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Wow guys – we did it – our very first episode of Wild Spark, the podcast, has dropped.
We are on a very steep learning curve so please hang in there as we find our feet. There was a massive delay when I was chatting with Ed which is why I sound so vague and ignorant at times. But I guess that is just how it goes when you are trying to record a podcast from bum truck nowhere! I am just going to try and roll with it. There also seems to be a slight echo – so I am really sorry about that – we will see what we can do to fix that now that we are professional podcasters, ha ha ha ha.
Now if you are new to the world of podcasting and perhaps a little unsure where to listen and how exactly you do that… well, it is really simple. Grab your phone and we will have you sorted in a Jiffy. Podcasts are free but they do use your download, not a whole lot though.
I, personally, listen on the apple “Podcasts” app on my phone – I have an iPhone and the app should already be installed on your phone, it looks like this:
Once you are in the app – just click the little magnifying glass down the bottom of the screen and search “Wild Spark”, it looks like this:
Bam you should find us. Click on our podcast, click “See All Episodes” and download an episode by clicking the + sign and then click the cloud. It will now download and be available to listen to.
The link to our apple Podcasts show is: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/wild-spark/id1507818378
If you are on an android there are some options for you…
Stitcher. Download the app, it looks like this…
Again, once you are in, click the magnifying glass at the bottom of the screen and search “Wild Spark”
The link to our show on Stitcher is: https://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=524086&refid=stpr
Another option is Spotify. The app looks like this:
We wouldn’t be where we are today without the help from my favourite podcast: Two Fat Expats. They are 2 aussie ladies, Nikki lives over in Hamburg, Germany and Kirsty lives in Doha, Qatar. Nikki has been giving me advice on podcasting since 2016! Thanks so much for all of your help Nikki, we are so grateful and we have finally done it. Has only taken 3 years!!
Now look, I have been sitting here waiting for our first episode to drop in the Apple Podcasts app, wondering – where the hell is it… but guess what – it has finally appeared. I am not sure about Spotify and Stitcher – it may take a little while longer to appear there as I only just submitted to these services. So please, like I said – hand in there, we are really new to this.
How do you listen to your podcasts? I hope this helps. Got any recommendations for us? Now to try and figure out how to reduce our delay and get rid of that dreadful echo. Any suggestions???? Help!!!