PMS Relief – Dr Chardy

March 4, 2015

The tea towel won’t go back on the hook properly, oh geez you dropped the spoon, the kids seem to have PMS too, your husband keeps asking annoying questions and demanding things (ok, so he is probably just asking politely but who cares at this stage of the month). You feel like eating a whole block of chocolate and bugger weight watchers….what do you care anyway!  Oh, that’s right, there is nothing sweet in the whole house, the only thing you can find is custard,  that will do.

Oh geez Louise, stupid idiot, you just over cooked the eggs, the world is officially ending. Bloody hell.  Things have hit an all time low, nothing is going right, how do all of these Super Mums do it?  Sound familiar.  That nasty voice that creeps into our head.  I have self diagnosed, because that is what Mr Chardy and I like to do, and it is official, I have PMS… PMT………PMsomething……!!!!

Yes, today we are talking PMS. I put it out there to my Facebook readers, asking them for advice on PMS and if they had any remedies and things went crazy. I simply had to know if anyone had suggestions on how to combat this cranky, tired, yucky feeling. Any miracle pills or potions that I should know about. And with that I was hit with many suggestions for which I am very grateful. I don’t suffer from cramps or pains, I am just generally the pain.

Perhaps it isn’t PMS – maybe it is just called “BITCH”! Oh no, what if that is it? There isn’t a pill for BITCH….I am doomed.


Last night I flopped onto the lounge and left the kitchen in a mess. What do I care anyway…. I sat there feeling sad and sorry for myself, trying desperately not to snap at the children for the 18th time because I couldn’t hear what the entree was on My Kitchen Rules. Just go and play Lego kids, before you end up completely scared for life.

In the meantime Mr Chardy shocked the shit out of me and cleaned up. I am talking scraping plates, sauces away and stacked AND turned on the dishwasher. If that wasn’t enough to put a smile on my face then I don’t know was going to do it. I muttered a little thank you and went back to feeling sorry for myself.

Does this sound like you? It isn’t fun is it. I think I need a special room to shut myself in for a few days, maybe a few weeks….gee when I say that it really does sound like I suffer from BITCH rather than PMS. Oh well, we will run with PMS.

It is days like this when you should probably avoid confrontation. Or maybe it is the best day for it – I mean you won’t hold back one single little bit. You will “let it flow……. let it flow….up and down like a Yo Yo…………PMS never bothered my anyway”…. oh sorry, I am getting of track… These are the days where you make a simple phone call to find out how to, oh I don’t know… say – fix your computer – and end up on hold and then getting the run around and then the person on the other end of the line seems to loose patience with you (they actually don’t but you think they do) and you end up about to burst into tears and quickly say goodbye and hang up. NO ONE can help you when you have PMS, no one!

Thanks to all the fabulous suggestions from our Facebook community, here are some of their brilliant remedies:

Bach Rescue Remedy


Wow! I have just checked this out thanks to Linda from our little Facebook chat and have now discovered they have a whole brilliant range of “remedies” …. and I have also just discovered that my friend gave me some of the Pastille lolly things not long ago and said she swears by them…. now I know why.  They have everything from drops, sprays or pastilles.   Yes – add to cart thanks very much, i’ll take the lot.  Just head on over and check out the whole Rescue Remedy range.  They even have a “Sleep Spray”.

Now just listen to this, written about the spray:

* Use in times of emotional upheaval or shock such as arguments, grief, accidents, mental tension, dentist visit, exams, colic, or tantrums

* Calms, relaxes, reassures, gives courage, neutralises shock and enables clear thinking

* Suitable for babies, children, teenagers, adults and animals


Directions: Bring spray nozzle up to mouth and apply 2 sprays on the tongue.

Can you believe it – I simply have to get my little paws on some of this.  Why have I never heard of this before my friend gave me one of the lollies??  Why – I swear I keep saying it but It is true, I really do live under a rock and have done for the past 10 years…..but I am coming out people…oh yes I am coming out….look out world, Chards is emerging from the giant rock she has been under.  And I will be spraying myself with this stuff left, right and centre. MOVE OVER CHANEL!!! Ok, so that is an exaggeration, all you worry warts, please don’t get your nickers in a knot.  I really am quite stable…… ha ha ha I nearly said that with a straight face too.

