Outback Update – Christmas, Holidays and Miss Chardy Losing Her Shit Yet Again!

December 29, 2014

So here I am.  The only female on the Station.  I am surviving somehow and trying not to drink too much Chardy.

The lead up to my Birthday and Christmas hasn’t been all that pretty for the past 4 years.  We haven’t had Christmas with family since 2010, when I was pregnant with Clancy.  So the past few years have been a little sad in the lead up to the festive season.  The first 2 years I had one other female here on the station over the Christmas period but for the past 2 years it has just been me and a bunch of blokes.  Sometimes you just think “why bother going to any trouble, as if they give two shits about your Christmas menu”.  But that is ridiculous, who doesn’t love Christmas.  So we trotted out the baked ham – thanks to the reicipe in the 1977 Women’s Weekly that my Father in Law photo copied and sent to me years ago.  It is Margaret Fulton’s Baked Ham and dear lord it is to die for.  So bloody yummy and it was definitely a hit, this is Mr Chardy’s department and he cooks it on the BBQ while the turkey and vegetables are in the oven.  We had a full hot baked lunch and it was so yummy, we all overate and forgot about the Pavlova.  But don’t worry, we whipped up some cream and turned the Pavlova into dinner while watching National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.  Gotta love that one.

I beat myself up way too much before Christmas with the old “over expectations” and basically made life miserable for everyone especially my children.  It was as if the Royal Family were coming to visit and I had to get everything perfect – which, can I just say, didn’t happen.  The place is still a mess and I have no idea why I think this is going to change.  Anyway, I am sure you don’t want to listen to me go on and on about my sad and sorry state of affairs Pre-Christmas so lets just say there were about 3,042 melt downs and most of them were my melt downs, lots of crying and then I literally had to slap myself into line.  I mean, for godsakes, there are people out there with REAL PROBLEMS, real heartaches, real sadness and here I was feeling sorry for myself because I had to spend Christmas with my gorgeous family, perfectly healthy children and a tree that had more presents than you could poke a stick at under it.  What is wrong with me people?  I really did have to slap my face and pull myself together, just ask Mrs Savvy B.

Does anyone else do this or is it just me?

In the end we really did have a lovely couple of days over Christmas.  Now we have New Years Eve upon us.

In other news our car is still sitting in the shed.  Which would be perfectly normal for most, but for us it is a bit scary.  You see we have 16okm of dirt road to get down before we even hit the bitumen.  We are due to head off on holidays on the 6th January and usually by now we would have put our car down on the bitumen.  We have also had a fair amount of rain, and each day it rains a little more.  Don’t get me wrong, we love this, but WHAT ABOUT THE CAR….. Fingers crossed Mr Chardy will get it down to the bitumen in the next couple of days.  I have all our bags packed ready to go.

Now, how do we get to the car you may ask?  Good question.  It may be dry enough to drive down so we will just take utes to get to the car.  If, by chance, it is too wet to drive out we will have to fly down to the bitumen….some how.   Now, are some of you picturing our little Pradie Dard sitting all lonely in the middle of nowhere on the side of the Highway?  Well don’t worry, there is another Station down there where we leave our car, so don’t worry, it will be safe and sound and not sitting abandoned, jacked up  with no wheels.

And holidays…. yipppeeeeeee.  I can’t wait to go away.  I have been watching so many families head off for Christmas or for holidays and soon it will be our turn.  We will drive to Mt Isa (once we get to our car, or get our car out of here) and hopefully get Tom’s cast off his arm.  We are heading down to Maleny for the much anticipated wedding of some great friends.  A quick 3 days in the Sunshine Hinterland catching up with so many fabulous people and then back up to Magnetic Island for 7 nights with our favourite family the Savvy B’s!!!

So, can you all please send me a virtual SLAP ACROSS THE FACE, tell me to get over myself and wake up and smell the roses.  My house and life is never going to be sorted, I have no idea why I think it will be one day.  I can assure you it won’t be.  So I need to get over it and get on with things.

I had best head off and get my backside over to the kitchen to whip up dinner for the blokes – we are having Chicken Curry and Rice tonight, Yum!

