Outback Adventures with Chards & Savvy B: The Hike

July 6, 2016

We did it!  Our hike has been and gone and contrary to popular belief, and perhaps some bets that may have been made, we really did it.  And guess what – it wasn’t too bad.  So let me walk you through what went down in hiking town.  There is a video diary for each day too.

**Can I just say that I still don’t know who I am.  Seriously, what is going on.  I kept asking myself this the whole hike.**

Last Friday I packed up my gear and headed over to Mrs Savvy B’s house.

I needed to get over there by about lunch time so we could lay all of our gear out on her table to see what we did and didn’t need.  Things weren’t looking too good for me given that I couldn’t even make into her house in one trip with all of my gear.  There was lots of laughing.  But we managed to cull and break it down to this…

Getting ready

Mr Savvy B and the little SB’s drove us up to where we would camp for our first night.  About an hours drive from their house.  We dropped water along the way.

Hiking water drops

It is a permanent camp set up that they have for their yearly top end muster in September.  They spend a few weeks camped up here mustering.  It is pretty cool.  There is even a flushing toilet (we didn’t use it for fear of snakes and spiders) and a shower.

At camp

We waved goodbye to Mr Savvy B and the kidlets and breathed in the silence.

waving goodbye

We were all alone up there and boy it felt good.  No internet, no phones, no kids (god love them), no office…. no one!  We took a cooler bag up with some curry that Mrs Savvy B had cooked for dinner and slipped in a few sneaky beers to have that afternoon.  We set up camp and then went and sat by the river and relaxed.  There was even a little freshwater croc in the waterhole.

beer at camp

Once back at camp we built a fire, popped the curry in the camp oven and had dinner.  It was so lovely kicking back around the fire.  There is really nothing better.  I love a good camp fire.  When packing we skimped on essentials so we could fit our hip flasks of port in.  We were so glad we did.  Sitting by the fire sipping port.  Who are we?

dinner at camp

By about 7:30pm there was really nothing much else to do but go to bed.  We were wishing we had brought a book to read.  Anyway we headed into our tent and found out just how uncomfortable a sleeping bag on the hard ground really is. Oh and did I mention the super uncomfortable blow up pillow???  Anyway, we kept thinking about all the unfortunate people in the world who don’t even have a bed, let alone a warm sleeping bag and manned the hell up.  There were numb bums and sore hips but we made it through with some sleep.  All was good.

Day One

Next morning we heated up the left over curry and had a decent breakfast before we set off.  We were all packed up and ready to go by 7:30am.  This was it, time to hike.  I couldn’t believe we were really doing it.  We planned to go 22km’s on the first day.

setting off

Hiking Camooweal

Between the saggy boobs and the bum back I am lost for words my friends… is this a midlife crisis?

Day one Dan

Things weren’t looking good after 1km.  Mrs Savvy B stopped with a very sore shoulder.  Now Mrs Savvy B is one tough chick so this alarmed me ever so slightly.  I told her we needed to deal with it now before it got worse.  So we dealt with it in the old fashioned way: Nurofen, Panadol & Voltaren Cream!  2 minutes later she was a new woman.  We just kept those drugs up to her for the rest of the hike and she was as good as gold.  We eventually managed to adjust our backpacks so they were just right.  Look at them, aren’t they cute…

hiking backpacks Hiking Backpack Dan

The scenery on that first day was spectacular.  Absolutely stunning.  We really enjoyed it.  We had lots of little stops along the way.

day one smoko

Hiking road Hiking Shell walking1

day one track

Our favourite break was lunch in a dry river bed.  We had the corned beef sandwich we had packed the day before, boiled the billy (well – our quart pots) and had a coffee.  It was fantastic.  We really loved those little breaks.  The weather was very kind to us on day one: a beautiful breeze, not too hot and there was plenty of shade along the way to pull of for a little sit down.

day one lunch Lunch in river

We arrived at our planned camp spot but it was really early so we kept walking for another 4km’s.  We had left a 5 litre water bottle at our planned camp area so we had to really load ourselves up with water.  Those last 4km’s were pretty tough with all the weight we were carrying and there were a few big hills to cross, but we made it and with time to spare.  We were at camp by 4:30pm.