Clary Calm by doTERRA 


Clary Calm uses 12 essential oils targeted to help manage the physical and emotional symptoms of menopause and hormonal issues.  This blend is especially helpful for temporarily easing cramps, nausea, hot flashes, fatigue and emotional swings commonly associated with both PMS and menopause.

I also asked my friend Leonie, who is a doTerra consultant, to tell me what I should use today, as I have some of their essential oils.  She told me to pop a couple of drops of Serenity & Balance on my hands, rub them together, put my hands over my nose and basically gas myself breath in and out deeply and slowly.  She said it is akin to “putting on your own oxygen mask first”.  And let me tell you – it actually worked.  I have used it a few times today and feel a whole lot better.  Tom was asking me question after question after question, anyway I just placed my hands over my nose and took a few deep breaths and started laughing…poor Tom…. he did think it was pretty funny too though.  Because: Aint Mumma happy, aint nobody happy!  So thanks a million Leonie, I like it.

30 PLUS by NuWoman







30 Plus is a scientifically formulated natural supplement for women, to assist in the relief of symptoms associated with hormonal fluctuations or imbalances related to PMS symptoms beginning in the 20s and progressing through to peri-menopause.  I found it at Pharmacy Online for $25.95 for 60 tablets (take 2 tablets per day).  I think I will be ordering some of this.

Evening Primrose Oil

evening primrose








Blooms Evening Primrose Oil: $29.95  from Pharmacy Online for 400 tablets.

PMS Essentials by Natures Own

pms essentials








Pms hormone balancing formula works by helps to relieve pms symptoms and helps regulate and balance hormones.

Combining seven beneficial herbs and nutrients this formula offers comprehensive support to help mange pms. Chaste tree berry, also known as vitex agnus castus , helps to relieve pms symptoms, including breast tenderness, tiredness, cramping, headaches, abdominal bloating, mild fluid retention, mood changes and irritability.

It can also regulate and balance hormones and may assist in the relief of heavy periods.
Withania a herb that has been tradtionally used in ayurvedic medicine is included to help calm the nervous system, help reduce stress and infuse the body with fresh energy and vigour. Black cohosh also plays a role in assisting normal menstruation.
Adults: take 1 tablet daily with food. If symptoms or fluid retention persist consult your doctor. It is not recommended to take black cohaosh for longer than six months without consulting your healthcare professional.

Not recommended for use for pregnant and lactating women.

Warning: In very rare cases, black cohosh has been associated with liver failure if you experienceing yellow of the skin or whites of the eyes dark urinem nausea, vomitioong, unusual tiredness, weakness, stomach or abdominal pain, loss of appetite stop using this product and see a doctor.

That last part about black cohosh scares me a little about this one.  Are there any health professionals out there who can shed some light on this one?










This was another one that was highly recommended.  Combining a blend of magnesium compounds into one tablet daily, Bio-Organics Magnesium Forte may be beneficial for nocturnal leg cramps and sleeplessness associated with restless legs. It may also help relieve PMS symptoms including mood swings, irritability, tiredness and fatigue. Extra co-factors have been added, like vitamin B6 which works synergistically with magnesium.

Now, tell me DD – does this really help with your “restless legs”?

Another suggestion was Mirena.  I know everyone is so very different and what works for one person is not going to work for the other.  So please share your suggestions here in the comments.  I promise you that you will be helping someone, somewhere.

I just typed in PMS on the Pharmacy Online website and 44 search results came up, you can see them here.  But I warn you, it did bring up “Horny Goat Weed” as a suggestion and I am telling you now people…. I think we can all agree that this is not the time to be showing us this sort of tablet.

What is your top tip for combatting BITCH PMS?

Do you know anything about black cohosh?  Can you mix too many of these different nutrients together?  Can I, for example, take the 30 Plus NuWoman, plus Evening Primrose Oil plus Magnesium – a whole cocktail of tablets really.Could be my new Slipper. 

**Disclaimer: ok – so I am not a real doctor, just call me Miss Chardy…..






  1. Mrs Rumbo

    Hahahahaahaa love it Chards, I just went with the theory that if I was having a crap time then everyone else should too. You are obviously much more civilized. I do have to say that magnesium definitely works for cramps and I have just read an article about how most people are deficient in this little mineral and it should turn me into a whole new amazing person if I get it up to speed. Will keep you posted!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, what are you talking about, you are already an amazing person. I just loaded up a cart on pharmacy online full of goodies – 30 Plus, Magnesium, Rescue Remedy….. I am ready to get happy, ha ha ha. Actually, perhaps I just need to get off the station…..I need an intervention.

