Outback Adventures with Chards & Savvy B: Hiking – the preparations

June 24, 2016

It’s been a while since we have had a good honest catch up and after lengthy comments/chats with some hilarious readers over on Facebook it has come to my attention that some of you don’t know about my up and coming hike with Mrs Savvy B. Β Just typing the word hike makes me laugh because I just don’t know who I am anymore. Β I mean seriously – hiking. Β Who am I? Β Anyway I thought it was time I updated you on the happenings in my life.

If someone had have told me 3 months ago I would be searching online for hiking backpacks, lightweight warm sleeping bags, bum bags that hold 2 drink bottles (what the hell????) not to mention hiking boots, liner socks and dehydrated food I would have laughed so hard I nearly wet myself. Β In fact I really do laugh so hard at the thought of it – still. Β I honestly can’t believe it.

Things changed back in April when I was browsing Audible for a new audiobook to listen too. Β Wild by Cheryl Strayed caught my eye and I kept going back to it, then ended up downloading it. Β You can read my review HERE. Β To cut a long story short I have since listened to the book twice, watched the movie twice and also listened to 3 other books about hikes. Β Last week I watched a couple of documentary’s on Netflix… one was about Sir Edmund Hillary’s Everest expedition and the other was about a 14 year old girl who set off to sail solo around the world for a couple of years – Laura Dekker. Β I mean honestly… I ask you again: who am I? Β I am usually the girl watching Sex and the City, Real Housewives of New York, Nashville…. anything but documentaries which makes the whole thing even funnier.

So after becoming obsessed with Cheryl Strayed’s hike along the Pacific Crest Trail in the USA I thought – perhaps I could hike. Β You know – start out small and work my way up. Β Perhaps I could walk from one side of our station to the other. Β I also thought perhaps Mrs Savvy B would be interested and we could hike together because I can tell you one thing – Mr Chardy is certainly not interested. Β When I asked him if he would be interested in hiking he said “can I drive? Why the heck would you want to go hiking when there are roads to drive on”. Β Ok so he may not have used the word “heck” but you get it, right?

To be honest the whole hiking trip has escalated very quickly from that first phone call to Savvy B. Β She was in as soon as I mentioned it and perhaps even a little more excited than me. Β In no time at all she was planning the whole thing and thought we needed to do it in the July School holidays. Β Holy cow – that soon? Β Who was I to argue, I was just so excited she was on board. Β It was decided that we would hike from the top of her property down to the station (house). Β It will be about 60km and we will be out for 3 nights.

Now because it was all decided very quickly we haven’t had much time to get the gear we need – details details people. Β I wasn’t going to be in town to get anything either (not that there is really anywhere apart from BCF in Mt Isa to get anything) so I would have to get it all online, right down to the hiking boots. Β This is why it is all a little crazy. Β Thank goodness for my hiking brains trust – Liz – for some great advice on what to get and where to get it. Β Now it turns out that what we thought was going to be a free little walk in the woods has turned into quite an expensive exercise. Β Perhaps we should have just gone to New York. Β All this stuff is expensive. Β  Here is a visual…

Hiking bag

I have bought a hiking backpack which also has a little spot for a camel back drinking bladder, a warm sleeping bag, a bum bag that holds 2 drink bottles (can you even believe that I have paid good money for a BUM BAG…. a bum bag people…. I am so scared for myself right now I don’t know what to do). Β Oh and don’t even get me started on the headlight… no words my friends, no words!!! Β I have bought dehydrated food, cutlery, socks, liner socks, hiking boots, a blow up pillow, a t-shirt, a blister kit and to be honest I have no idea what else I have ordered because it all just sounds so ridiculous.

