Phase Two Complete: Operation ProBlogger – Mt Isa to Brisbane

August 13, 2015

I made it safe and sound to the big smoke.  So excited to be here. I was flying solo so I thought the right thing to do was have a cheeky glass of wine.  Why wouldn’t you?


I enjoyed a lovely night at the Hilton Hotel.  I can highly recommend this place.  The linen on the beds is second to none and the location: perfect for a quick shop, which I did manage to squeeze in yesterday, thankfully DJ’s was open until 7pm!



Do you want to know how I could tell that the Hilton and I were going to get along?  Look what I found in the mini bar…


You had me at Chardonnay Hilton!

One of my besties came and stayed with me.  We had such a wonderful night and possibly one too many wines, but gee it was fun.


I had best get myself sorted… perhaps a soak in that tub.  I had a bit of a sleep in this morning and check out isn’t until 11am, how good is that.  Kirsten will be here to collect me soon so I had better get my skates on.

One step closer to ProBlogger now!  Gold Coast here I come.



  1. Martine

    Welcome to the Big Smoke Miss Chardy!

    • Miss Chardy

      Why thank you Martine!

    • Miss Chardy

      It was so great to meet you Barbie!


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