We made it to a little set of cattle yards and we thought that would be a good spot to set up our tent – in the yard where we were a little bit protected.  We were set up in no time at all. Found some wood, made a fire and sat down for a little bit of port and nibbles.

Hiking night 2 camp hiking night 2 camp set up

Gosh it was good to kick off those shoes and relax.  Thank god for that little tipple of port.  I felt a bit like a sailor drinking out of that hip flask.  Ha ha ha ha.

hiking pirate

Then it was time to cook dinner…. our dehydrated meal of Honey Soy Chicken.  We were skeptical to say the least.  All we had to do was boil some water and add one cup to the packet.  The packet doubled as a bowl – perfect.  Anyway – I can honestly say it was YUMMY!!!  I would give it a Hiking Masterchef score of 11/10.  I am not kidding you.  Mrs Savvy B even agreed, it was very tasty.  Even had vegetables in it.

Hiking dinner

We were not looking forward to another night on that hard ground.  But managed to survive with perhaps a little more sleep than the first night on hard ground.

Day Two

We set our alarm for 6am the next morning and were up and at it in the dark, stoking up the fire, packing up the tent and boiling our quart pots for a coffee.  We were off again by 7:30am.


We found a gorgeous little waterhole to set up camp for smoko…

Hiking Waterhole

Because it was decided that we would make it home that evening we pulled out the Maggi 2 minute noodles for smoko, and as luck would have it they fit perfectly in our quart pots.  Thanks for the tip Liz.

Hiking Smoko Day 2

Off we went again…

break day one track

The first half of day two wasn’t all that bad.  Our feet were pretty good.  I did put a blister tape on one of my toes before we left, but that was it. By about lunch time we were onto the downs country.  Good cattle country but BLOODY BORING!!!!!!

Hiking on the downs

You can see a loooooooonnnnnnggggg way ahead and it isn’t much fun.  The ground was a bit rough, it was very hot and there wasn’t much shade.  So from about lunch time on we trudged along in silence.  Although Mrs Savvy B did get quite a lot of abuse hurled at her for about 4 hours straight.  There was a lot of swearing followed by a lot of laughing.  If we didn’t laugh we may well have cried.

Mr Savvy B came to check on us in the chopper at one stage.  What – did he think we wouldn’t make it?  Did he think we may have wanted out?  No way!  But it was nice of him to think of us.   We assured him we had enough water and waved him off.

Hiking chopper

Feet were sore and blisters were forming.  We went much further on that second day than we had thought.  I think all up we did about 30km.  No wonder we were feeling very sad and sorry for ourselves.  But, by crikey, we were not spending one more night in that tent on hard ground.  We made a deal that we would make it home that night come hell or high water.

We stopped about 4km’s from home.  Our feet were so sore and we needed to pop some blisters and tape them up.  It was 4:30pm.  We sat in the shade for a while and gave our feet a break.  Then we were off on our final leg.  Just 4 more kilometres.  We can do it.  You should have seen us hobbling off from that break, oh dear lord, it was so funny, we couldn’t stop laughing at ourselves.

hiking blisters

Hiking Nearly home

We were greeted by a little welcoming committee not far from the homestead: the little Savvy B’s. They clapped us in. It was so cute.

Hiking welcoming

Home sweet home and the promise of a lovely shower followed by a cold Chardy not to mention the rump steak and salad – YUM.  We did it.  We made it.


Again: I will have to put it on Facebook.

Hiking arriving home

Hiking done

Hiking finished

Our first hike.  Oh and yes – we are still friends.   It was only a 2 day hike and certainly not Everest or Kilimanjaro but we are very proud of ourselves and looking forward to our next adventure.

