Oven Baked Rissoles

January 23, 2015


Do you really have time to stand around a frying pan while your rissoles cook?  No, me either, that is why I cook mine in the oven.  Works a treat and they taste just as good.

So here is what you do…… I will try and base this recipe around 500g of mince.  I tend to use about 1.5kg of mince because I think I am feeding an army or something.

Ingredients you will need and approximate mesurements (because I just throw a bit of this and a bit of that in)

500g mince
1 onion
1 small carrot
1 egg
3/4 cup breadcrumbs
BBQ sauce
Tomato sauce
Worcestorshire sauce
Minced garlic
French onion soup mix
Oil Spray

Heat Oven to 200ºC and pour yourself a glass of wine….

1. Throw about 500g of mince into a big bowl

2. Finely dice an onion and whack that in too, and if you are feeling fancy you can even grate some carrot – I know: very fancy!

3. Crack an egg like a pro with one hand, if you will, and let it run free over the mince.

4. Breadcrumbs – you are going to need some breadcrumbs, god only knows how much but I reckon for 500g of mince you might need about 3/4 cup of these little critters.

5. Sauces – I add a good squeeze of bbq, tomato and a dash of worcestorshire sauces and a bit of minced garlic.

6. I also add some french onion soup mixture – probably about 2 good table spoonfuls, what ever your little heart desires really – there are no rules when it comes to rissoles Darls.



7. Now, it is time to get down and dirty with your mixture.  Wash your hands (of course) and mush it all up with your hands.


8. Cover a shallow tray with foil and then some glad bake – this is a very important step because it means there will be no scrubbing of trays once it is all over – you just simply pull off the foil and pop the tray away – how bloody good is that?!  I am a big fan of the foil trick and use this with roasts as well.  Aint nobody got time for scrubbing!

9. Roll the mixture into balls and pop onto the tray. I do use a bit of oil spray on the tray and the top of the rissoles but you probably don’t really need to, i just do it for shits and giggles, adds a bit of drama to the whole prep process – that spray is basically disco smoke, right?


10.  Now pop these suckers into a hot oven, probably around 200ºC and cook for about 50 minutes then turn them over and cook some more, check one to make sure they are cooked through and Bob’s your Uncle.  So easy I tell you and much better than sweating over the stove.


11. Serve with some mashed potatoes, corn on the cob and some greens, smother in gravy, if you are that way inclined (which I am) and ENJOY!

Note: Baking time will vary depending on how big you make your rissoles, you may also need to turn the oven down a bit.  Just play around and see how you go, like I said – there are no rules here.

Great the next day as a hamburger. 

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Oven Baked Rissoles

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  • Author: Miss Chardy


Units Scale

500g mince

1 onion

1 small carrot

1 egg

3/4 cup breadcrumbs

BBQ Sauce

Tomato Sauce

Worcestorshire Sauce

Minced Garlic

French onion soup mix

Oil Spray


  1. Throw about 500g mince into a big bow
  2. Finely dice an onion and add to mince
  3. Crack an egg into the mix
  4. Add about 3/4 cup of breadcrumbs
  5. Add a good squeeze of bbq sauce, tomato sauce and a good dash of worcestorshire sauce along with about a tablespoon of minced garlic
  6. You can also add some french onion soup mixture, probably about 2 good table spoonfuls
  7. Add grated carrot
  8. Mix everything together using your hands
  9. Cover shallow tray with foil and top with glad bake and spray with oil
  10. Roll mixture into balls and pop onto the tray
  11. Spray top of rissoles with oil
  12. Cover with foil and cook in hot oven (around 200 deg C) for about 50 minutes then take cover off, turn rissoles and cook without cover until brown and cooked in the centre
  13. Serve with mashed potato, greens and gravy

Now it is your turn.  Tell us what secret ingredient you add to your rissoles to make them super tasty.

Do you oven bake or fry?


  1. BabyMacBeth

    French onion soup mix…a much underused ingredient x

    • Miss Chardy

      Totally underused ingredient McGee! I also use it when making a beef casserole (would prefer hearty beef soup mix but never have it).