  2. ffhousemouse

    I am fortunate to just feel a little weary and a bit crotchety for a day or two. RR is the business for EVERYTHING! I take magnesium sometimes – mainly for leg cramps when I have been a little slack on the water intake for a few days. I have just started using my DoTerra oils due to ‘extreme stress’ – LOVE them!
    Now go and Virgo that tea towel Chards. X

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh FF – I am right this minute inhaling some Serenity & Balance, I asked Mr Chardy if he wanted a snort….. it is like my happy gas, he just rolled his eyes and kept talking politics ….. sorry i switched off ages ago…. ha ha ha. Which oils have you been using? Spill. I just ordered the RR spray and pastilles….and some 30 plus and some magnesium…. bit OTT do you think??? ha ha ha ha.

  3. kirsten and co.

    Great tips there Chards! Personally I find carbs and chocolate help enormously during times of stress, but that Rescue Remedy looks like a great replacement!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, doesn’t the Rescue Remedy look the business… package….I have totally ordered the whole range…:) ok so just the spray and pastilles…. I do like the sound of carbs and chocolate though and have been known to use this highly sort after drug!

  4. Tara

    One word – Mirena. Life changing. Worth a try, unless of course you’re looking for number 4? (I know I should totally take up stand up comedy right??) Especially convenient out there, if it works well for you you won’t have to worry about running out of tampons for 5 years. Happy days!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, thanks Tara and no, not looking for number four hence the tube tying situation and still on the pill just to make extra sure….ha ha ha. Doesn’t help with my cranky situation though…..

  5. June Jung

    Hahhaa Miss Chardy bought back some memories for me!!!!! Totally love the Recue Remedy stuff have taken it for menopausal melancholies!!!!! Those rip your head off moments for no reason and sleep deprived nights when I’m running hot. Pastilles by day and sleep drops at night, helps me stay slightly sane!! that’s my opinion not sure about hubby’s???

    • Miss Chardy

      June i love that there was a little something in this post for menopause too – all our problems seem to start with MEN don’t they! ha ha ha.

  6. joolzmac

    Some great suggestions – will definitely be getting onto the RR stuff for a good nights sleep. I get a bit narky each month but hey, I work in a car dealership as the only female with all men! Even my office girl is a 51 year old guy! I am sure he can tell what time of the month it is as I start to pick the salesmen to bits over non compliant paperwork and shoddy information gathering. Ha!

    All in all, I am lucky not to suffer tummy cramps much at all, never have, so that’s a blessing. Off to google RR stuff now! Thanks, ladies! 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      I have ordered some too Joolz. All of our problems start with MEN especially in your world!!!

  7. Anne@gritandgiggles

    Oh dear, sounds like you’ve been having a fun time. I turn into super irrational cow for a day and it is horrible. Maybe I should look into some of these, not just for the PMS but to deal with the night work induced tired shit that I become fairly regularly. Love your custard for sugar. I recall raiding the golden syrup and brown sugar one time when I had no choc, or anything else, on the station. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Thanks for the chuckle.

    • Miss Chardy

      Me too Anne….such a cow!!! Don’t worry – golden syrup did cross my mind. I have ordered some of the Rescue Remedy to rescue my sanity…

  8. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    I’m scared to take these when I have PMS in case I’m still a horrible mole!! Love your work xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, in case we find out we ARE IN FACT suffering from BITCH, ha ha ha ha. I know – what happens if all the potions I have ordered don’t work, I am done for. ha ha ha.

  9. WendyK

    Thanks for this post Miss Chardy…. very, very timely for me today… although I’m not sure that mine is PMS – try tired, stressed and burnt out. I’m going to give the Bach Rescue Remedy a shot. Really enjoying reading your posts. It is refreshing to know that there are other busy mums out there feeling this way. Hope you are feeling better soon!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Wendy, so great to hear from you….I have just ordered some rescue remedy, spray and lollies!!! People swear by them, so I am am willing to join in. And how amazing that you can use it on children too….LOCK IT IN EDDIE!!!!! I am feeling much better today, even got my sorry arse onto the treadmill…. now, do you think you can try and sort everything out and have a bit of a sleep/time to yourself? Even just 30 minutes??? I am not one bit pretty when I am tired, I am finally realised this and have started getting to bed earlier. Otherwise I have zero patience for my children. You go and get some Rescue Remedy and let me know how you go.

