Photo Story: My Drive to Town

August 12, 2015

Would you care to join me for a drive to town?  This will give you an idea what the long journey is like.  No popping down to the corner shop for milk.  So jump in, buckle up and get ready to open some gates.  This is stage one of my journey down to the annual ProBlogger conference.

I will take you on the short cut.  This drive is only 395km opposed to 460km if you were to go down the main stock route.  The trade off is that there are a heap of gates to open, but they keep you awake, so I am on board.  Normally I have a little gate opener with me but yesterday I was driving solo, and loving myself sick just quietly.

So this is our Eastern Freeway, or what we like to call “The Wine Road”… you see it is the road that leads to Mrs Savvy B’s house.   We don’t go past Mrs Savvy B’s house on this trip, so don’t get all excited or anything.

See… it’s basically a motorway…


Now, the definition of disappointment would have to be getting to a grid (or ramp if you like) and finding a gate over it…. that is what happens at the first gate.  So go on, out you get and open it.  If you want to ride shot gun then you have to get the gates.  You just do!

Fist Gate

Entry into our next paddock via a grid… and this time there are no gates… it is pretty exciting.  Who doesn’t love a grid.


I didn’t pass any vehicles for 3 hours but just after I crossed this grid a Chopper over took me, because that’s how we roll out here..


Sorry, it isn’t the best photo, but you get the drift.  It was Lachie.  He works for Mr & Mrs Savvy B and he also does all of our mustering work when we need a chopper.  He was heading back home this time after helping  yard up.  We had a bit of a chat on the UHF and then he was gone, just a spec in the sky.

Now, after you open this gate you can settle in for a while, the next one isn’t for another 20km or so.  Enjoy your rest.

IMG_7477Wake up… time for another one…


Now onto our boundary gate.  It is a doozie too, you have to be pretty quick swinging it shut, I like to challenge myself on this one and hate it if I don’t get it first go.

Boundary Gate


After this gate you can have another rest, there isn’t another gate until we get to the NT/QLD Border.  Have you got your passport ready?  Because here it is.  Wind your clocks forward half an hour please, we are about to enter the Sunshine State.

NT QLD BorderNot what you had in mind is it.  Now it is time to travel south, we are nearly there, only 75km and 4 gates to go.  One…

first rocklands gate



Second Gate Rocklands


Third Gate Rocklands

Four… last one!  Yippee, it is pretty exciting stuff when you close your last gate… home and hosed, you are nearly there.  We are nearly in Camooweal.

Last Gate


There it is… Clancy’s favourite town.. his whole world… Camooweal.



Ok, if you need to use the loo or get a quick bite to eat, now’s your chance, but make it snappy, we still have 185km to go. But it is highway all the way from here.


Once on the highway I decided to give the Hamish and Andy Podcast a rest.  I belted out a few tunes at the top of my lungs.  Don’t you just love driving solo, I can’t even remember the last time I sang that loudly.  I had to put Let it Go (from Frozen) on a few times to learn all of the words and thought at one stage I may well pass out because I was singing so loudly, and really did think I sounded just like Idina Menzel.  Seriously, it was pretty good!  Come on, you do it too, don’t you!!!

The cold never bothered me anyway….

Ok, back to the story, sorry I was busy with my hands in the air pretending they were playing a violin…. oh yes, I am quite theatrical when alone in the car.

Right, so where were we.  Oh that’s right, nearly in town.  But not before we overtake about 17,073 caravans and 6 road trains (some have 4 trailers!!!).

Look, I can nearly see the smoke stacks and there’s Jac and Shaz, sitting there proud as punch on a new sign – the sign of champions. Welcome to The Isa my fine friends!!!  You made it, I am so proud of you, and you totally rocked those gates, I think you would make quite the bushy.

Mt Isa

And we are there!  5 hours and 8,042 gates later.  But it was fun wasn’t it?  Who doesn’t love a road trip?  My favourite accommodation in town is The Isa Hotel.  Smack bang in the middle of things, and a great feed too.  I enjoyed the Reef & Beef.  And I couldn’t have been happier with my room.  So spacious, a huge TV, clean, crisp sheets.  There wasn’t one thing that disappointed me.  The best thing about this particular room is the fact that there is no window so it was lovely and dark.  I was hoping for a sleep in but it didn’t happen,  so I thought I would get up and say hello to all of you.  I am looking forward to heading downstairs and enjoying some Eggs Benedict for breakfast.  Yum!