Now lets talk about those hiking boots. Β You see I thought I was going to be ok in my joggers but on Tuesday I loaded up my pack and took it for a trial walk around my track. Β I put a 6 pack of beer in there to drink along the way for weight, because Mrs Savvy B has the tent that we will be taking, and off I went. Β Turns out the pack weighed 13kg’s and that perhaps I should have started off a little lighter but no – of course I don’t do things by halves so I went straight in, no kissing, and took on that heavy pack. Β Again, here is a visual…

Dan with bag

That photo is just too much for words… perhaps I should be committed to some sort of institution!


It isn’t pretty is it. Β Don’t worry, I can’t stop laughing either. Β Oh and yes – that is a yoga mat. Β Have never once used it for yoga so perhaps I will get my moneys worth.

Off I went. Β It wasn’t too bad either and I rolled the 3.8km’s in 45 minutes. Β As I walked around my track I was listening to my current audiobook – True Spirit by Jessica Watson – about her solo circumnavigation of the globe back in 2009 at the age of 16. Am I having a midlife crisis???


I did notice that the shoes weren’t going to cut it though. Β So less than 2 weeks until we hike I thought it might be a good idea to buy some hiking boots. Β I might have 1 day to break them in, that is if they turn up on time and actually fit. Β I did buy a couple of sizes but I really have no idea if I bought the correct size, it was all so confusing to this little blonde non-hiker.

My hiking debut was ok so I backed it up the next afternoon. Β This was a whole other story. Β It was a lot tougher the second day. The pack just didn’t feel as comfy and felt much heavier. Β That night I could hardly move in bed, my back was so sore. Β Probably not a good thing really! Β So now I am wondering if Savvy B and I will be finishing our hike in wheel chairs rather than on foot. Β  I had to pop quite a few panadols (sorry Mum, perhaps you should stop reading now) yesterday and definitely couldn’t back up my practice runs with a third day. Β So wish us luck. Β We might need it. Β We plan to head off next Friday 1st July. Β Mr Savvy B will drop us up the top of their property that afternoon where will will camp the night and set of early Saturday morning. Β Stay tuned and please feel free to give us any advice. Β Oh and no, we are not doing this to raise money or for any reason at all…. we are just doing it because we are OUT OF OUR MINDS!!!!!

In other news Clancy has decided he might like to be a bushranger when he gets older. Β He has popped a sling on his homemade toy gun and thrown a beard on. Β Does it get any cuter?


Now it is your turn…

Have you been hiking?
Where have you hiked? Β I would love to know all about it.
Do you think we can do it? Β People here may or may not be placing bets on it.
Any tips?


  1. Mish

    Oh Chards, you crack me up!!!
    I cannot believe that you thought a normal pair of shoes would work for a 60km hike.
    I relayed this post to my partner and his comments were similar to Mr Chards comments … He also said something about a horse would enjoy a 60km walk.
    I am certain that you’re both going to be very sore at the end, but what an achievement! At the moment I’m struggling to fit in 15 minutes of exercise a day, let alone preparations for a 60km walk.
    I have to say that Clancy looks super cute as a bushranger, that boy of yours certainly has a big personality and it comes through in the photos of him that you share πŸ™‚

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha ha, oh Mish I am seriously still laughing at the thought of us hiking. I am not sure what we were thinking – oh yeah sure…. we can just pack up and hike 60km’s with a huge load on our back – no worries, too easy! Oh we will do it though, yes we will.

      • Mish

        YES you will do it and do it in style I am sure. Looking forward to your video updates – this city chick is looking forward to seeing more of the place that you and Mrs Savvy B call home πŸ™‚

        • Miss Chardy

          We are looking forward to it, I think we are a little bit in denial about how hard it will actually be but that’s probably a good thing. We won’t have mobile reception so will have to update you on everything once we are back but we will certainly do some video diaries, ha ha ha ha.

  2. Suzanne Young

    What a great adventure Miss Chardy………a bit more training might have been a good idea. You’ll be fine, I think you will find a few new muscles. Pack the Panadol.πŸ‘
    Remember to enjoy……Sue

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, I have realised that yes – a bit more training probably would have been a good idea. Will definitely be packing the panadol, might need something stronger, a shot of scotch perhaps!

