Outback Adventure: Hell’s Gate Ladies Luncheon… #CHARDSONTOUR

July 18, 2017

Quite a few weeks ago now I attended the Hell’s Gate Ladies Luncheon and was even asked along as a guest speaker – #chardsontour – who am I to say no to a social invitation so I was in like Flynn.  I love nothing better than an outback road trip and what a fun trip it was.

The wonderful Hays family own Hells Gate and Scotty used to be our head stockman.  Gee it was great to see them and boy have they done a wonderful job injecting life into this remote roadhouse, on the Savannah Way in the Gulf of QLD.

This is how things rolled…

Now, we travelled for around 7 hours, only 60km’s of that was on bitumen, the rest was dirt.  As we travelled across this part of the journey – The Calvert Road, 256km’s – we didn’t pass a single car, oh and when I say we I mean Miss Pip, Harry, Clancy and myself …

We did stop for a gourmet luncheon spread on the side of the dusty road…

It was so lovely to see a change in the scenery, we said goodbye to the downs country and hello to some trees, hills and bends in the road…

And then we stumbled across this little beauty… I think it is the Calvert River.  Absolutely stunning and I am guessing there are probably crocs in there too!

Across the whole 256km’s of Calvert Stock Route this is the only house we passed… Calvert Hills Station.

Now we knew we were at Bum Bum Truck Nowhere when the gates started, we thought we said goodbye to them at our place, but no, we found some more before we hit the Savannah Way…

It was a long drive on very isolated, remote roads (I think all up it was about 600km to Hell’s Gate of which only 60km was bitumen, and there were probably around 7 gates) but I tell you what my friends…. it was worth it, because look what our welcoming committee had arranged for us…

Just because you live in the never never there is NEVER an excuse to skimp on essentials.  We arrived at Flicks house aka @ffhousemouse (if you are following on Insta), at Wollogorang Station, and we were so excited.  The hospitality, of course, was second to none.  We enjoyed a lovely night here and the next morning it was up and at it at sparrows to blow dry the hair, pop a bit of face on and hit the road again.  This time just a quick trip interstate to Hells Gate Roadhouse which was just a 60km drive.  Piece of cake.

I have never been up in this part of the Gulf and was so excited to be there.  Hell’s Gate is fabulous.  If you are ever travelling The Savannah Way then you will definitely be stopping in here.  It is so remote but apparently 55 women turned out for the day.

Oh yes there certainly were strawberry daiquiri’s on arrival and gee they were good.

A spot of morning tea if you preferred a “real” coffee…

Oh what’s that… a bit of retail therapy in the outback, don’t mind if I do…

We were all trotting out our fabulous new earrings… mine are Legs Eleven Designs and I am loving them sick.

We enjoyed a delicious lunch and guest speakers (I was one of them).  After speaking I could let my hair down a little and enjoy a sip or 3 of chardy.

Everyone had such a fun time and gosh it was great to meet some new ladies, you all know how I love to meet new people #inmyelement

After our wonderful day we hit the dusty road back to Flicks for another great night.  Stayed up late chatting and even had a cheeky sleep in until 8am.  Then it was time to pack up and hit the road home again.  Back along the dirt road.  The trip home seemed to fly by.  All in all it was such a great road trip even if it was only 2 nights.  Who cares, distance means nothing up here, if there is a social event on you just have to get in your car and drive baby!

Thanks so much to Jenny, John, Scotty and Ellie for inviting me up to speak, I had such a fabulous time and it was so great to see you all and what you have done with Hell’s Gate.  Thanks to FFHousemouse – Flick – for having us to stay, it was great to finally see all that you have achieved in such a short time at your station, thanks for the amazing hospitality.  Can’t wait to head back to the Gulf, next time I think I will brave the short cut.

Have you travelled The Savannah Way?  
Been to Hell’s Gate Roadhouse?
Bet you want to go now, right?!
Bet you didn’t think we could be so darned classy in the outback, did you?!






  1. Karen Doyle

    You Ladies are amazing – you make it sound all so easy, and of course I know it’s not 🙂 Love your photos, your story and glimpses of your fun times. Keep smilin’

    • Miss Chardy

      Well, just quietly Karen, it is pretty easy… not much traffic, just a quiet drive over dusty roads. 🙂

  2. Ellie

    I love your white top with the ruffles.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Ellie, it is so comfy. It is from Seed, got it last year though.

  3. Julie Mayne

    Looking lovely as always, Miss Pip!


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