?  Well I am here to take the stress out of your life.  You see each week I sit down over at the station kitchen and figure out a meal plan for the week.  I see what I have in the freezer and go from there.  We kill and butcher our own beef (this is called a “Killer”) and this way I know just how many meals I have left in the freezer before I need the next killer ready for eating.

Now, I am going to be sharing my weekly meal plan with you on a Sunday but thought I would pop this weeks plan up for you today, sorry a bit late I know, but who the hell cares, right?

I would love to hear what you cook on your station.  Lets share hints and tips and more importantly – recipes.

I cook for around 12-14 people each night during a usual week.  Now these meals are all perfect for a family of 4 too.  Good basic, hearty meals.  So here is the plan I have been working to this week…

Get your free printable here: Weekly Meal Plan Template

Here are the recipes I have on file for this week:

Lemon Meringue Pie
Easy Beef Stroganoff 

So there you have it.  What’s been on your menu this week?  I will be putting next weeks menu up on Sunday.  I am also attempting to remember to photograph dinner each night – #mybainmarie.  Happy cooking everyone.


  1. Mish

    Great recipe Chards!

    Living in the city with such easy access to fresh fruit and vegetables, I didn’t think about how You get those supplies while they’re still edible. I think you’ve done an amazing job to adjust the recipe to work with what you’ve got in your pantry.

    My ex husband taught me how to make Beef Stroganoff, he was a Chef so his recipes were usually from the restaurant. Although there’s not much difference; my recipe is based on garlic, onions and then coating the meat in flour and browning it off. The sauce is a combination of whole grain mustard, cream and a corn flour roux to thicken it. I usually serve mine with mashed potatoes because I’m lazy and my partner or stepson help me prep the potatoes!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yum, I love a good strog.

  2. Sandra Scott

    I’m looking forward to your menus and recipes, keep on blogging Miss Chardy ☺

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Sandra, so glad. 🙂

  3. Elaine Northe

    Hi miss Chardy, could you please explain how you make a bread twist and your apple strudel . Also what is smashed potato and potato bake? Finally how do you make those gorgeous pizzas. I have made your curry .thanks for the pictures and recipes. Elaine

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Elaine…. so much to tell you about …. I am going to head to the blog now and do a post answering these questions in case others need to know also. Did you like the curry? I love curry so much.

  4. jessbargie

    Thanks so Much Miss Chardy you are a lifesaver! I am sure my boys are sick and tired of the plain old boring! Hope you are all well no doubt busy getting ready for Brunette weekend


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