Outback Cattle Station: The weekend that was

March 23, 2015

How was your weekend. Probably not quite as exciting as mine I am thinking.  Things are getting ridiculous now people, it has officially been 2 months since I have been to town.  I mean, that is just not cricket is it…. ???

And now that I am chained to the station kitchen, things may not improve.  Send help.  Fast.

We said goodbye to our cook on Saturday, it was a short but happy friendship and unfortunately cooking just wasn’t for her.  I get it.  So I have decided (yes, you read correctly – decided) that I will be the cook.  Ok, all of my outback friends, stop rolling your eyes in disbelief, it will be ok, I am at peace with this decision.  I just don’t have it in me to go on the hunt for a new cook.  Our cook of 6 years – Aileen (who left last year) – has ruined me.  No one is going to stack up!  That lady taught me everything I know (oh and Mrs Rumbo….she definitely taught me how to make gravy for a crowd), so I figure I can do this, I will just channel my inner Aileen and get on with things.  I started my new career on Saturday, so far so good.  So, if you will, follow along and discover life in an outback kitchen.  The stories, the lives, the triumphs, the people, the food, the recipes… good lord, it sounds like a soapie doesn’t it.  Would you like to come along for the ride? I already have a 4 week meal plan, printed out on a spreadsheet…I have this people.  Just don’t muck with my plan, it won’t be pretty.

Check out our new set of wheels….our little “run around”…. I am loving myself sick in this little buggy, or as I like to call it “the resort wagon”….. every time I get in it I feel like I am being taken to my room at a 5 star resort….reminds me of the Hyatt Regency Coolum before Clive Palmer ruined it. Here, look, isn’t she a beauty:



And a few more photos from the weekend…sorry I am really scraping the bottom of the barrel here….





Here is Tom’s horse – Mojo…. he has just come in from the paddock.  Needs some new Jimmy Choo’s before Tom can go for a ride.







Wish me luck in my new role…. Kitchen Manager.  Today is sorted: Pizza for morning smoko and then roast beef and vegetables & chocolate pudding for dinner.

How was your weekend?  Hopefully a little more exciting than mine.  Been to town lately?  I can’t even remember what town is. Have a great week guys.










  1. Jackie

    How many people are you cooking for ?

    • Miss Chardy

      Only about 12 Jackie 🙂

  2. Sandra Scott

    I look forward to reading all about your new extra job.

    • Miss Chardy

      Stay tuned, should be a thrill a minute Sandra, ha ha ha 🙂

  3. Emma Steendam

    You are a braver woman than me! I struggle to get my act together to cook for two adults + one baby – ha! I’m sure you’ll nail it though. Have you got a copy of LSODE’s Savour the Outback cookbook? When I was govie’ing we created that masterpiece/labour of love and if I do say so myself, it’s a goodun. Our weekend was very busy/not busy, nothing planned for once but we still managed to jam pack it with jobs, always the way. ‘Town’ for us now is very close (as in two minute drive to bakery/pub/post office, twenty minutes to big supermarket/kmart, half hour to a smallish shopping centre/big w/target/bunnings) Spoilt I know. It’s good, but I do miss living in the middle of nowhere most of the time, too bloody densely populated here, neighbours too close! Yadda yadda…

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh, the LSODE cookbook sounds great, my favourite is the AACO Brief on Beef Cookbook and the Mt Isa SOTA one is pretty good too. How is that wardrobe going?

  4. Little Munch

    Move over Nigella, I’m sensing a new TV show here “Cooking with Chards”. I’m presuming being Station Cook means that you’re allowed a few more wines whilst you cook?!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, not nearly as glamorous as Nigella.

  5. robbsie

    Oh. My. God. I am in shock. Thinking of you every minute. Sending you good vibes to get you through this ordeal
    Love Robbsie

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, I knew you wouldn’t approve Robbsie….so far so good, only day 2 really though….I seem to be on top of it Robbsie, not sure what has happened to me….

