Phase Three: Operation ProBlogger – I’m Finally Here!

August 14, 2015

We are finally here – at ProBlogger!  A much anticipated event on the blogging calendar. Yesterday Kirsten collected me from the Hilton.  I tell you what – I could definitely get used to this kind of service.  She took me to Sanctuary Cove for lunch.  It was so relaxing.  We had a stroll around the Cove and a lovely lunch.

Sanctuary Cove Sanctuary Cove2

Then it was back in the car and off on our final leg.  Nearly there!  Royal Pines here we come…

Royal Pines

Yesterday afternoon I met one of my loyal readers – Barbie!  Barbie lives here on the Gold Coast and asked if she could come and meet me for a glass of Chardy, well who was I say no to an offer like that.  We had a lovely time, she was just gorgeous.  Here we are together…


You are just going to have to ignore the fact that I look drugged, I promise you Barbie didn’t slip anything into my drink, this is the only photo I have of us so I had to use it.  And FYI – that was my first drink.  Thanks for coming to meet me Barbie, you are a legend.

The bar was packed yesterday afternoon for the meet and greet.  Talk about overwhelming, it was crazy.  So many people to say hello to and hug.  I can’t wait to catch up with more of them today.  It was great to leave the packed bar and head up to one of the many restaurants here at Royal Pines for dinner with the girls.  So much laughter, it was a wonderful night.  And check this out, they must have heard I was coming (just like the Hilton) because there was Chardonnay in the fridge, can you believe my luck?!

Royal Pines2

So my friends, it is time to primp for todays conference.  So much to learn and so many fantastic people to hug.

Who would you like me to stalk and have my photo taken with.  The who’s who of the blogging world are here so come one, who do you want me to track down like a crazy stalker?  I am willing to do it for you guys.


  1. Miss Chardy's Big Sis

    Have a fun day Chards. Are either of the 2 Fat Expats there. I think it would only be the right thing to do to have a photo with them! xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh, god don’t worry, I have been trying to hug Kirsty all day. Only one fat expat is here but I will find Kirsty and hug and squeeze her and get a photo for you!!! xxx

  2. FBH

    Kick some goals Miss Chardy. Frock up and do it country style.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Ralph!!

  3. barbiewalkerBarbie Walker

    Miss Chardy it was such a special pleasure to meet you my new friend from the outback, I know you will enjoy your blogger’s couple of days take care.

  4. Susan

    I would like you to stalk Bruce from Big Family Little Income, he is a funny guy on his blog & ll would like to know if he is the same in real life.

    • Miss Chardy

      So sorry Susan, I didn’t get him… so.many.people….. it is hard to fathom how many people are here – 700, you lose sight of your friend for 2 seconds and you have lost them for good. Crazy but fun!

      • Susan

        Thank you for going to the trouble of looking to see Bruce but l think it may have been in vain l think by posts on his his Facebook page that he did not go.
        I have have enjoyed your blog for awhile now about 6 months l have been following you.

        • Miss Chardy

          So wonderful to have you along for the ride Susan! Thanks for reading.

  5. Cate

    I’ve been so enjoying reading about your trip, so much fun! Have a glass for me!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Cate, I am so glad you have enjoyed following along on my trip. It has been wonderful hasn’t it. Sitting at the airport now waiting to fly back to Isa… then home tomorrow. Just sipping on a Chardy too FYI!! So that can be for you, ha ha ha.

  6. kirsten and co.

    I had so much fun with you and loved meeting your reader and new friend, Barbie (hi Barbie!) Thanks so much for the laughs and your fabulous company x

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh how great was Barbie, what a bloody legend. Barbie might become my blog mascot, along with my chardy glass of course. Thanks to you for the laughs and all that you did for me. xx


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