So tell me, PLEASE, do you lose your shit like this before Christmas?  I am definitely not one of those “got everything together and everything organised” people you see all over Facebook in the lead up to Christmas.  I wish I could get it together.  Oh I wish I could.

Photo Round-up



3 very happy boys on Christmas Morning


I really was much more impressed than I look about all the lovely bottles of bubbles I received for my Birthday and Chrissy


We trotted out a retro Prawn Cocktail with Champagne for breakfast on Christmas morning


I set this little table for the children….who was I kidding, as if they actually sat there, like I had imagined in my mind, all happy popping bon bons…. no they had a big melt down about chairs and no one ended up sitting there, it just ended up a big mess.  So don’t worry, I haven’t turned into one of those perfect Mum’s who has perfect table settings for their kids, ha ha ha.  But gee it looks good doesn’t it, if I didn’t tell you the real story you would have almost believed that my life was perfect.  Oh god, I am laughing out loud now.



These are the strapping young blokes I have been spending the days with lately…our wet season CREW


And this is my actually reality….far from perfect, ohhhhh so far


And this is what has been keeping my children alive while I am over in the kitchen cooking and cleaning… this and toast! At least they look good, ha ha ha



  1. Tracey Smith

    I too lost my shit this Christmas but not for the same reason – my girls are 22 & 18 and have recently started getting on each others nerves in a big way. Well boxing day it all came to a head. Me yelling at these ” adult ” children to for christ sake shut the hell up & then 2 girls ( ok 3 including me) in tears. We seem to have gotten over it now & our world is back on track.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh thanks, I always love hearing stories of other “shit losing”….. thanks so much for sharing, glad you have things back on track now!!! So basically I should really just get over things, because it only really gets worse, not better, ha ha ha. Happy New Year.

  2. Amy

    Oh I love reading your posts! Makes me laugh. Having a holidays will be good though 🙂 Good luck with it all!
    P.S. I agree the guy in the yellow at the table looks very strapping indeed hehe

    • Miss Chardy

      It is lucky my life can make people laugh because lately it has just been making me cry, ha ha ha. Laughing at it now though. Thanks for reading and saying hi.

  3. kirsten and co.

    Miss Chardy, I love reading about your life in the outback. Can’t believe you have to drive 160km just to get to an actual road! Now *that* is commitment to a holiday. Have a great break and I’m looking forward to reading more of your gorgeous blog in 2015 x

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, basically we have a 160km driveway that gets very wet and boggy. Getting out and back in from holidays can be quite a mission. We are definitely COMMITTED to holidays, well I am anyway, Mr Chardy could probably “Holiday” here….god help me. Happy New Year to you all, and Pam and Errol.

  4. Mrs Rumbo

    Hi Miss Chardy, damn I love you! I lost my shit after a quick last minute trip to the Big D town to pick up my baby (22) for Chrissy – 1400 km round trip – arrived back Christmas eve, 40 degrees heat, to find the doors wide open, the other daughter’s dog perched up in the house along with @100000 gidgea bugs. Let me tell you, re-finding the Christmas spirit was a bit of a struggle. Some alcoholic spirit did help a little! We all have these great expectations that never quite reach the heights they are supposed to, but after all it is about family, friends and the joy of this time of year when the rain starts. You do well!

    • Miss Chardy

      I should have written this post when I was feeling really down and alone shouldn’t I – then I would have realized I wasn’t alone and could have possibly slapped myself into line a bit sooner. I would have gone into a raging melt down had I arrived home to that scene, although my house is like that all the time, only it isn’t gidgea bugs it is just mess, toys and lego….replace the 100000 gidgea bugs with 1000000 pieces of lego. So glad you found your Christmas spirit in the bottom of the Rum Bottle!!! ha ha ha. Happy New Year and enjoy your holiday. xx

  5. Are We There Yet?

    It looks like you had a great Christmas and I love how you keep it real! I really struggled this year wanting to get some family Christmas traditions and some beautiful Christmas decorating happening but it just didn’t really come together. There’s always next year I guess – or maybe we’ll just be one of those families whose Christmas just keeps evolving! Have a great holiday!