  10. Nicole- Champagne and Chips

    Oh dear. I just get a little cranky, I know, don’t hate me.
    As a Pharmacist I really do recommend going easy on all the supplements. There isn’t a lot of evidence for any of them. Probably what is more important is doing things that help relax you- so yes, there is a case for essential oils.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Nicole, so happy to have you here….so what are your thoughts on the Rescue Remedy Nicole? I have just breathed in my Serenity and Balance Essential Oils, they really do help you to relax. It is amazing. Thanks so much for your advice. 🙂

      • Nicole- Champagne and Chips

        Rescue remedy is harmless (definitely wouldn’t give it to babies though, it is made with a base of grape spirit). There is no evidence for it. Just as there is no evidence for most of these things. However, lack of evidence does not mean it doesn’t work. We can’t study everything, the human body is too mysterious. Also the placebo effect is significant. Nothing about the body works in isolation- knowing your period is coming makes you wary about PMS, if you feel a bit stressed you will get stressed by general life stuff more easily (you know this) which causes headache and muscle tension etc etc…

        The only time I recommend against trying things is if the product has the potential to do harm because it is a high dose or may interact with other medication. My other big bugbear is the cost of some natural products- if you can’t easily afford them and there is no proof that they work then that is definitely harmful too.

        So, I guess in a nutshell. If you can afford it, it is not harmful and you want to try it then give it whirl. If you don’t think it is helping don’t buy it again. And never underestimate the power of sleep and fluids 🙂

        • Miss Chardy

          Thanks so much for that Nicole. Yes, I think sleep is the key ingredient, I am cranky Mumma bear without it lately. More sleep and fluids then!!!

  11. Miss Twinings

    Haha, i hope some of those new remedies work – if not, just maybe order a crate of Cadbury family size for next wk’s delivery lol!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, think I should definitely sort out my chocolate “situation” have just had to resort to custard and red wine again….ha ha ha ha ha!!!

  12. Zamamabakes

    Chards again this week you make me feel normal.
    Last week we were being told to be quiet from our 3 year olds and this week it’s PMS quite the pattern indeed!
    I do enjoy a RR pastille every now and then….I did a restock just last week. I have been known to have the odd fight with a window blind that won’t retract quickly enough for my liking before dear Aunty Flow arrives. Such a crappy feeling.
    I was doing a chemist own supplement for PMS but didn’t find it very helpful just expensive!
    RR and some time for yourself (even if you have to say I’m just taking 10 mins away for a bit, so funny when I do that the kids just can’t resist but to knock on the door!) Never a dull bloody moment!
    Take it easy lovely.
    Thanks for your honesty. Love it! xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, I am sitting here cracking up at you having “the odd fight with a window blind” ha ha ha ha ha, so true isn’t it, silly little things that push us over the edge…..oh things were not pretty here at bedtime tonight….this Mumma lost her shit….I ended up saying to Mr Chardy in the calmest voice I could conjure up – “can you please go and deal with them, if I go in it won’t be pretty”…. but of course Mr 3 ended up back out crying with a “sore eye”….oh please!!! I have heard it all. They just know when you can’t deal with them don’t they!!! I can’t wait for my RR to arrive, meanwhile I am sucking in my essential oils like it is nobodies business. ha ha ha ha. I wonder what next week will hold for us. x

  13. FBH

    Well that was an uncomfortable awkward read….. but give me 20 litres of that spray and a drench gun…if it tastes like beer you would of made my year !!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha ha, how good does that spray sound – miracle cure!!!! Surely we could get a 20 litre drum of the stuff.

      • Katherine

        A 44 gallon drum would be more appropriate for me I think the parentals would say! Have the drench gun now need the mixture!

        • Miss Chardy

          Ha ha ha

  14. Mrs Woog

    I would prescribe a week at a resort with a wild girlfriend asap!

    • Miss Chardy

      Why hello Mrs Woog in Whistler… lovely to hear from you! That sounds like such a good idea, I like your medical advice….I think perhaps you are right and I just need to get the hell out of here….getting a severe case of cabin fever, too hot to leave the house. Have fun skiing.



  1. Anti Bitch Pills - […] My order from Pharmacy Online.  If you missed my post about PMS you might want to go back and…
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