      • Cheryl

        I have these in the oven but a lot of juice is seeping out, is that normal please

        • Miss Chardy

          A bit normally comes out Cheryl, Hopefully they work out ok for you. Sorry I know you posted this a while ago. How did they go?

  2. ffhousemouse

    I am a bake in the oven type! I add a finely chopped tomato or two – not sure why, must have read it somewhere!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oooo, that would make it nice and moist too! Thanks for that.

  3. sharon

    I am a convert to SPRING VEGETABLE SOUP MIX instead of french onion in everything. Especially in rissoles. But potato bake, quiche etc as well.

    Your rissole recipe is nearly identical to mine although I always add extra egg and sometimes tomato paste. Garlic granules. Dried chives too. Yummy next day with some sweet chilli sauce.

    • Miss Chardy

      Spring Vegetable – will have to give it a whirl Sharon. Thanks for your tips. Always love to hear what other people do to their recipes.

  4. KezUnprepared

    Oh my goodness. This changes EVERYTHING! In the oven, you say???? I am definitely keeping this x

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes – get onto it Kez! Saves you a lot of hassle.

  5. minnieandmav

    Disco smoke! Love it. Seeded mustard is the key ingredient. And plenty of salt and pepper. The world of home cooking is vastly under seasoned.

    • Miss Chardy

      I will have to give the mustard a go! I was nearly going to pop a bit in my rissoles the other day too.

  6. JP

    Totally agree with the oven approach -much easier to get them cooked through without burning the outside.
    I sometimes do a bit of a middle eastern theme for the meatballs with spices etc, then serve with salad, flatbreads, mint, yoghurt etc.

    • Miss Chardy

      That sounds yummy Peta. I always end up burning mine if I fry them in a pan.

  7. Mrs T

    Love cooking in the oven. Totally saves on stinky cooking smells in the house and no oil spatter on the splash back to clean. Win win!

    • Miss Chardy

      absolutely! so much better.

  8. ANB

    A big handful of fresh parsley! Salt and pepper instead of the sauces and soup mix. Fresh bread soaked in milk instead of the breadcrumbs, although I do roll them in breadcrumbs before flattening. And we are usually BBQ people for rissoles, but I hate cleaning the bugger, so we may soon be oven converts.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh thanks so much for your tips, I think I might try the bread soaked in milk….thanks a million. Give the oven baking a go, you won’t be disappointed (I hope).

  9. Sarah

    The recipe we use is almost identical to yours except with the addition of chopped tomatoes! Very tasty! And yes gravy is a MUST!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ooooo, tomatoes, I like it. Will have to give that a whirl. Thanks for letting me know Sarah!!!

  10. Suzy

    You ARE feeding an army! Don’t know why I haven’t thought of oven cooking myself. Rissoles are on my meal plan for this week so will give it a go! Thanks for entertaining and useful blog post (as usual).

    • yvonne

      More than entertaining. In the process of following the recipe etc. Love, love the dialogue.

      • Miss Chardy

        Oh thanks Yvonne!!! Enjoy.

  11. Mystery Case

    Looks fantastic and I will definitely be trying this recipe.

  12. Clint Hafemeister

    Loved your guide , Helped me prepare a nice dinner for the family whilst mum is in hospital Thank you !!
    I just threw a carrot ,some red onion and celery into the ninja and whizzed it up a bit and added it , everyone thought they tasted great !!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh fantastic Clint, so glad they turned out for you!

  13. Kim Trillo

    My favourite part? Pour yourself a glass of wine! Done.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha – good work!!!

