One foot in front of the other

April 8, 2015

Well I am not really sure what to say.  We are all so sad here at the moment.  I don’t even feel like I should be blogging.  I think the one thing we have found is that you really do need to keep busy.  It is when you sit alone and think that your mind goes into overdrive and you end up in a ball of tears, it is all just so overwhelming.

People really do amaze me.  Mick’s family are just so special.  You would not even believe the things they have done for us.  For US for goodness sake…. shouldn’t it be the other way around?  Susan has been rocking the kitchen like nobodies business, cooking up a storm each day, I am just gobsmacked.  I don’t even know how she is still awake let alone cooking for me.  Pete has been here there and everywhere lately, with a 9 hour round trip in the truck with our old head stockman, Scotty, to collect beer and chairs – for Mick’s Memorial Service, which we are hosting here at Chardy Central on Friday.  They also dropped Harry over at his mates house so he could have a sleep over for a few nights – that was about a 4 hour round trip.  Nev has been doing anything and everything, if it needs doing he is your man.  And then there is Annabel (Mick & Nev’s sister), who has been Miss Gabby’s offsider…. the things they have achieved in just 2 days is mind blowing.  These girls can and will work.  They have cleaned our spare rooms, washed curtains, washed sheets, washed anything that gets in their way really.  They have scrubbed filthy windows, and made up beds, mopped floors and even managed to clean the outside walls of my house.  I just can’t believe it or thank them enough.  They are such an amazing family and I am not sure how we are all going to cope when they leave.   Oh dear, the tears are welling up – pull yourself together Chards!!!!

Ok so we also have Anne – Miss Georgie’s (our Jillaroo, and once Governess) Mum here.  Anne has come all the way up from NSW and has been rocking the kitchen with Susan.  You should see them go.  They have pumped out lamb roasts, caramel slice, toasties, salads, meatloaf and Susan even whipped up a sweet’n’sour beef yesterday to go in the freezer.  Shouldn’t I be doing that for her?   It has just been so great to have them both around.

We went to a campdraft on the weekend, Mick’s family came along too – see, aren’t they just amazing.  I received an email from some good friends, Meags & DJ (the friends who’s wedding we attended in January) who live in Townsville to tell us they were on their way.  Can you even believe it – they drove all day to get to us.  And I was so glad they did.  I really needed Meags that night.  We are just so lucky to have such wonderful friends – who are actually more like family.  Meags & Mrs Savvy B will be over here to help us out on Thursday and I can’t wait.  I think we all need them, not just me.

The crew have been busy too, mowing lawns and getting things ready for Friday, trying to stay busy.

We are part of such a fabulous community up here.  Even though many people live 2, 3 or 5 hours or more away they have all offered to help.  Our old cook and her husband are coming back for the service and she has even managed to collect a few things we need.  Nothing is too much trouble for anyone.  I know I have said it but friends and the community really do amaze me, I think about it every day, how kind they are.

I am so grateful we have been able to spend time with Mick’s gorgeous family.  If only it were under different circumstances.

After my post the other day about Mick I was totally overwhelmed by your response.  I couldn’t believe it, I was just going to type up a little note to tell you all that I would be laying low for a while and then my fingers typed madly out of control and before I knew it I had written paragraph after paragraph.  Thanks for all of your lovely supportive comments.  It means so much and we are so grateful.  I have tried to respond to everyone but I am very sorry if I have missed a comment.

I just can’t thank Pete, Susan, Nev and Annabel enough for everything they have done.  THANK YOU!!!!!!








  1. Kirsty Rice

    Thinking of you all. What a beautiful community. xxxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Kirsty….I just went for a walk for the first time in weeks, listened to your after Easter podcast….I really want to send you some Quince paste now!!! Thanks for your message and thoughts.

      • georgie budgett

        You won’t remember me but I worked at Brunette years ago now and just want to send my support from England xx

        • Miss Chardy

          Of course I remember you Georgie. Thanks so much for thinking of us.

  2. Cooker and a Looker

    Much love to everyone at Camp Chardy. You’re in our thoughts, but will especially send a few prayers up on Friday. xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Amanda. x

  3. Sophie

    Sending all my love to the chardy Central family! It’s bringing me to tears and I’m not even there. You guys will always feel like family to me because that’s what it’s like up there. You band together and get things done. You lend a hand and give a hug when someone is down. Mick will be remembered forever as young cheeky Mick….But with an old soul of course and he will be watching over you all making sure you are all alright. People come into our lives to teach us certain things while they are here and also remind us of things when they go. My love goes out to you guys and my heart drops every time I think of how you all must be feeling right now, but I am sure Mick is right there with you all and each day step by step it will get easier. Lots and lots and lots of love. Miss Soph xxxxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Such lovely words Soph – thanks so much!!! So great to hear from you, thanks a million. xxx

  4. andrea

    Thinking of you all on Friday. It will be an awesome day with family and friends.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Andrea.

