New Station Kitchen

November 26, 2018

Hello there.  Well nobody be alarmed, it is just another Monday, just the last Monday of November, nothing to worry about.  Seriously, where has 2018 gone?  Every time I look up we are at the end of another month.  The year has just disappeared hasn’t it.  So it is no surprise that I haven’t updated you on our station kitchen situation.  We have a new kitchen!!!

Remember a couple of months ago I had set up a makeshift station kitchen in my house?  Look it was quite a while ago so I will forgive you if you can’t.  Anyway, we have completely moved back into our new kitchen and I am LOVING MYSELF SICK in there.


It is amazing.  But before I show you the new kitchen, lets just take a walk down memory lane and remember the old one – may she rest in peace, in peach & green coloured peace…

Wow, it was really something else wasn’t it.  The lino was all mismatched and had holes all through it and that peach and green, I mean I have no words.  But this little kitchen did us proud and served many a hungry jack and jillaroo.  But it was time to move on.  And we could not be happier…

Would you look at that?  What do you think?  Just a slight transformation.  I mean just getting rid of the peach coloured ceiling has done wonders.  I am so happy in this little kitchen.  There are a couple of things that I really really really love though.  Firstly lets chat about that little lid on the stainless steel island bench top.  That little hole brings me so much joy – it is a bin!  So you chop chop chop and just scrap it all in there.  Shut up!!!  There is a massive bin underneath so don’t worry, it isn’t some fiddly little champagne bucket.  Actually that is what is supposed to be under there but we ditched that, took out a shelve in the cupboard underneath and shoved the big bin in there.

Ok, so there might be something I am more in love with besides the bin situation and it is this my friends… meet the new love of my life…

Where do I even start?  I am considering moving in with this little hottie.  And she is literally a hottie, I get a face steaming every time I open her.  So this is my new commercial dishwasher.  Thanks to my old boss Mrs S who told me I needed one of these in my life.  I didn’t really understand or think too much of it but now I get it, I really get it Susie Q.

Now when most people think of a commercial dishwasher they think of one of those massive dishwashers where the lid lifts right up, they take up lots of room.  But no – this one fits in a normal dishwasher hole under the counter.  It is amazing.  If I were building a house I would put one of these in.  I don’t know why more homes don’t have them.

This little baby does a 2 minute wash – DID YOU HEAR THAT – A 2 MINUTE WASH.  Get out of town.  If you have some really dirty dishes you can do a longer wash, say 3 or 4 minutes!!!  In and out.  The dishes just keep going in and out.  I am going to do a video on my new love for you so you can see how good she is.  Watch this space.  So that massive sink that I had installed has not been used much.  Ever since my new dishwasher went in I haven’t washed a dish.

She is an Eswood Smartwash 500 – SW500 – now go forth and get one my friends.

Ok and now for the last thing I love, it is this wall urn.  No more filling the other urn that used to leak all over the counter top…

So to say I am one happy little cook would be an understatement.  That dishwasher has seriously changed my life.  I used to spend my days wash wash washing up at that sink, some days it feels like that is all you do – wash up.  But not anymore.

Our kitchen was built by Sully’s Outback Carpentry.  All cabinetry was made by Ultimate Kitchens in Mt Isa.  The urn and dishwasher were purchased and installed by Stretch & Liam – our favourite Outback Plumbers from Barkly Plumbing Services in Tennant Creek.  The new lino on the floor was installed by Shoey from Floor Worx Mt Isa.   It is just a timber look lino and we love it.

Thanks Sully – we love our new kitchen!!

What do you think?  Just a slight improvement.  I mean the new flooring alone makes me happy, no more holes in the lino.  Right now if you will excuse me I am off to turn my dishwasher on.


  1. Claire Kimlin

    I am impressed this the dream sration kitchen , you put in so much tought to what is NEEDED in a station kitchen. I love the food warmer . Good on you Miss Chardy now .

    • Miss Chardy

      Claire I just love it over there… all the staff have gone now for the year – actually we have one lovely girl left – so I started cooking over here at home, but last night I took it back to the kitchen. Things are just so much easier over there and calmer. That bain marie has always been my favourite thing about the kitchen but now the dishwasher is definitely giving it a run for its money.

  2. Kerry

    Looks great. Can see why you are in heaven. Would love the hole for the bin in my kitchen. Makes cooking all those meals so much more enjoyable. Have fun and enjoy. My daughter owns a cafe and they also have a 2 minute dishwasher😱

    • Miss Chardy

      Kerry it really is so much more enjoyable cooking, I really love being over there. Things are just so much easier now. The 2 minute dishwasher is definitely the business.

  3. Shayne Smith

    It looks amazing, a kitchen to be proud of… deserve this.

    • Miss Chardy

      We really did put up with the old kitchen for too long, it was very functional but very old and dirty too. I am just loving myself sick in this new kitchen.

  4. Lisa

    Amazing – very pleased for you! Having these conveniences will save you so much time and physical effort 👍🏻

    • Miss Chardy

      So true Lisa, it saves so much time and effort, that dishwasher has changed my life. I just love it over there now.

  5. Mrs Rumbo

    I’m hearing you, I loved it sooo much when we had our Reno done. The difference with the dishwasher is amazing!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Has changed my life Susie Q… I just love it. Thank god for your recommendations!!!

  6. Annabelle Brayley

    Love the kitchen story @misschardy! Classic. I remember back in the late 80s when I was teaching our kids, I used to stack the lunch plates on the sink and do them after school. My husband kept telling me I needed a dishwasher but I was not convinced. I had 2 little driers!!
    When we built a new kitchen, I walked into said site one morning and found a dishwasher sitting in the middle of the floor with a big red ribbon around it! I had no idea what a gamechanger it was going to be! Instant love affair…never been without one since! Don’t need commercial at this stage of our lives but always grateful to have one in my happy ‘first world’ life!!

    • Miss Chardy

      I am hearing you Annabelle… I can’t believe your husband insisted on a dishwasher but you weren’t so sure, that is hilarious. I remember when I got my first dishwasher and I have honestly been in love with it since – it was a 2 drawer dish drawer and I have loved it for 14 years now. But this commercial 2 minute wash dishwasher in the kitchen is next level and I am totally in love. ha ha ha. Such a game changer!!!! Thanks for sharing your wonderful story.

  7. judy

    It all looks amazing. You won’t know yourself not having to hand wash dishes. Merry Christmas to you.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Judy, I seriously haven’t really washed up since that dishwasher went it, it is so wonderful. Merry Christmas to you too.

  8. Cindy

    So the dishwasher……does it do pots and pans and mixing bowls etc? Or is it just for plates, glasses and cutlery? It’s the only dishwasher my husband has been remotely interested in, so I might be on a winner here. Fingers crossed

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Cindy… sorry for my slow reply… yes yes yes!!! It does everything my friend. Oh it is amazing, seriously!!! I am going to do a video on it, you have just given me the push I need so watch this space. If you get one you won’t be sorry! Very water friendly too I believe.

  9. Narelle

    Love your new Kitchen, what a game changer it must be. So deserved x


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