    • Miss Chardy

      We did the elf on the shelf this year – so that is a tradition we have started, kids loved it too. That little elf got up to some funny shit too. Yes, I stay that every year – THERE IS ALWAYS NEXT YEAR. And each year I think I am going to have it all figured out and everything will be perfect “next time”!!! Happy New Year to you all.

  6. caitlinshappyheart

    Have a wonderful holiday and good luck with the car! Don’t worry you’re not alone. I’ve been having multiple post Christmas meltdowns. Just can’t seem to restore order after the Christy mayhem. Ive cried so many times that the triplets walk up and stare at me saying, “You still sad Mummy?” We arrived at our holiday destination today so fingers crossed I don’t think about the disarray at home so that I am relaxed enough to attack it softer we return!

    • Miss Chardy

      Caitlin, it is so great to hear from you, I actually laughed out loud at your triplets saying “you still sad Mummy” – omg, this is me – I swear my kids will be scarred for life from my melt downs and crying. I hope you have a lovely lovely holiday, and don’t even think about the shit storm at home, it will be waiting for you and and ongoing mission for you on your return….as will mine!!! Relax and enjoy!!

  7. The Social Media Training School

    Oh I can so relate to this when I was younger. Lost my shit many a times. Like when the stove blew up and I was feeding like 25 on Christmas day.. We ate lunch about 5.30pm because we had then cook everything in the microwave and that proved a long task even with a micro.. then when all my sister had to bring for Christmas was the ice- cream and she forgot… not only did I loose it but all the kids did too. Oh I could go on .. great idea for some personal blogging for myself here. This year my Christmas is so quiet it is great to get a a good belly laugh from you. Roy and I went out for lunch. Put our feet under the table, were fed and watered and then we got up from the table and someone else had to clean up the mess. Life will become easier, trust me. Enjoy your life for what it is now. Obviously never a dull moment or a laundry full of washing!

    • Miss Chardy

      So so so glad it isn’t just me Mezza. I would have totally lost it if I was feeding 25 and my stove blew up, Oh god – there would have been tears and stomping of the feet, it would not have been pretty. Probably followed by Mr Chardy telling me I just needed to calm down and have a drink, ha ha ha. Thanks for your wise words, I really need to take them on board. xx

  8. Suzy L

    Those blokes you hosted for Christmas Day I am sure appreciated your efforts in making the day special for you all! I had a meltdown just before Christmas when all I was feeling was negativity – guilt that I wasn’t taking more food for our Christmas get-together, resentment over the predicted family judgements, stress that there would be too little/too much food, stress over the presents. I declared that next year we would just go and help out at some charity lunch as it would be easier. However we ended up having a lovely few days, so we will have to see what happens next year!
    Loved hearing about your boys fighting over the table seating arrangement – that is a nightly occurence here!

    • Miss Chardy

      Suzy, my god, that is exactly me – I swear we make everything so much worse in our head. All I felt was guilt – guilt that my tree wasn’t more festive, guilt that I wasn’t spending time with the kids, guilt that I didn’t make more of an effort to make more “Christmassy” type goodies (as if anyone cared or noticed). I just created my own stress and issues in my head….why the hell do we do it? I just can’t seem to help it though. Love hearing everyone’s stories…we are all the same it seems.

  9. Cath

    I love reading your blog, you are hilarious, it gives me an insight into the challenges of living outside a big city. Too many people blog/post the perfect photos of the perfect life! I love that you are keeping it real. We all have crappy days and days that just don’t live up to our expectations. Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas and I hope you and your family have a lovely holiday.
    When I read about the country kid’s sports week, I was really surprised. I don’t know how I thought the kids get to training and then games every week, but let’s just say that I realised just how lucky my boys are to have so much opportunity right on their doorstep.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Cath, thanks so much for saying hi. Lovely to hear from you. When you live out here in the middle of nowhere you sometimes start to think you are the only crazy one who loses it, I am sure my kids are scarred for life but it is so nice to know I am not actually alone and it is pretty normal. Thanks!!! Happy New Year to you Cath.

