Outback Cattle Station: The Plumber

June 27, 2016

Ever wondered what happens when we need a plumber out here at Bum Truck Nowhere? Nope? I didn’t think so but that is sure as heck not going to stop me from telling you all about it.

Meet Stretch – aka: Freakishly Big Hands…. or perhaps just plain old Brian. Either way the man can and will fix anything. Like I have said before I prefer to call him “Laxative” because he makes shit happen. Jack of all trades. Nothing phases him. Oh and why “Stretch”? Well he stands at 6 feet 9 inches (I think) and looks down on us all. His hand is as big as my foot.


Stretch works for Barkly Plumbing Services in Tennant Creek (which FYI is about a 5 hour drive away). He usually comes out each year and takes care of any plumbing issues we have. This year he has gutted the Jackaroo’s bathroom and completely redone it “Prison Quality” to withstand those filthy little buggers.

My kids think that he can fix absolutely everything (and he probably can). One of our Televisions is not working and Clancy said “we should get Stretch to fix that”. I laughed and replied “Stretch is a plumber not an electrician or TV man but yes, he probably could fix it so we will get him to look at it”. Too funny.

He is definitely not high maintenance, no job is a problem, you just tell him to wave his magic wand over a problem and he is onto it. The words “I can’t” are not in his vocabulary.

Stretch came up here as a young Ringer (Jackaroo) when he left school and has been up here ever since. We have known him for about 15 years and he is basically part of the family.

Barkly Plumbing supply us with way more than just plumbing.  We order a lot of our bore gear through them, they have built one of our huge sheds here, they put up a big Rhino Tank,  and they oil our decks for us.  Of course they also pump out our septics each year too.  Our business is their business!

Oh and you know how I said Stretch can fix anything…. well the other day, after my second attempt at hiking with my backpack, I had a very sore back.  So sore I could hardly breath.  Stretch said my back needed cracking.  I was a little hesitant to have anyone muck with my spine but gave in…. anyway, he cracked it for me and I had instant relief, all sorted.  So turns out he is part Chiropractor too.  Very handy to have around indeed.

Here he is last year at Brunette Races supplying us with Moet…


He can also make a Slipper


And a curry

PicMonkey Collage

So riddle me this my fine friends… does your plumber do all of this?



  1. Mrs Rumbo

    I’m sure he would like the Topend!

    • Miss Chardy

      I am sure he would travel up for you Mrs Rumbo!!!

  2. jac7star

    All round awesome!!

    • Miss Chardy

      He sure is.

  3. Jo@JoSimplyWill

    Dan, you need to rename this wonderful man ‘Stretch of all trades’! What a legend of the outback!

    • Miss Chardy

      I will let him know Jo – good name!!!

  4. Robbsie

    Make sure The Cook has plenty of Crumbed Steak on the Menu for Stretch !

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, Robbsie…. you will never believe it but he has gone all vegetarian on us… someone told us he had stopped drinking too but I think that stopped when he drove through our boundary gate. He does like to punish himself!

      • Robbsie

        unbelievable ! It can’t last !

        • Miss Chardy

          Ha ha ha ha

  5. Meredith D'Arcy

    Just wondering, Is there a Mrs Stretch?

    • Miss Chardy

      No there isn’t Meredith.

  6. Mish

    Mr Stretch is certainly a man of many talents!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      He sure is… my goodness… he has just sorted our green pool out for us. He was not going to let that one beat him.


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