Outback Cattle Station: The Everyday

October 2, 2015

Look – twice in one week – could I be making my comeback?

Friday already and October.  What the hell is going on people?  How can we be in October already?  The weather is warming up and a couple of weeks ago the kids even had their first swim in the pool.  Still to cold for me.  I can’t wait until it warms up enough to go for a swim.

I have been making the most of my walks each morning.


Soon it will be too hot and I will have to use my treadmill again.  Gee I have enjoyed this track, so peaceful.

The mail plane came yesterday with 5 esky’s worth of frozen goods.  We were getting very low, so it was great to see.  Here is a visual.  Just a few bits and pieces really…

Frozen gear

There wasn’t a ute handy so I had to squeeze it into nooks and unexplored crannies in the buggy.  Managed to get it all in though.

The kids have been making the most of their last week of holidays.  Tom went out trucking all day yesterday while Harry managed to drag himself off the lounge to go out with Mr Chardy all day – shock horror.  We knew he would get bored so I suggested he take a book with him.


I packed the boys a lunch bag to take with all sorts of things in it (don’t worry, it wasn’t Pinterest worthy).  Anyway, Clancy wanted to get in on the action and brought me out his lunch bag.  So I packed him one too, even though he was just going to be hanging out with me all day in the kitchen.


Clancy loves to help out in the kitchen…


Last night we trotted out a favourite: Crumbed steak & potato bake with veg…

Crumbed Steak

And I thought it was only right that I trot out a pavlova for dessert…


I don’t think you could get an easier dessert.  This pav that I make is so simple: 4 egg whites and one cup of sugar!  Seriously.  Add a bit of whipped cream and fruit to the top and Bob’s your uncle.  Yummy too.  (This recipe if from The Common Sense Cookbook).

Now before we finish we must talk about The Batchelorette… who is your favourite?  I think mine is still Sasha but I do have a soft spot for Michael – that soccer player!  Isn’t he cute, looks all of about 18.  I think Dave is in with a chance too.

How awkward was that group date they went on to the day spa thingy – I could hardly watch it.  Seriously, those fella’s must have been a bit worried when she was rubbing that mud on them, they were probably getting all hot and bothered, poor buggers!   So tell me – who do you love?  Who is in and who is out?  I am glad that musician has gone just quietly.  Lovely bloke but don’t think he is right for Sam.  Because I would know!

I think that is about all we have been up to over the past couple of days.

How have the school holidays been for you?  Did you go anywhere exciting?
Are you looking forward to school going back?  I know Mr Chardy is!





  1. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Mr HALOM followed the Bachelor but isn’t following this show, I wonder why???? Glad the boys are enjoying the time off school. That pav looks delish! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, yes – the Bachelorette is better for the girls. I am looking forward to the boys going back to school, wish Clancy was going with them!

  2. Cooker and a Looker

    Hooray for a comeback! I’m yet to stage one down here – hopefully soon though!
    Loving hearing from you again. Can’t beat crumbed steak and pav!
    A x

    • Miss Chardy

      Nothing better. Have a great long weekend. 🙂

  3. Anne@GritandGiggles

    Your dinner look delish and the dessert, yum! I am not looking forward to warmer weather either. Going for walks is so easy with scenery like that.

    • Miss Chardy

      The flies are really starting to swarm too… nearly treadmill time. But I am looking forward to the pool warming up. Blowing an absolute gale here today.

  4. Sandra Scott

    So glad to see you back and with pics of your everyday life, oh and Clancy is just the cutest little boy. Nice that he wants to help you in the kitchen.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Sandra, sometimes I just overthink this whole blogging thing. If i just take photos then that is enough… I can just write about that or pop up a few photos. Sometimes I just need to slap myself and get on with it. Clancy is pretty darn cute. The devil in disguise.

  5. Sandra Scott

    Wish I could figure out how to put my pic here so you’d know who’s writing.

    • Miss Chardy

      Does anyone else know how to do this??

      • leanneosullivan

        You need a wordpress account then you upload your image. I think!

        • Miss Chardy

          Thanks so much Leanne! 🙂

  6. Evie Jean

    Yum! Crumbed steak! AND potato bake! Now I am hungry!
    Love your pics 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Best combo ever!

  7. Sarah Prunster

    So glad to see you back online – we are heading into sub zero temps next week here in Moscow with the first snowflake showing in the forecast so its good to keep warm with stories about the Aussie outback. Pav looks sooo delish – they are quite popular over this way with my American Mate making one recently for my b’day and my British neighbour made one last night 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh wow Sarah. Very cold indeed. My kids have just started swimming in our pool, definitely warming up. Love a good Pav.

  8. muchas_gracias

    Please blog Miss Chardy! I miss you. I love hearing about your life in BFN.

    • Miss Chardy

      Finally did another post… the internet is just so slow I can hardly do anything. Very hit and miss.

  9. Miss Twinings

    Hi Chards, even your day to day things are interesting to us city folk, i am a but behind with blogs at mo, but was wondering : re the pavlova recipe, once u have whipped those 2 ingreds (egg whites,sugar) together, what is the oven temp please & how long cook for? ( pretty please with berries on top haha!) thank u!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ok…quick recipe for you, but only because you are so lovely…. so whip the egg whites until they form soft peaks, then add the sugar very verrrrry slowly…like a spoon full slowly poured in at a time…. beat beat beat… once the sugar is all in continue to beat for about 5 minutes until nice and glossy and smooth…. then pop into the oven at 150 degrees for 30 minutes, reduce heat to 120 and cook for a further 10 minutes… cool in oven with door ajar. How easy is that. hope that helps you Miss Twinings.

      • Miss Twinings

        Thank you so berry much!! 😊I know you had packing to do, so i appreciate your time putting this up for me, i will try that recipe, thank u! x

        • Miss Chardy

          So easy!


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