    • Miss Chardy

      So true Melinda.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Em. xxx

  5. Rob

    Sending you all love and hugs and the strength to get through these tough times

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Rob

  6. Chrissy

    Beautiful souls up your way for sure Miss Chardy. What a tribute to Mick x

    • Miss Chardy

      They really are Chrissy.

  7. Geordie

    Stay strong mate. Don’t think you should be doing more, knowing you, you will be doing more than you may think you are. These times bring out the best in people and as you have describe you have some pretty great people around you at the moment. Enjoy you time together in this difficult moment.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Geordie, so great to hear from you. You know just how great the community up here is, we are so fortunate. Thanks so much for your message.

  8. Sandra Scott

    I was only thinking about you yesterday and hoping everything was going as well as it could be. I can only imagine what you’re all going through. Take care.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Sandra, really kind of you to think of us.

  9. Anne@GritandGiggles

    I am so glad you have a little community gathering around you to help you all along. Keeping busy does help and that is probably why you have so much help. Don’t feel guilty about blogging or having a bit of fun or a good laugh. Keeping busy and and having fun is the best medicine. I am sure he would want you to. Enjoy sharing the wonderful memories you all have of Mick. That is also good and healing medicine.
    I recall the sad times surrounding the two family deaths on the station I was governessing on. It was sad but also one of the best bonding times, sharing times. It brought so many people and so many memories together, a real tribute to those people. Keeping busy helped us all, trying to keep a routine of sorts helped the kids, food worked wonders and the time sitting around and reflecting and laughing was healing.
    I am thinking of you all and I hope Friday goes well.

    • Miss Chardy

      We have the best community which spreads for 100’s of km’s. Thanks for your lovely message Anne.

  10. KezUnprepared

    So sorry for your loss. So glad for you that you all have each other for support x

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks a million Kez.

  11. Miss Twinings

    Big virtual hugs to you all – was so sorry to hear the sad news. What a truly amazing group of people you all are – incredible. Such community spirit & big-hearted peeps! So nice to hear that all still exists out there, as you would be hard pressed finding a lot of that big support in most cities now, quite rare. I hope it is a lovely service. Take all the time you need Miss Chardy, we understand… You just come back to blogging when you feel ready – we all will be here when you return to it!! 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Miss Twinings you are so lovely, thanks so much for your kind message, much appreciated.

  12. Meg Kummerow

    Thinking of you all up there Miss Chardy, both on the station and the wider community. These things hit everyone hard, I’m glad you have lots of support. Sending you all lots of love.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Meg, much appreciated.

  13. Fashionista

    Hello Miss Chardy. I tried to leave a message on your last post but the www had clearly had enough and kept telling me to bugger off and leave you alone as you had enough on your plate.

    It will be pretty crap for you at the moment but the whole “keep busy” thing actually does help. And Mick’s family need to be there with you so they can cope.

    Thinking of you. Chin up girly.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks for your messages Judy. x

  14. Maxabella

    So,so, so so, glad you have all the love you need right now. xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Bron.

  15. kirsten and co.

    I’ve been thinking of you and I’m so pleased to read you’re surrounded by people who love you xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Kirsten, so lovely of you to think of us. We sure are surrounded by such wonderful people.

  16. Kelly Gladigau

    Thinking of you all. It definitely helps the pain having loving family, friends and true people around you! True spirit always shines through. Sending prayers to you all during this time of sorrow. xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Kelly, people really are amazing….especially the people we have here.

  17. ffhousemouse

    Oh I have been wondering how you ALL are. Was actually thinking about you exactly when my ph pinged alerting me of your post! Sending lots of love from over the Border! X

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Mouse, I was thinking of you too this morning. Will send you a message. xxx

  18. kookaburra

    You haven’t met me yet, am new here but am very touched and moved by your loss. I’m glad you all have each other there. I think it’s very gracious of you to give Mick’s mum the reign of the kitchen which she needs to do right now for her son. Everyone is dealing with their grief in their own working way and I applaud you for allowing that at Chardy Central. What a beautiful heart you have. God bless all and may He grant a beautiful miracle on Friday. With love from far away, (Aussie born and bred but living on the other side of the planet for now). xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much, your kind words have brought a tear to my eye, I really appreciate it.