IMG_7568 Isa Hotel IMG_7580

Next stop: Airport to fly down to Brisbane.  See you on the flip side people.  Brisvegas here I come… Would you care to join me? Stay tuned.  You can follow me on Facebook and Instagram too.  That way it will feel like you are having a little child free holiday too, because did I mention that I am having 6 nights child free?  Did I?




  1. Sublime Finds

    8042 gates down and on the way! The big smoke is ready for you! Safe flight today! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks, I am sitting at the airport, eeekkkkk. 🙂

  2. Robyn

    Your stories totally facinste me. My mum grew up on a romote farm in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and her stories are so silimar. Reading your blog gives me a kind of nostalgic feeling. See you tomorrow xxxxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Can’t wait to see you tomorrow!!!

  3. bushbabe

    Ha! That was great… wish I was there with you (and Danielle et al) but timing is not great and I have to be home – next year!!! 🙂 Amanda

    • Miss Chardy

      Bummer!!! Yes – next year!!!! The bush girls are coming out of the woodwork!

  4. Cooker and a Looker

    Not long now mate! Might be time for me to put some kit in a bag!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, it might be time, ha ha ha. After being so organised with my Clothing Menu I then went to pack the day before I left and discovered that half the clothes were too tight… it wasn’t pretty.

  5. Sarah Giles

    Have fun. I’m off to the Uk tomorrow for 12 days without my family. Going to visit my parents and catch up with a few friends. It’ll be the first time I’ve been back without husband or kids for 17 years… I’ve been so excited for months but, now that it’s nearly time to go, I’m feeling emotional about leaving… Pathetic hey?! I’m sure I’ll be fine once I have my first drink in a Pommie pub!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh yes, you will so be ok. How exciting for you! That is fantastic. Have a wonderful time!!!

  6. Heidi

    This was one of my favorite posts!! I loved the pictures and your funny narrative. Have a blast with all your friends!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Heidi, glad you enjoyed the trip!

  7. Amy

    Hi there Miss Chardy I just love reading your posts. They are so interesting and funny! Country life is facinating for those of us who live in the city. Have a lovely time in Brisbane. 6 nights…no kids…very jealous!! Amy x

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Amy, I am having a lovely stay.

  8. barbiewalkerBarbie Walker

    just loved your post and awesome description and pics. Well no gates for the next few days and I’m so looking to meeting with you.

    • Miss Chardy

      See you this afternoon Barbie!

  9. Florence

    Loved every minute of “our” journey. Look forward to sharing some more.

    • Miss Chardy

      So pleased Florence!!!

  10. KezUnprepared

    Have an amazing time! Looking at your photos made me crave a nice long drive by myself (and yes I am THE BEST singer when there are no witnesses to correct me haha)!! I just want to get out and about into some wide open space now! x

    • Miss Chardy

      I do love a good solo drive Kez, hope you get out and about soon to pump out some tunes.

  11. Cate

    Just fascinating! I don’t know how to drive ( no need in Berlin) and I can’t imagine those kinds of distances…

    • Miss Chardy

      It is a fair way isn’t it.

  12. Fashionista

    Loved the post Miss Chardy! Gates. The bane of the single traveler’s life. Although I did delight on swinging on that gate when no-one was around to watch me.

    Pleased to see the Isa Hotel signage hasn’t changed. In my day it was home to a night club called “The Cave”, named so because it was underground. Classy I’m sure!

  13. sophietelfer

    Thankyou for sharing! I love reading your posts to see what life is like for you in the outback 🙂 Enjoy ProBlogger! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Sophie, it has been a huge couple of days!

  14. Jemma Mrdak

    Love this post! Absolutely adore the pictures. How do you manage to drive so far by yourself? I struggle to drive for over an hour before I get sleepy. I’m thinking copious amounts of interesting audio books and singalong songs would help out a lot!?

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, you just have to do it. There is no choice. I love to listen to podcasts or audiobooks if I am by myself (and I love driving by myself for this very reason). When we go on holidays my husband does most of the driving, if he gets tired and I have to drive I honestly can barely last an hour, I find myself getting so tired. I think it is because I know there is a back up.



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