  3. Heidi

    Good for you Chards!! I am truly impressed. I can’t wait to read all about it!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, thanks Heidi.

  4. Kit@Life through the haze

    seriously I am still not quite understanding what is going on here! You know that I am behind you a looooooonnnnnnggggg waaaaayyyyy behind you but all jokes aside oh who am I kidding seriously love a mid life crisis just get on a plane and go to a tropical island and drink chardy like normal people!

    Interesting side note – When Sir Edmund Hillary climbed Everest he climbed with Tenzing Sherpa well my cousin married his nephew (Tenzing’s nephew that is not Sir Edmund!) they met when she was climbing to Everest Base Camp and she got altitude sickness and Pesang carried her down the mountain and they fell in love. Can I get a naaawwwww. Ok they are divorced now and Pesang is back in Nepal but they were married lol …

    Cath xoxo

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh my goodness… yes I know Tenzing, quite well of course after my one viewing of the doco, ha ha ha ha. That is crazy.

  5. Rex Donnelly

    Miss Chardy, I am totally gobsmacked at what you & Mrs Savvy B are about to undertake, without the training. I hope your back, neck & feet stand up to this ordeal. Love the photos of Clancy, he is too cute to be a bushranger!!! Looking forward to seeing everyone. Love Grandee (DD) xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hmmm I’m a bit gobsmacked too, but as always we will soldier on and make it through unscathed… hopefully!!! You know I have good luck on my side DD. xx

  6. mariann

    Miss Chardy, you will be fine. It will be the start of many more adventures i’m sure. My sister and I went hiking in Kenya in 2009, we hiked Mt Kenya, which took us 4days of grueling hiking, and it was freezing.Mt Kenya is 5199 mtrs above sea level so you get altitude sickness a bit. It was amazing though, and I had never hiked anywhere before

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh wow Mariann, how fantastic!!! Sounds amazing.

  7. Auntie Theresie

    Oh Dan you never stop amazing me. wish I could come!!! You’ll have a ball. Can’t wait for the next instalment. that Clancy is sooooo cute just like his momma xoxo

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh you make me blush, ha ha ha ha. I look forward to letting you all know how the hike goes, can’t wait – will take some video diaries each day – too funny!!!! This is going to be hilarious.

  8. Shauna 'Round the Corner

    Hi Miss Chardy. This is hilarious! It sounds SO much like something I would do. I would be as equally unprepared if not more so. I’m supposed to be doing a 30km hike in March (a first for me) and my cowalkers are already in training! Not me though. I’m still recovering from blisters I got 3 months ago hehe. I wish you luck. Lots of luck πŸ™‚

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, training already for March – give me strength…. Mrs Savvy B hasn’t even taken her pack for a test run and this time next week we will be setting up at our first camp, ha ha ha. I am sure we will be fine… right????

    • Miss Chardy

      I think we will need HARD LIQUOR…. might just put it in the camel back thingy.

  9. Mel

    Go you! Hope you have got a Go Pro to document the journey? Nurofen are probably a better option as they are for muscle inflammation. Looking forward to reading all about it!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh right… so I should have been on the Nurofen all this time… right off to pop one now!!! The truck driver that just arrived with all of our lick just told me I need some Voltaren… I am still waiting for him to drop some off for me.

  10. Jo@JoSimplyWill

    Good on you Dan for doing something completely out of character and out of the ordinary for you! I wonder if in a couple of years we will be reading a post titled ‘Pacific Crest Trail – Here I come!’.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Jo, it is good to step out of your comfort zone isn’t it. Oh gee, not sure I would ever have the courage to tackle the PCT, well not alone anyway, would do it with someone but I would not be willing to go through snow, would definitely bypass that. πŸ™‚

  11. barbiewalkerBarbie Walker

    Miss Chardy I’ve been told hiking helps your writing, WOW looking forward to a series all about hiking.
    You are such an inspiration.

