Outback Roads: The weekend that was

March 16, 2015

Just popped interstate for the weekend. Β The kids and I nipped over to Mrs Savvy B’s for a couple of nights. Β And let me tell you we needed that escape. Β We are all going a little batty here at the moment, so it was lovely to get out and about.


The kids and I jumped in the car after they had finished school on Friday and hot footed it next door. Β For those of you new around here Mrs Savvy B is my bestie who lives next door, this involves a 2 hour drive through our eastern paddocks, or what we like to call “The Wine Road” – our Eastern Freeway…. a few gates, a couple of grids and a different state. Β We lose 1/2 hour so this meant it was well and truly wine time once we arrived. Β Here, look, this is the “Freeway”…

wine road


Mrs Savvy B and I have decided that when ever we visit each other we need to have a project that we want to get done and help each other out. Β So on Saturday we did her verandah. Β Got stuck into it, cleared it out and tidied it up and took a heap of stuff to the dump. Β It was the least I could do after she helped me with my verandah. Β We also had a bit of a BBQ for Miss Em (their Govie) as it was her birthday. Β A lovely dinner out on the lawn.


Mrs Savvy B and I often wonder how the hell we are friends. Β We are so different in so many ways, yet so much the same. Β She is a complete and utter crazy dog lady and animal lover and …. well….. I am not. Β  Mrs Savvy B is the hardest worker I know, that woman could rule the world. Β She can fix anything and would never bother to ask a bloke. Β She was fixing a tap on the weekend and I said to her “umm…how do you even know how to fix that, how do you know what to do, I am pretty sure that is a blokes job”…. well she just waved her hand at me, laughed and said “it would never get done if we waited for a bloke to do it”.

Now onto her dogs….oh the bloody dogs. Β I swear she has 3,072 of the little mongrels. Β Ok, so maybe 8, possibly 10. Β They are her working dogs, her little stock camp. Β I am pretty sure she loves these dogs more than me. Β Somehow I always end up getting roped into “doing the dogs”. Β On Friday she was under strict instructions: “You better have those dogs done by the time I get there, I am not going down to feed them with you, I want a wine on arrival….”. Β I am pleased to say that they were done when I arrived and there was no sunset trip to the dog cages. Β But then yesterday she needed to get out of the house, so off we went. Β On the buggy and down to the dogs. Β We also had to turn a bore on. Β So she loaded 2 million dogs onto the back of the tiny buggy and off we went. Β Me screaming and cursing every dog that breathed on me or looked my way, paws were touching my back and the little Jack Russell even had the nerve to sneeze on my ankle…..give me strength. Β I said to her “how the hell do I always end up getting roped into this???”. Β I insisted on driving so I didn’t have to open the gates and Clancy was just as unimpressed and me and insisted on being left at the house to play lego. Β I am hearing you Clancy! Β So off we went, crazy dog lady with her little mates (and her human mate).

Dan buggy

dan buggy2


And yes, I know I wasn’t really dressed for a dog outing, but this was all I had, because it turns out I forgot to pack clothes for Sunday – that’s what happens when you leave home without a “Clothes Menu”!!! Β So I had to wear my clothes from the night before.

dan buggy3And check out this little “bearded dragon” that the little Savvy B found….of course he did…. We had to babysit it while he found a house for it.



Β Look at Mrs Savvy B’s new hair piece, this girl has serious style people!


The trip home was a quiet one, the boys had completely worn themselves out with Mrs Savvy B’s boys. Β There was a whole lot of motor bike riding, swimming, playing cricket and lego, and just general boy fun. Β They were busted. Β Needless to say I had to do the gates on the way home as my little gate openers were sound asleep. Β Bugger.



So all in all it was a great weekend. Β Now tell me, what did you get up to? Β Do you love dogs as much as my little blonde friend from next door?



  1. Angela

    Loving the wine highway!, so different to the daily trip I make on the M1! My dog Mr Ed is very spoilt , I’m not sure how he would like being a working dog , he is rather partial to beds and sofas. My weekend involved wine, too much in fact ! And two long lunches with some girlfriends, and families yesterday.

    • Miss Chardy

      Nothing better than long lunches with girlfriends Angela….NOTHING I tell you!!! Yes, my M1 would be a little different to yours, ha ha ha ha. We behaved ourselves on the wine front….not sure what is happening…

  2. Julie McDonald

    Sounds like a great trip. You are lucky to have a good friend (with boys (bonus) reasonably close. Good times!

    • Miss Chardy

      So lucky Joolz….we always say how lucky we are!!!

  3. BabyMacBeth

    I was NOT a dog person but I am getting there…Frank has won me over. I love proper country dogs…how they are kept sleeping in half cut 44 gallon drums and old logs…makes my schnoodle look a wee bit precious! Love these posts…tell Mrs SB that I thoroughly approve of her table scaping for Sat night…looked gorgeous!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Beth, do you even know how excited it makes me feel that you approve of Mrs SB table scaping, ha ha ha….I totally underestimate her and argue with her about how things are to be set but she always comes through with the goods!! Frank is pretty cute… I think he would win me over too. We have a cute little Jack Russell and I like her – she is only little….I like that….

