Operation Drop 5 Kilo’s & Find Some Discipline

April 12, 2017

Things have not been fantastic in the exercise department.  Just when I get into a routine “life” happens and we go to town for a school day, a work conference or I just get busy.  I know – they are the usual excuses.  It seems I am lacking a little thing called discipline.  Does anyone know where I can get some of this?  Is it going cheap anywhere?

At the beginning of March I joined Joys Fitness Hub and I wrote a post all about it, you can read that one HERE.  I am sure many of you know Joy.  She is a fabulous Outback Chick, I wrote a post all about Off The Track Training at the beginning of last year, you can read it HERE.  Funny that – the old “it’s a new year, lets get fit and fabulous”.  It seems I am struggling with it a little this year despite Joys every effort to help me.

I was very kindly gifted a membership to Joys Fitness Hub and I feel like I have failed her.  Oh the failure.  Joy would probably want to jump in and slap me right about now, she would tell me to stop being so hard on myself and that I should just do something everyday because “something is better than nothing”.  Joy will never make you feel like a failure, her program is all about lifting you up and motivating you.

So do you know what I am going to do?  I am going to track my progress on here, because lord knows it seems I need something to keep me motivated and if I have all of you to keep me accountable maybe, just maybe I will have a little bit of discipline.  What do you think?  Would you like to join in with me?  Perhaps you are already a member of Joys Fitness Hub or maybe you are just cruising along with your own program.  Either way, lets keep each other accountable.  This is what Joys Fitness Hub is all about…

Perhaps you would like a little taste test first, before signing up long term.  Joy offers a 30 day challenge…

You can sign up to this challenge for just $47.00

Back in November I started a Facebook group: Shed it with Chards.  It was a bit of a month long challenge too.  And you know what – it worked.  We all kept each other motivated and I really did stay focussed during that time.  Everyone was just so supportive.  Joy offers her own group which I have obviously not been joining in with enough because I have just not stayed motivated this time round, I am going to start checking in with them on a more regular basis, because they are the most supportive bunch of people.   So weather you are going it alone, heading to an actual gym or a member of Joys Off The Track Training Fitness Hub then lets all stay focussed and keep each other accountable.

So, in an effort to keep things real I am going to tell you what my goals are and why I want to succeed with this.

I want to feel good.  I want to be healthy and happy.  I want to feel good in my clothes.  I don’t want that muffin top hanging over the jeans, I don’t want to sit down in tight jeans and feel gross and uncomfortable – you know that feeling, don’t you?  It just gets you down.

Joy tells us to throw the scales away, just go on how we feel.  Now that is all well and good but for a control freak like me I need those scales to keep me accountable.  Even if it is to just maintain how I am going, so I don’t fall off the wagon quite so badly.  Sorry Joy, but I am going to keep the scales and weigh in each week (I know it is not for everyone but I think I need it).  I will check in with you all at the end of each month so you can hold me accountable, this might give me the motivation I need to stay on track.

Ok, time to be brave.  Here are my stats at the moment.

Weight: 65.40 kg (my weight at the start of this program was 66.4 kg so I have actually lost a little bit)
Waist: 91 cm
Bust: 96 cm
Bum: 105 cm
Right Thigh: 62 cm

And what do I want to achieve?  Well I know that to feel great about myself and comfortable in my clothes I need to drop 5 kgs, make that 5.4 kgs (sometimes 5 kgs can be harder than 20 kgs).  I know that 60 kgs is a comfortable weight for me.  I also measure, because sometimes the scales may not change but the cm’s do.  I also know that carbs don’t agree with me.  Joys program is all about going back to basics, chuck out all that low fat crap and just eat whole foods.  Get rid of the skim milk.  Whenever I eat carbs I get really bloated, I look 9 months pregnant sometimes and just feel like crap.  I know that if I can stay away from the carbs and exercise regularly then I can do it.  Sounds simple doesn’t it… I just need that little thing called discipline.

I would like to check in with you on a monthly basis so we can track my progress and see what I have managed to achieve.  I am climbing back on the wagon (yet again) and really trying to stay on board this time.  Would you like to join me?  Feel free to share your goals with us.  I am back on board and have my fitness diary out, getting sorted.

The weather has cooled down up here so between Joys live workout and the beautiful days I have no excuse.  So, with that said, it is over and out as I head off to dial into one of Joy’s live workouts (she does these on Wednesday mornings and Thursday afternoons).

