Outback Cattle Station: Colours

January 13, 2016

Green Grass rp_Stormy-Sky-300x300.jpg Tank Green Stormy Sky Paddock Colour Spur Lego Green and Red Cattle Colour Clothesline

How are things looking at your place?  How is your week going?  Are you in de-clutter mode like many others around the traps? It seems January is the month for it.

Getting very sorted here.  But I have to keep reminding myself of this… here is the comment Mrs Rumbo left, a couple of days ago on the blog, and it is so true.  I loved it so much I thought you should all have a read and listen to Mrs Rumbo – she is a wise lady…

“Just remember Chards, that even though you are super organised and ready to start the year there will be times when the wheels fall off, but that doesn’t matter, you’ve seen me change a tyre and you know how to do it yourself. So when it happens don’t beat yourself up as your a bit prone to (a bit of self flagellation – we all like it at times) you are strong, have a chards or two or even the bottle if you want, laugh hysterically and then move on.” — Mrs Rumbo —

I will definitely need to remind myself of this because when things get real and the place gets busy the wheels are sure to fall off… we just need to pop them back on and keep going.  Easier said than done, but I will certainly try!

Have a great day my friends!



  1. Anne@GritandGiggles

    That was worth quoting. I need to remember that too.
    Looking lovely and green, the rain must have treated you well.

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, we all need to remember it don’t we Anne. We had some lovely rain and hate to be greedy but some follow up would be super. 🙂

  2. Lisa Aherne

    Your photos show a lovely range of colours, including green!, in outback Queensland. Nice!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Lisa… we are in the NT – but not far from Qld – we go across to the QLD border.


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