  4. Leah Fitzy

    I have 3 dogs & love them to bits if I had the land & room you ladies have would have loads of them too! My puppy simba had her kids sand pit shell filled with water yesterday playing about she loves it. My best friend visited me for a weekend last month is great to have a girly catch up & talk about everything as we do. Great blog, good on you ladies, love it! πŸ™‚

    • Miss Chardy

      I was only thinking of you this morning as I looked down at my “Noosa” nail polish….yes it is STILL on there, toughest polish I have ever had…really need to remove it. I will email you later – want to buy some. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend with your friend, nothing better than a girly catch up is there. Sounds like you dogs had fun too, ha ha ha πŸ™‚

  5. Romana

    As a city slicker it is hard for me to imagine driving for so long just to get next door, but hey, we all do what we can to get the fun stuff. I love that you share it so well!. Good times Miss Chardy.

    • Miss Chardy

      That is right Romana – we sure will do what ever it takes to get to the fun stuff. You just have to. Fun knows no distance, ha ha ha. Very good times. I am so lucky to have her next door.

  6. Miss Twinings

    What a fab weekend u all had! …and u did some sorting on the verandah and with the dogs too to boot!! We had a quiet weekend, so i decided there is no time like the present & got really, really stuck into the continuation of getting my house well & truly sorted-like-Chards (i am a bit behind u all). I am on fire i have to say Chards, quite unusual – but once this house clearout thing bites like a bug, there is no stopping! Under that fridge resembles unfortunate sights i came across too, BUT all clean again now yay!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Miss Twinings – WAY TO GO!!!! Sounds like you are well and truly on fire. And you are right, once you start it gets a bit addictive and you can’t stop, and it feels so great when things are getting sorted and clean. So excited for you. Oh and as for under the fridge….good lord, that was disgusting….I gagged – so gross.

  7. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Smelly farm dogs, had my fair share of them growing up. Bet it was nice to leave your place, it must be hard for an extrovert being isolated but I suppose blogging helps!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, blogging really does help Em…and yes, it was FANTASTIC to get away…

  8. Dog Lover

    If I had as much space as you and Mrs Savvy B I would have a whole tribe of dogs! Love them! I used to go to cattle stations with Dad on my school holidays and I would always be found with the dogs. Except for a Rottweiler on a station in NT. It took a disliking to me and needless to say me running away from it squealing and jumping up on to the roof of a car provided entertainment for the guys on smoko!! That dog was going to eat me for sure!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, I am laughing out loud sorry – about the dog eating you, I am sure it probably was going to, ha ha ha. I would have been screaming too.

  9. Sandra Scott

    Loved your weekend story, it sounds like uou had fun even with the dogs.

    • Miss Chardy

      It was fun, perhaps more funny, we were laughing quite a bit – I laugh at Mrs SB and she laughs at me, I pay out on her for her ugly socks and hair legs and she pays out on me for being a bit of a princess about the dogs, ha ha ha.

  10. Sandra Scott

    I have a profile pic on my blog but it doesn’t show up here, sorry, will look into it.

  11. KezUnprepared

    Haha I am totally a dog person πŸ™‚ Looks like you had a great time next door!

    • Miss Chardy

      Always have a great time next door Kez πŸ™‚

  12. mscate

    Really enjoyed hearing about your weekend. We had a good weekend, Chris was back from

  13. FBH

    Dogs, dogs and dogs!!!! Got to love the QLD station life…… well not really, stuff the dogs, Mr Saav B needs to get some hoppers instead of pan lickers! Thank goodness Mr Chardy hasn’t the patients for them…. sound like a good time away from home though. Like Mrs Saav B hair….starting to get some length finally haha

    • Miss Chardy

      Mrs SB has real style in the hair department doesn’t she FBH! ha ha ha.

  14. Sam

    Love the blog !! Love station life (where I live now in Great Southern WA they call them farms lol)

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Sam. πŸ™‚ I bet the farms are gorgeous too over there.

  15. Nicole- Champagne and Chips

    I have to say, I do like the sound of Miss Savvy B. I would love to have a little tribe of dogs too.
    Are all your friends named after wine? Can I be Miss Neb (nebbiolo πŸ™‚ )?

    • Miss Chardy

      She is a legend Nicole. Now, what is nebbiolo??????

      • Nicole- Champagne and Chips

        Oh it’s delicious. A red grape variety originating from Italy, a bit like a heavier, very fragrant pinot.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thank you, you are too kind, I just ramble on really talking shit. πŸ™‚

  16. Katherine

    When I was on the station we had a tribe of dogs some rescued others not most were fabulous even now we still have a dog and 3 sheep and 1 lamb and a bird the dog is a cattle dog but loves here sheep! The sheep think they’re dogs and the dog thinks she’s a sheep work that one out! The dog has never had pups but loves smothering kids, other dogs, lambs and sheep and humans with love she treats the sheep and lambs as her own but cleaning them, protecting them etc she’s a beaut dog she was one that was brought for a carton of grog and something else best spent carton of grog ever! Actually all our dogs were found, brought for grog or free! We used to have 2 or so house dogs but now we have the cattle dog and she loves her pampered lve and life taking care of her flock! Will post pics of the new lamb on Facebook she’s only just on 3 wks if that πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Katherine… wow that is a lot of talk about dogs, birds, sheep and cattle. πŸ™‚ Sounds like you definitely love your dogs!



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