  10. Vanessa from StyleandShenanigans.com

    Happy Christmas Miss Chardy! Like you I had a meltdown or three … mine all occur on Christmas Eve arvo which is totes festive. I also agree that it is impossible to keep our home in any state of neat or cleanliness and whilst I also know this, it never happens but creates more stress! Love how you celebrated the day and wishing you a fab holiday with you gorgeous Savvy B friends! xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Vanessa, it sure does create stress, I love it when everything is tidy, but that happens about once every 2 months and then only lasts 5 minutes and then I am back to stressing over it all. So glad to hear you also had a meltdown (ha ha ha, aren’t I mean), nice not to be alone in this. Thanks for stopping by and I can’t wait for our holiday.

  11. Betti

    Hi Miss Chardy! Thanks for the Christmas update, I had a relatively settled Christmas after meltdowns a few weeks back – we all have them even those who don’t admit it! I even left the wrapping paper and presents all over the loungeroom for the day, to welcome us back after being at Grandma’s for lunch and dinner! And maybe the reason I didn’t have a Christmas meltdown was because I was not catering for or hosting any of the main events at my place! Yippee! And when we had enjoyed the company of family we could come back home to our own space! And I made a version of your Crunchy Steak Salad for dinner after mass on Christmas Eve which went down an absolute treat – chicken, avocado, potatoes, cucumber, shallots, lettuce and of course the heavenly dressing. Hope you have a great New Year’s Eve – might have to call as your sister and family will be here celebrating with a few other friends and our wing of kids – going to roll out the slip n slide (also known as a huge piece of silo bag) and let them go for it while we sit on the deck and say cheers! Might also put on a slideshow of our trip to your place! Sending our love your way, enjoy that Magnetic Island holiday and say hi to your gorgeous boys! xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Your Christmas sounds like bliss – get to head to someone else’s place, enjoy family, and then come home….imagine that???!!!! I can’t even imagine it. Love the sound of your take on the steak salad using Chicken, might have to trot that out one day, sounds yummy. Have a great NYE, sounds like lots of fun, wish I could come. xxx

  12. robbsie

    Do hope you have got your car on the bitumen Dan !

    • Miss Chardy

      It is safely on the bitumen!!!

  13. Rex DongnelGly

    Hi Miss Chardy. Glad that Christmas is now behind you and that the Prado is down on the highway, ready for a quick get away. Happy New Year Darling and to Mr Chardy and all my little Darlings. Safe travels and keep your ‘wits’ about you!!!!!! Love

    • Miss Chardy

      Think you have had a shocker with your typing Rexy….Will keep my wits about me for sure. Happy New Year to you both, happy 2015 xx

      • Rex D

        I was NOT the Typist!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Nikki Parkinson (@StylingYou)

    Oh Miss Chardy – the holidays are nearly here – for you and me! Not so trying for us to escape though x

    • Miss Chardy

      We are hopefully getting out on Saturday…..can’t wait…hope you had a wonderful night at the Hilton. The biggest stress about holidays for us is getting out and getting back in, takes the shine off it a bit, but that’s life I guess. Happy New Year.

  15. Chrissy

    Miss Chardy I don’t love Xmas….I must be the Xmas emo or something…for me it’s painful and sad due to a family that can’t come together and be whole and happy…after being really sad for a really long time about for many xmas’ we created our own family tradition, nothing like either of us had grown up with so Xmas day you will find us camping on the beach each and every year for the past 8 years. Make and start your own traditions….many family’s aren’t together on Xmas day. Hope you get some gal company real soon and thank goodness that we can connect over the net these days x

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, thank god for the internet Chrissy. You are so right about creating our own traditions. I just need to get over it really and get on with it. Thanks for letting us know about your Christmas, it sounds wonderful.

  16. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    So I’m a bit behind in my reading but I see from your posts on FB that you’ve started your much-needed adventure! Safe and fun travels xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Emily. We are indeed on holidays. Hope you had a lovely break – I know you did!!


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