      • robbsie

        Just as long as it is your decision, there’s no pressure from “other” sources for you to do it, , and that you are being paid for your hard work, I support you ! This experience will teach you many things !

        • Miss Chardy

          Fully my decision Robbsie which I think is why it feels so good… it is actually good to get out of the house and my mundane routine with the 3 year old. I am pretty sure he is happy to get out too. Rest assured I wouldn’t be thinking it was so easy if I didn’t have such a fabulous Govie. xxx

          • robbsie

            Eat a frog for breakfast every day !

          • Miss Chardy

            Great advice Robbsie…

  6. Sal

    What aren’t I surprised there is a spreadsheet? You will do a fantastic job Miss Chardy! Do yourself a favour though and buy a Thermi!

  7. Chrissy

    Please dont hate me for saying it but I’m excited by your promotion! I can imagine all the side eyes but bejebas this sounds like an awesome read….must have felt it in your bones so at least you’ve got the homestead prepped and sitting pretty! How many will you be cooking for? Just as long as the family eats with the crew and your not cooking separate dinners I reckon you could do this! Can’t wait…might be able to send you a few bulk recipes…butter chicken is pretty easy

    • Miss Chardy

      I always love a good bulk recipe Chrissy….. yes, isn’t it great that I managed to get on top of things on the home front, I think that is why I feel I can do this. It is actually good to get out of the house and not have the 3 year old trailing along behind me telling me he is hungry every 3 seconds…he has been really good. Only cooking for about 12 I think.

  8. Heike Herrling

    OH Chards – I would totally come and be your cook! I would love it. In my uni days, I was a chef’s assistant at a big boarding school – so I have experience! Pity I’m not at the right stage of life to up sticks and cook for you. I love cooking for large numbers and in fact, find it easier than preping a meal for two or four. Good luck! You’ll be a star. I can send you a fool-proof and super versatile cake recipe that scales up perfectly. You could sign up for the next season of My Kitchen Rules with all the experience you’ll have cooking in large numbers – numbers do seem to be their downfall! 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, call me when you are ready to “up sticks” Heike!!! We can talk turkey at Pro Blogger, ha ha ha. I would love any recipes, feel free to email it to me, if you have it handy. 🙂

  9. Mrs Rumbo

    And custard and white sauce remember!.. I do ……’I don’t need to know how to cook this shit!!”….angry Chardy lol Me..’You’re not leaving here until you do’…haha fun times 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, such fond memories in the Kitchen with you Sue….. me stomping my feet because the gravy had lumps, then cutting off the tip of my finger while cutting round for crumbed steak and calling you in tears while you were in hospital….because that is what you needed, a crying Govie when you were having heart surgery…. thanks for teaching me!!!

      • Mrs Rumbo

        Luvs ya!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh, and screw the custard…I have UHT cartons of it….ha ha ha

  10. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    I reckon it’ll be something you can really sink your teeth into – great all creative and stuff! I will of course be watching and reading with baited breath. I do hope to read about some disasters (not too many) in the kitchen! I admire you but I could NOT do it! x

  11. Mrs T

    Awesome! I love it! And you know what? You will do just fine, because acceptance is key!! And you already have a spreadsheet, so go you!! And I do love recipe posts. It helps my kitchen mojo to get out of the rut of cooking the same things over and over!! Xxx MrsT

    • Miss Chardy

      I think you are right Mrs T – acceptance…. it is the key!!! We can do this. Me and all of my readers, we will rock this kitchen business. It is roast beef tonight. Have also knocked up a double batch of Choc Slice. And also did Pizza for morning smoko, so no one has gone hungry yet.

  12. Romana

    Sounds like fun Miss Chardy. I am thinking if you ever get in a tight corner, there is no recipe that a sly splash of something alcoholic couldn’t save. LOL. Check out an old 80’s classic cooking book called The Boozy Chef. The go to cooking book from my student days. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7171545-the-boozy-chef
    Doesn’t sound like you will need it though, today’s menu would have me straight over there, if you were a touch closer…!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Ramona, I do like the sound of that cook book – The Boozy Chef, ha ha ha ha. I will definitely check it out.

