Outback Cattle Station: Preg Testing

April 20, 2016

Today we are going on a little trip to the ultra sound clinic.  Don’t worry – i’m not pregnant again or anything like that, so calm down.  No, today we are talking cattle – I know…. one of my favourite topics… right?!!!  When I was pregnant Mr Chrady always used to tell me that us women are “just like cows” and he would explain it all to me… because I had no idea… seriously, I didn’t!  And it turns out he was right, they even have ultrasounds.  Although I don’t think these cows had to drink copious amounts of water and then hold it in for 2 hours.  Anyway, back to the subject at hand: Ultra Sound for cows.

Usually we get a vet out to preg test manually – this involves donning a super long glove, lubing up and shoving your hand/arm into the cows backside.  Charming right?  Are you still with me?  Hang in there.  So the vet (or often Mr Chardy) would shove his hand up thousands of cows backsides and feel around to see if 1. they were indeed pregnant and 2. try and see how far along they are.  Can you imagine how sore your hand would be after 2,000 cows?!

This year a bloke by the name of Nick came up to ultra sound the cattle.  We haven’t done this before.  Nick came all the way from Inverell in NSW.  Now I could go into extreme detail about what went on but rather than do that here is a visual for you…

Ultra Sound Preg Testing Ultra Sound Preg Testing 1

Ultra Sound Preg Testing 4

Each cow (well every head on the place, once they have been weaned/branded/tagged) has a little round tag in their ear – a microchip.  This tag stores a unique number which means they have lifetime traceability. Georgie is scanning each cow – using that little yellow wand.  Bit like a fairy really, isn’t she?! When they go into the crush they also get weighed.  All of this data goes into that little yellow machine and is then downloaded onto the computer.

Ultra Sound Preg Testing 3

Unfortunately each cow doesn’t get a print out of their ultra sound to put on Facebook, poor buggers.  Pretty cool though isn’t it?!

Ultra Sound Machine

The whole process is a lot less invasive than the manual method.  I can only imagine that the cow is a lot happier having that probe shoved in there rather than a mans hand and arm.  And fast, by golly he was quick, they could hardly keep the cattle up to him.

All in all we were very impressed.


  1. Anne@GritandGiggles

    I remember the first time I watched preg testing, it was fascinating. It was the manual method and weirdly I am still kicking myself I didn’t give it a go but it was my first time on a station and … I was a chicken lol. Apparently it is the coolest feeling when you find a calf but sometimes they are a bit hard to find. I don’t think it would be that great after 2000, those darlings like to squeeze. I did used to help with spaying though, through the back end. I was the butt washer lol. No one was letting me near a blade I couldn’t see while using. Not sure if that is a step up from Govie or not 😉 Thanks for the interesting look at a more modern version of preg testing.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, too funny Anne. Definitely a step up from Govie, ha ha ha. Glad you enjoyed the post.

  2. Cooker and a Looker

    That is super cool Chards. I’ve seen the fancy ultrasound done on stud animals but never on such a massive scale. The scientist in me wants to play around with all that data!
    A xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh yes, you would love the data!!! How cool is that Ultra Sound screen!

  3. Mish

    Ultrasound for cows, what will they think of next!
    It is amazing to a city gal like me the many ways things get dealt with on such a large station. We had a family market garden so I thought I was more adjusted to the country life than most city gals, but after reading some of your posts, like this one, I realise I’m a babe in the woods!
    Thanks for the look into managing cattle and I agree the ultrasound is much nicer method.

    • Miss Chardy

      So pleased I could give you a bit of an insight! Hell who am I kidding… I think I am learning just as much as you guys. ha ha ha ha.

  4. kathymarris

    What a great idea. Sounds much better than putting your arm up a cow’s backside! I was fascinated by this. How many of your cows were pregnant by the way?

    • Miss Chardy

      I will consult my brains trust (aka Mr Chardy) and let you know…. stay tuned.

  5. Em @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Our poo moo cows used to have it done the old fashioned way, poor darlings. I used to be quite mortified at the sight!!! xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      I’m still shaking from watching you step off a building this morning on your blog!

  6. Kit@Life through the haze

    Wow, I had never thought about this at all. I am going to share this with my two country girlfriends (who will laugh incredibly hard at me just quietly!) I guess I figured you would know who was pg when they got larger around their tummy or perhaps popped out a calf. Thinking about it I guess it is a little hard to get the cow to pee on a stick, though I can’t imagine holding a cup to catch the pee could be much worse than the hand up the rear end (for the person who has that job that is.) The ultrasound does sound a lot more civilised for everyone including the cows.

    You now have me wondering did they fall pregnant the old fashioned way or did they require assistance. Can I just say that as a mum of twins this is the question that I hated the most were they IVF so I kind of feel a little bit dirty even asking. So much that happens on a cattle ranch (I was going to say farm but I think you live on something considerably larger than a hobby farm) that I just can’t get my little city girl head around.

    I romanticise it all and think it is all about walking around in gorgeous crisp white or check shirts with the collars up lovely boots and nice pants. But I am guessing it is not much like that at all. It is ok you can laugh at me, my friends who grew up in NSW country (Warren and Coonabarabran) do all the time when I say silly things about country life.

    Every post I learn something new thanks Miss Chardy!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi There, oh you crack me up. Yes, they fell preggers the old fashioned way… a big hunky bull. Your romanticised image isn’t all wrong… of course we don’t get around like that on a day to day basis but you have nailed it for when we go to town or go to camp drafts etc. And I grew up in Mudgee NSW and went to school with girls from Coona & Warren and places in between. Thanks for reading Cath!!! (and thanks for putting me on your “writers I love” blogroll over on your blog!!!) Hope all is well down there. 🙂

  7. barbiewalkerBarbie Walker

    ultra sound the cattle wow!! that’s excellent mordern tech is moving forward everday and yes less invasive for the girls (cow’s I mean)

    • Miss Chardy

      Yep, I am sure the girls are much happier with it.

  8. Mel

    Yes I have had the experience of preg testing the traditional way and I can say that I wasn’t going to take it up as my profession! The lovely long gloves did look good blown up with helium gas at Beef 2015though! As for the ultrasound wand, yes they do use them at the gynaecologist!! I know from experience!

    • Miss Chardy

      Right – interesting… about the gynaecologist that is… 🙂

  9. theplumbette

    This is so interesting to read and the new way is much better than the old way. 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Glad you found it interesting Lady Plumbette!!!xx


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