    • Miss Chardy

      Should make for some funny blog posts Barbie, ha ha ha.

  12. JacqLivesHere

    Miss Chardy – I am SO excited for you!!

    A couple of tips, since it’s a short hike πŸ™‚

    Do you have a lamb skin/sheep skin lying around not used? If so, cut some strips to put between your pack and your shoulders as additional padding – no matter how comfy it is when you set off, this will definitely help! Or keep to put them on on day 2, when you’ll definitely be feeling it!

    If you do feel the beginning of a blister/hot spot, stop IMMEDIATELY to take care of it… otherwise it’ll just get worse! My best tip for socks are a brand called Injinji – the are toe socks, kind of like gloves for your feet! The theory is that the fabric between your toes will assist to reduce friction, and I can tell you from personal experience (800km and 5 weeks straight walking) they do a stand up job

    I can’t wait to hear how you go!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much for the tips, that is fabulous. I have ordered some socks and sock liners but not glove socks. What should we do with the blisters, any hot tips??? Where did you hike 800km? Thanks πŸ™‚

      • JacqLivesHere

        Haha you betcha!

        Do you have any barrier cream to take with you? Even something like Bepanthan would work? Smother your feet with it before putting on your sock liners… this will help your feet “glide” with the socks as opposed to rub against them or your boots.
        Also grab yourself a pack of Compeed – these are to be used as soon as you feel a hot spot forming (before it becomes a blister).
        Since you’ll only be walking a few days that combo should hopefully work… if longer I would also recommend a needle and cotton string to drain your blisters, but fingers crossed you shouldn’t need to do that πŸ™‚
        Also – wear your boots loads before you go – even just around the station or when you’re mowing – the more used to them your feet get, the better!

        I walked the Camino across Spain… best experience of my life, but holy moly I saw some terrible feet!

        Another tip – walk at your own pace – not sure how fast/slow Mrs SB walks, but if you walk at a speed that is faster than your usual tempo (easy to do when chatting away!) that can exacerbate nasty things like shin splints (I speak from experience :()

        Last one – make sure your pack is fitted correctly around the hips – this is where all of your weight should be carried – the shoulder straps are really just to assist with balancing!

        Jacq πŸ™‚

        PS – STRETCH! At the end of the day…. it’ll make the next day a little easier to bear (even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time!)

        • Miss Chardy

          I thought it must have been the Camino Jacq… did you do it by yourself??? Thanks so much for the hot tips. Unfortunately we are totally rushing into this hike and we are completely unprepared… so will have to let you all know how we go next week. I head over to Mrs SB’s tomorrow. Can’t wait – if nothing else it is 4 days child free, who cares if we have to walk 20km per day. πŸ™‚

  13. Miss Twinings

    Hi Chards, best of luck with the trek…god you crack me up! You’ll probably have to change your name soon to Miss Gatorade as you are becoming such an action woman! Don’t forget the First aid kit! I think getting out in the fresh air and not having to think about anyone else for a few days will do you good. I hope the boots are a good fit πŸ˜€ You 2 are going to have such a laugh!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh it is going to be funny that’s for sure Miss Twinings!!!! Soooooo funny. As for my boots… well because we are so organised and all nothing arrived, I ordered boots/socks/sock liners/blister kit/t-shirt and none of it arrived. Mr Chardy went to town today so I will send him to the Post Office to see but I am not going to wear brand new boots anyway. Will get him to go to Sportspower and get me some new joggers. It is pretty funny how un-organised we are really. But you know what – I can’t wait – 4 days child free – YES PLEASE!!!!!! Just SB and Me in the wilderness. It will be lovely. Great to hear from you, how are things down there anyway?

      • Miss Twinings

        Great thank you, just on Qld holidays at the mo, after a crazy term – sorry i’ve been a bit quiet lately!!! Still loving yer posts though, just been running around like a crazy lady! Slowly catching up with your goings-on! Sneakers will do the trick! πŸ˜‰x


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