So tell me, would you want to go hiking with Mrs Savvy B?  
Perhaps she should start Hiking Tours for all of you fine adventurers out there?  Thoughts?
Do you think the Dehydrated food is yummy too?


  1. Fashionista

    Good work! Even if i think you’reJay slightly mad. Love the scenery shots and laughed at your downs country description. Looking forward to the next adventures.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, thanks Judy!!

  2. Cooker and a Looker

    What LEGENDS!
    Well done you two! If it’d been up to me, I’d have spend the three days at the first camp watching that waterhole.
    You deserve to feel super proud of yourselves!
    A xx

    • Miss Chardy

      It is very lovely up at camp Amanda. Thanks. xx

  3. jac7star

    Well done! I would be feeling super proud if I were you!
    Love your welcoming committee 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much. It was great fun. 🙂

  4. JacqLivesHere

    Wooo hoooo!!!! What a fantastic effort you two!!! And look at those smiles on the finish line! Insert fist pump here. I cannot get over the beautiful scenery you walked through on the first day – it would have taken me twice as long as I would have kept stopping for pics! And I love the chopper check in – haha Mr SB should have known two tough ladies would have able to look after themselves without issue!
    Off to watch the video diaries on FB now…

    • Miss Chardy

      Video diaries are just not happening sorry Jacq, I will have to try again first thing in the morning when my internet it better, I am trying to put them on You Tube and then onto Facebook or the Blog. I am so technologically retarded it isn’t even funny. It was so pretty that first day, we had such fun and such gorgeous little stops along the way.

  5. lotsafreshair

    Yay you! I’d totally go for an outback hike with you two… although I’d definitely be advising you on saving weight in your packs so you can take more port… ie. did you know that a 750ml ‘Pump’ water bottle holds 1 bottle of wine! Hello??!!! Looks like a lot of fun and can’t wait to see you doing more adventures.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Caro… so lovely to hear from you. Ummmmm why did we think a hip flask would be enough, I could have had wine in that bum bag holder, ha ha ha ha. It was fun. We definitely need a comfy option to sleep on too, any suggestions.

  6. Em @ Have A Laugh On Me

    I can just imagine how fabulous it felt to remove those shoes – well done you two! Great job xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Em. 🙂

  7. Heidi

    I am soo impressed!! I would love to go hiking with you and Mrs. SB! It looked like so much fun (well except for maybe the sleeping on the hard ground part).

  8. Mish

    You did it!!!
    The photos show just how diverse and amazing our wide brown land can be 🙂
    Mr SB cracked me up with checking on you and I’m sure there would have been more than a few swear words from me, especially on day two with all that flat boring ground and no shade.
    Your welcoming committee made it all worth your while but why didn’t they offer to take your backpacks on the bikes?
    Congratulations for achieving this goal and if you ever start the Chardy & SB Hiking Tour Company, sign me up for your first adventure!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Mish, oh that second day was very hot. The boys did offer to take our packs (god love them) but we thought they might be a bit heavy, ha ha ha. 🙂

  9. Cate

    Such an enjoyable read and really inspiring!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh thanks Cate. It was lots of fun.

  10. Shauna 'Round the Corner

    Finally got a chance to sit down and read this without interruption. And what can I say? WELL DONE! Man I could feel your pain as you set out on that last 4ks. And the deafening silence after lunch on the second day. Haha. I giggled quite a bit too! What a great experience. Lovely photos too 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Shauna, all I remember now is the fun we had. I will definitely be hiking again.

  11. Jo@JoSimplyWill

    What a terrific accomplishment Dan! Sounds like there are going to be more to come, so here’s a great tip for dealing with blisters. Instead of popping them, thread a needle and cotton thread right through the blister. Sounds gross I know! Take the needle out but leave the cotton thread there. Overnight, the cotton will absorb the liquid in the blister and this keeps the skin intact whilst it’s healing. Sorry, hope I haven’t made anyone gag!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Jo, someone else suggested that needle and thread idea too, sounds like a good idea, we will definitely do that next time!!! Thanks Jo.



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