Outback Doctor Visit

June 11, 2015

It can be hard to find time to see the Doctor when you live this far from town.  So would you like to know how we roll out here in the never never?  The Doctor comes to us.  Of course they do!!!


Yes, that’s right, we are so special, basically VIP’s, so the Doctor comes to us – thanks to the NT Government!  Once a month the Barkly Mobile Clinic fly around all the cattle stations in our area holding clinics at each place.  The Doctor is often just up here for the week to do the clinic.



This time we had Dr Ruth.  Ruth is based in Melbourne, however spends most of her time travelling all around the country as a Locum.  Ruth is in Alice Springs for 4 weeks.

Doctors we have had in the past have come from Adelaide, Melbourne, North Coast of NSW, the Sunshine Coast etc.  So they come up especially to help us out – see I told you we were VIP’s.  The RFDS pilot and plane fly the team around and they leave from Alice Springs.  The nurse – Tony – is based in Elliot, a remote community/tiny town north of Tennant Creek, he meets the plane in Tennant Creek.  Tony will also collect any medication that people may have ordered from the Tennant Creek Pharmacy.

Once they are all sorted and have all the medication they continue onto the stations.  They spend 4 days and 4 nights visiting cattle stations in our region.  Some of the larger stations have a dedicated “Clinic” room, where all of their medication/RFDS kits etc are kept.  Here at Chardy HQ we aren’t that flash, it is whatever goes here.  We set Ruth up in one of our spare rooms over in our girls quarters – because we like to keep it real.



We were glad to see them too.  We have all been feeling a bit crook, so we had a bit of a family check up and Harry got his sore toe seen to.  If medication is required, they may have it with them, otherwise the prescription is sent through to the Tennant Creek Pharmacy and I order this for our staff.  It is then sent out on our mail plane.

Here is our waiting room, not your average waiting room, we didn’t have to wait 2 hours and there were no magazines from 1997 to read – bummer!


Turns out the only people waiting in this waiting room were Andrew – the RFDS Pilot, and Tony – the Nurse!  Perched up there with their boxes of goodies, all of the medication.  Surely they could have slipped me some valium or something…. one would have thought!!!


Tom needed to see the Doctor too but he was doing his on air lesson over in the school room.  That’s ok – the Doctor went to him.  A house call if you will.  See – VIP’s!!!  I told you!  Ruth went over to the school room to give him the once over.



They are usually finished before lunch, so we head back up to the airstrip and wave them off for another month.  Off they go to their next station where they will stay the night.





For all of those plane nerds out there (yes I am looking at you Dad) this one is a PC-12.  But you already knew that, didn’t you!!!

Been to the Doctor lately or did they come to you?
Did you have to wait long?  


  1. Amanda @ Cooker and a Looker

    Amazing! I’d love not to spend hours in the waiting room at our local GP. I swear, if you’re not sick on the way in you sure are by the time you’ve breathed the germy air for an hour!

    • Miss Chardy

      It is so convenient Amanda, beats sitting in the doctors waiting room and then going to the pharmacy.

  2. vanessajrowse

    This is so interesting! I love the glimpses into your life that you share here. It’s just amazing.

    Our GP is just around the corner but most of the GPS are always running late and I try to get there right on appointment time to avoid picking up a new ailment in the waiting room! Def no VIP service going on!

    I’d love to read a post about how you do school at your place if you haven’t written it already. x

  3. BB of Oz

    Love this post – what’s the drive for you if you need to see the doctor urgently?

    • Miss Chardy

      It is a 5 hour drive into Mt Isa, but if there is an emergency we call the RFDS and on a good day they can be here within 2 hours in the plane.

  4. Sandra Scott

    So glad you have the service, it ensures everyone gets checked when otherwise they may not go to a doctor. .

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, we are really lucky Sandra.

  5. gayle Donaldson

    Driving past your place today I think. Going from tennant ck to cloncurry.

    • Miss Chardy

      You will drive past our turn off. We are 160km off the highway. Have a great trip!!! TC to Cloncurry is one big day. 🙂

  6. Joyce

    How lovely to read your post. Brought back many very happy memories. I lived in Elliott for some years, a while back now, before Tony’s time…. Glad the services have moved forward.
    Thanks for sharing, made my day to remember those amazing days living there

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Joyce, thanks so much for your message. So glad you enjoyed reading it.

  7. Janine

    I would love this as I always put off going to the doctor because of the queues and just hassle of it all. Do they look after your annual “women’s business”? That would be a Godsend to have them come to you for the pap smears, boob check and such so you would never forget or just put it off.

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, I have in fact had a Pap Smear done – very convenient indeed! 🙂

  8. Mrs T

    The closest we get to being VIPs at the dr is being able to book the appt online!

    • Miss Chardy

      Gee that is fancy indeed Mrs T 🙂

  9. Bec @ The Plumbette

    Gosh I found this interesting. I can’t remember when I went to the doctor last…. yes I do, a couple of months ago to get my flu injection. So do the Flying Doctors give you your injections too? I’m assuming so. Can’t wait to meet you tomorrow. x

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Bec, yes they can do it all really. I can’t wait to meet you, see you in Melbs.

  10. Heidi

    Your life is so interesting! I hope you have a wonderful time in Melbourne!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Heidi, I am at the airport waiting, can’t wait to get to Melbourne.

  11. Sarah

    Ah the memories! I used to fly around in that very plane – as did my husband! Yep, two ex RFDS people (Flight Nurse/ Clinic Nurse, pilot) We no longer get out bush anywhere near as often as I’d like, but I love that I can keep in touch via blogs like yours! Thanks so much!

  12. Haidee@Maybe Baby Brothers

    This totally takes me back to my all time favourite TV programme as a kid … wait for it … The Flying Doctors (and boy does that make me feel old to even remember it!). Loved that show. Of course, in the city is never quite as fun as that! A trip to the doctor involves negotiating and bribing two small boys to behave and not destroy/disrupt/disturb the entire practice. I usually leave feeling like I need to visit again for anxiety!


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