Oh and guess what, you can see Joy on TV tonight.  9:30 pm (Nine or Imparja) – a documentary called Everyday Innovators.  Go Joy!!!

Are you a member of Joys Fitness Hub?
How are you going with your health and fitness?

Can you please help keep me motivated?


  1. Cooker and a Looker

    Good luck Chards. I’m on my own 5kg mission here.
    Wishing you ease and success.
    A xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Here’s to 5kg’s #letsditchfive

  2. Lynne

    Ye Gods Chardy, I would love to be 66kgs! You must be a small person if that’s too much weight for you.
    Just got back from two weeks in the Centre. Walked the 10.5kms around Uluru, did the Kings Canyon rim walk and Ormiston Pound walk (swam through the river at the end) walked in 40c heat, but the water was still freezing! Did lots of other longish walks too.
    I was feeling really good about myself until it came time for the helicopter ride over Uluru and the questionnaire said- What is your weight – gulp – I scribbled something at least 10kgs lighter than I really am and said to the pilot Does it have to be accurate. He laughed and said “its fine because its only the two of you” Cheeky husband said “Go on, get on the scales”, I managed to pinch him before we got in the helicopter.
    I’m using all that walking as a starting point and have been good so far. Just have to get through Easter and all those hot cross buns!.
    Good luck with it all.

    Love all you bright and cheerful posts.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh wow Lynne, your 2 weeks in the Centre sounded amazing, I would love to do some hiking around there – Larapinta Trail perhaps. 66kg’s really is too much for me, lets just say that my wrists are the same size as my skinny stick figure 10 year old and my tiny ankles look like they may snap at any time (in fact they have, ha ha ha).

  3. Barbie Walker

    Have bee not focussed similar boat to you also Miss Chardy put on extra kg so need to be more discipline and be determined, we will do it, Cheers Barbie

  4. Joy

    It’s great that you all have goals! Now a tip from me! Draw a line in the sand or dirt, with what you will/won’t eat or what you will/won’t do. Step over it and decide!
    Now Chards if using the scales doesn’t keep you motivated this time round, you’d have to start to think if they ever do. Have they ever been a successful tool for you?
    On the carbs front, you are a text book non-processor of processed carbohydrates – bread, rice, pasta and the heavy grains – need to leave your diet for good. It’s the new norm! This is how you need to roll girl to get that 5kg’s lost – no bread, pasta, rice, oats, follow the exercise plan in the Hub and don’t let any child, cooking chore, gardening job or house work stand in your way. It is a priority and if your weight is getting you down then this is what needs to happen to make you feel better. You deserve it!! You are a priority!!! Your health needs to be at the top of the to do list for you to achieve weight loss but also for so many reasons (to keep your mind and body in the best possible shape so you can handle all of what life will inevitably throw at all of us). When the goal is inspiring enough, the discipline will happen! You need to picture it and make sure it’s enough to get you out of bed in the dark and pushing the bread aside.
    Love your work girl!!
    Here’s to the possibilities of achieving your goals.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much for that Joy, great words of advice!!! You are so right about the bread, pasta, rice, oats. I just can’t have them and I know that when I do I feel like shit. I am getting much better at avoiding them all together. When I am feeling unmotivated I will just come back and read this comment. x

  5. Mish

    Good on you Dani for jumping back on the wagon!

    I have been doing an exercise program of sorts, I go to the gym at work at lunchtime and jump on the elliptical trainer for 30 minutes while I read an iBook – simple! Not so easy when work has been stupid crazy and I have used it as an excuse to not go to the gym, I just checked the app on my phone where I record my gym visits and it has been a month 🙁 In my defence I am still going to Pilates every week, we have a new teacher and the classes have been getting progressively harder as the weeks with her progress and I can certainly feel that my flexibility and core strength is returning … so I haven’t been doing nothing 🙂

    A beautiful friend offered me a CD that has a Barre class on it – it’s a bit like Ballet but less formal and it has more focused exercise sets. I have told her that I will take her up on the offer after we move in 6 weeks – the only issue is that we are still looking for a new place to live AHHH!

    • Miss Chardy

      Sounds like you have been doing really well, good on you! I love ballet type exercises, sounds fabulous. Keep going.

  6. Chookyblue

    I’m in the hub……….been there for a bit now………..keep working on permanent changes………

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I have been so bloody slack the past few weeks… with everything really – the hub, this blog…. trying to get back to my old self this week. Just back from a jog and have even logged onto the blog – wonders will never cease.


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