  13. KezUnprepared

    Wow, I wish you lots of luck in your new role!! You are a brave woman – I look forward to seeing your life as cook! Hope you get an excuse to get into town soon! xo

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Kez, this not getting to town business is not good, don’t even have Easter Eggs….lucky Mr Chardy is going to town this week….he can pick some up.

  14. Miss Twinings

    Love the positive attitude that u can do this new gig, well done! You will show Mr Chardy & everyone how multi talented you are 🙂 good pics from the weekend, i like the way the kids enjoy napping in the new resort buggy, if you get a bit tired from the new cooking role, you always also could hide away and nanna-nap in it too, tucked behind the house or something haha…where nobody can find you, esp hungry kids! ….Although you (potentially) are also going to have hungry adults trying to find you now too hahaha! Have a great roast!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Miss Twinings!!! 🙂

  15. Anne@gritandgiggles

    Ugh I live in a city, a … city. That is the one place I never thought I would live and one day I am going to escape and run free without neighbours on my door step. Go you on the cook gig! If that menu is anything to go by for the rest of the four weeks, you are going to have pretty happy workers. I love your buggy! Can I take it for a spin?

    • Miss Chardy

      That buggy is the business Anne, I took it for a spin to make up a guest quarters …. it was like the “housekeeping cart” ha ha ha. As for the City Anne…hang in there.

  16. dkshopgirl

    Hey Miss Chardy – lovin’ your blog … oh dear … hate it when you have someone soooo good for so long … totally does ruin things for a long time – (I’m dreading the day our govvie leaves…) but sounds like you’re sorted with a spreadsheet food timetable – impressive !! See you at Home Tutor and I’ll be looking for tips of that monster gravy recipe xxx

    ps. don’t worry, darl … town is a mere memory for me too ♥

    • Miss Chardy

      ha ha ha – town….yes, what is that….I am now worrying how the hell I am going to get some easter eggs…best sort something out… I can’t wait for Home Tutor week!! See you then!! 🙂

  17. Fashionista

    Resort buggy! Snorted tea through my nose at that!

    The meal plan is the key. I only have to cook for four but meal planning is how I keep sane. Love a good spreadsheet.

    Karen Martini has a recipe book called Feasting which has some great feeding a crowd recipes if you’re needing inspiration further down the track.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks for the tip Judy. Love that you snorted tea through your nose at the thought of the resort buggy!

  18. ffhousemouse

    Phew! I was stressing about the Easter Eggs! S’pose you’ll be making your own hot cross buns! When the children were small I once went 13 weeks between trips to Town! Way too long. 6-8 weeks is perfect for me. Happy Cooking!
    ps There is not enough Rescue Remedy in all of The Land for me to Cook! Give me the Schoolroom any day!

    • Miss Chardy

      I can’t believe I am at peace with this cooking gig, what has happened to me… would much prefer it to teaching! Wouldn’t be able to happily do it if I didn’t have such a wonderful Govie that’s for sure.

  19. Amber Rhodes

    Love the buggy! Cool as. We have a pretty funky 4-wheeler…which is falling apart…hmmm…maybe not as funky as your new set of wheels! Good luck with all the cooking. It sounds like a challenge. I did read in your ‘about me’ page how you dislike baking…I hope you overcome this….or perhaps you can serve them up some Lego! (this being your true calling!!) I have three boys (and one girl) and a husband who is still Lego mad…so I’m channelling you with the Lego thing. Enjoy!…and I hope you get to town soon.

    • Miss Chardy

      We are totally in love with that buggy. It has replaced our 4 wheeler. I think I must be overcoming this hate for baking Amber, because I am not hating the cooking gig. Wow – 3 boys and 1 girl, you must have the patience of a saint, no wonder you need the Rescue Remedy!!! 🙂


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