  19. Barb

    Your inner strength is slowly coming back to you, you are back on your blog, taking walks and observing those around you. Mick’s mum, family and friends are doing what they need to do to cope but they will need you in the coming days. You will be their rock and your family and friends will be yours. You will support each other through and the grief will become less and less. Mick’s mischievous, cheeky grinning face will appear in your thoughts at the oddest times, thanks to your loving description of him, he will in pop in to many of your followers thoughts even though we never met him. The many people gathering to be part of his memorial show how many people this young man touched in his short time here. Thoughts are with you all…

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Barb, lovely words.

  20. Vicki | Style On V

    I have been thinkinGo of you constantl. Isn’t it just fabulous how much support you have received at this very sad time. It is amazing how people pull together to offer support when it is neede most. Take care. V x

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Vicki, it is so amazing, I just can’t believe it. So many wonderful people. Thanks for your message. x

  21. caitlinshappyheart

    Bush community at its best. All the best on Friday Chardy. I’m sure it will be an emotional tribute to a man who, from your reports, certainly lived an extraordinary life.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Caitlin, it was a lovely service.

  22. Heike Herrling

    I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending my most sincere condolences. Community and family really is everything and I’m glad to hear you are surrounded by both at this difficult time.

    • Miss Chardy

      We are so fortunate to have such wonderful people in our lives Heike. Thanks for your lovely message.

  23. I'm Sarah

    It really is true that saying that says it takes a Community to bring up a person. That is true even for adults and it sounds like the community you have is amazing – which is a true testament to the wonderful person you are. You get back what you put in, I reckon. I will be thinking of you all tomorrow. I know it will be an emotional and sad day to farewell someone that was clearly very much loved. Much love and hugs to your all xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh thanks so much, really kind of you.

  24. Jo

    Don’t ‘pull yourself together’ Miss Chardy. Everyone grieves in their own way. Some by keeping busy, others by crying a lot. Allow yourself to express whatever feelings come up, and do whatever you are feeling like doing to deal with your grief, or in fact to do nothing at all.
    Isn’t it wonderful how people and food come together at times like this? I’ve recently come back from staying with my cousin following her husband’s sudden death. Her house was grand central station for the 4 days I was there; the fridge could not have fitted another thing in it. She feels totally embraced by a rural community who really care – from the butcher who held her hand over the counter and said ‘it will be ok’; to her close friends who hugged her close.
    Mick’s family must be so grateful for you and your beautiful family who embraced him during his years with you. Knowing the care and love you gave him in his final years must be a great comfort for them.
    Lots of love,

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Jo, you sound pretty wonderful too – sorry to hear about your cousin’s husband, how terrible. Where would we be without these amazing people in our lives who just get in and help out. Cooking and food is a wonderful distraction.

  25. Suzanne

    Hi Dan, so sorry to read about Mick, he sounds like a truly wonderful & genuine person. Tomorrow will be a difficult day but I’m sure there will be many a happy tale told over a cold beverage or two. You are very lucky to have such a supportive community who are there when you need them. It’s a special part of station life that I experienced during my time working out west, and often miss.
    When everyone heads home and everyday life keeps moving along though you don’t want to be a part of it, remember that is when you will need the support from your friends even more.
    Take care

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Suzanne.

  26. Evie Jean

    Today will be moments of both sadness and celebration, go with it, embrace it! I imagine it will be one amazing party! 🙂 I will be thinking of you all!
    Vale Mick.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Evie, it was a lovely service on Friday.

  27. Barb

    Today is the day you will say goodbye to a special person who came into your lives for a short time. He won’t be gone entirely, Mick will remain in a special part of your hearts reserved for those that have touched your lives and left memories of their time with you. Laugh through your tears as you celebrate Mick’s life, raise a glass, or two, or three…to send him on his way!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks again Barb for your kind words.

  28. Nic Brennan

    I’m so sorry to hear miss Chardy.
    I grew up as a country kid & live in the city now. You’re 100% right, in the country there is such a greater sense of community & everyone looking after each other.

    Thinking of all of you at this hard time xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Nic.

  29. vlynn

    Miss Chardy our prayers are still with you at this time. Not to many days after you posted this another young man lost his life in a rodeo accident. Even though I knew neither young man personally, I did feel your pain. It is a hard life we lead as farmers and ranchers. Prayers continue for all in Australia, as well as those in Texas.

    • Miss Chardy

      Good people taken too early Vlynn! Thanks so much for thinking of us over here “down under”!


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