  14. Ashley

    Chutney as a secret ingredient! Fruit chutney is the best!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Ashley – I am definitely going to try that next time, Yum! Love a bit of chutney! I always put fruit chutney in my Curry too. Thanks! 🙂

  15. Edwina Hick

    Hey Dan, I give mine a quick pan fry, then pop in the oven with the gravy on. Cook for about 30 mins. Too easy. I also bake my crumbed steak too. Love the trick with the alfoil and glad bake. Do it all the time. Enjoy your break with less men, and your trip away! See you in May!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      I like the sound of cooking them with the gravy on, that is a great idea. It is so lovely having no one here – how about over there – are you just cooking for your family? Did you go away at all? Bet it is looking lovely and green over your way! 🙂

  16. Anna

    This is my first visit to your page – reading immediately under ingredients “Heat Oven to 200ºC and pour yourself a glass of wine….” I can tell I am going to love your recipes already 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I hope so Anne… welcome aboard!!!!! Thanks for saying hi and I hope you stick around. Where are you from Anna and did you make the oven baked rissoles? 🙂

      • Anna

        From Perth in sunny WA Miss Chardy, and sorry to say I had already made some, was just checking how long they should be in the oven for instead of frying them. Saying that – I love the idea of the French Onion Soup mix, will be using that in the next rissole/meatloaf dinner 🙂

        • Miss Chardy

          Oh no worries Anna. Our old cook – Aileen – used to used mince and sausage mince in her meatloaf – it was so yummy, she would put this sweet chilli concoction on the top too and serve as a sauce, so yum.

  17. Cheryl

    Love your style! My recipe is similar and I just wanted to know how to do in the oven. I didn’t expect to get a good laugh as well! Pretty snazzy with the french onion soup. I usually reserve such an illustrious ingredient for my apricot chichen, lol!

    I cook sausages in the oven for ease of clean up, with the added benefit that I don’t have to watch them. I do a similar thing as you with the foil and glad bake, except I cut one long bit of foil (twice as long as my baking tray plus a smidgen more) and the same length of baking paper. Line try with foil then baking paper, pop the sausages (or today, rissoles) on top fold over the paper, the fold over the foil. Why do I go to all that trouble? Because food touching alfoil gives me the willies! I think of all the aluminium leeching into the food. I’m just hoping that the glad bake barrier stops the leeching 😀

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, you crack me up. Too funny about the french onion soup. I LOVE your idea of cooking sausages in the oven… genius… love it love it love it. Thanks so much for the hot tip!!! So pleased you also god a bit of a laugh.

  18. Lama

    Are you serious? If I cooked rissoles at that temperature for that long there would be little balls of black charcoal left in the oven.

    • Miss Chardy

      That is how I do them. I am serious.

  19. Ros

    Thanks so much for the tip about putting Al Foil and baking paper to line the tray. So much better than trying to clean pools of oil and muck from trays. I use it for everything I put in the oven now.

    • Miss Chardy

      Total game changer Ros, isn’t it!!! So good. Sometimes if I line it right I just lift out the foil and baking paper and don’t even have to wash the pan, sure does beat soaking and scrubbing doesn’t it. Have a great day Ros.

  20. Rebecca Geard

    Am going to try baking my rissoles in the oven tonight. My rissoles are abit different, I just do 1kg mince, 1 grated apple, 1 grated carrot, 1 finely diced onion, salt, pepper, tomato sauce, bbq sauce and a little bit of worsterchire!
    Definately recommend apples in rissoles!

    • Miss Chardy

      What do the apples do Rebecca – do they stop them drying out? I will have to give it a go. Thanks for the tip.

  21. Sylvia

    Love this girl. A sprinkle of Italian seasoning doesn’t hurt either.

    • Miss Chardy

      Love a bit of Italian seasoning!!!

  22. Elizabeth Parker

    My girls loved loved this rissole receipe and totally loved the flavours but they all fell apart tasted good looked terrible is there a fix for this possibly do I need to add something extra to keep together as an actual rissole insread of it ended upa mixed mess as the flavour is spot on

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Elizabeth, so glad they tasted good now lets get them sticking together for you…perhaps you need another egg, maybe some more crumbs, the mixture may have been too wet. Keep playing around, I usually really squeeze them into a tight ball in my hands and then flatten them a little on the tray. I find if they are too wet they fall apart. Good luck.



  1. Guide to Station Cooking - […] are some links to other recipes I have whipped up: Oven Baked Rissoles Beef Stroganoff […]

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