Podcasts I am Loving & How to Download Them

March 18, 2015

podcast collage

I am loving podcasts at the moment.  I usually spend many hours in my car travelling when we have to go somewhere and get sick of my music, so podcasts and audio books make the trip fly by.  Here are a few I have been enjoying lately.

Two Fat Expats

two fat expats




Ok – lets talk about this shall we.  Two Fat Expats.  I have been listening to this for just over a week now, catching up on their first 8 Episodes.  I was a little slow to the party.   Anyway, I was ironing away yesterday loving them sick, they were wrapping things up and I was getting sad that it was over and they were going to leave me to do my ironing alone.  Then BAM – they do a little shout out to MISS CHARDY!!!!  I nearly pee’d my pants.  Could have ended up with a burt hand over all the excitement.  They said hello, had a little chat about my blog and where I live, can you even imagine how thrilled I was.  No, I don’t suppose you can….. Mr Chardy didn’t seem to understand last night when I told him… O well, all of you bloggers out there will be hearing me.

So who are the Two Fat Expats?  Kirsty & Sarah are two expats living the phat life over in Doha Qatar, in the Middle East.  Their lives are absolutely fascinating.  They are both married, Kirsty has 4 children and Sarah has one little girl.  They both have their own blogs, as well as the Two Fat Expats.  Kirsty blogs at 4 Kids, 20 Suitcases and a Beagle and Sarah is over at Lady Sadies Emporium.   Kirsty’s life is mind boggling to me, she has had all four of her babies in different countries.  I am still catching up/stalking her on her blog, but from what I can gather so far, her and her family have lived in Jakarta, Canada, Houston, Libya and now Doha, Qatar.  I am pretty sure there are a few other countries/cities.  But you get the gist.  Their lives are so different from mine.  I have always had a fascination with the Middle East, I am not sure why, but  I really do love hearing about life over there, I think because it is so far from my day to day happenings.  When Kirsty was saying hello to me on her Podcast she was saying how amazing my life was and how far I have to drive to get to a party etc etc and I was just standing there with my mouth open thinking, how on earth can you think my life is one bit interesting when you have lived all over the world and just jump on a plane and pop over to Kuwait for your daughters softball game?

So head on over and check out their podcast.  You can link to it directly from the Two Fat Expats website.  I will have further instructions at the end of this post on how to download and give reviews on iTunes.

Thanks Sarah & Kirsty, you both crack me up.  Keep it real guys, can’t wait for the next episode.

Over the Back Fence

Over the back Fence




Over the Back Fence is a podcast by one of my all time favourite bloggers…… Baby Mac.  Of course it is!!!  My friend FF got me hooked on Baby Mac and then hooked on this podcast Over the Back Fence.  There are quite a few seasons so if you start now, you will have many episodes to keep you going for quite some time.  Beth and the “Neighbour” have a general chat for around half an hour.  I just loved the podcasts because I could relate to most things they spoke about, you know, where you are nodding your head thinking “are we related because I am pretty sure you could be my sister”.  I found myself laughing out loud and nodding in agreement to most things they spoke about.

This was the very first podcast I ever listened to …… last year….. I know – it is because of that big rock I live under.  I can’t believe I had never listened to them before.  I am always a little late to the party, but better late than never, right?

So thanks Beth, I still re-listen to these podcasts (and may or may not have one playing in the background as I type this post).

Conversations with Richard Fidler





I am new to Conversations, but have always loved him if I ever managed to catch him on ABC radio.  Through this podcast it doesn’t matter if you can’t tune into the radio to hear Conversations, you can listen to them anytime.  I really have only listened to two of his podcasts and they were just brilliant.  They were:

Clara Jobson
Loren O’Keeffe

The podcasts go for around 50 minutes so keep you going for a good while and really suck you in.  Richard Fidler is a great interviewer.  He has a real knack for asking the right questions.

Hamish & Andy

Hamish & Andy




These guys are hilarious.  I am sure you have heard of them, unless you have been living under a bigger rock than me.  So I probably don’t need to go into this one too much.  FUNNY – onto it!

Thank God it’s Friday





You may have heard this on ABC Radio.  Usually a panel of 4 talented comedians.  Different each week, ranging from Jean Kittson, Anthony Ackroyd, Tommy Dean, Jennifer Wong, Subby Valentine, Luke Heggie, Rebecca De Unamuno, Myf Warhurst, Wendy Harmer and of course the host of the show Richard Glover.






I stumbled across this one after doing a search for any podcasts interviewing funny lady Judith Lucy.








And lastly I have heard rave reviews about Serial.  I started listening to this yesterday and have already rolled the first 5 episodes.  It is amazing what you can get done while listening to a podcast, makes things much more fun too.  I actually thought this was a tv show on Foxtel, people were hooked, but no – turns out it is a podcast.  Now I know why they were hooked.  I am too.

I just love listening to podcasts while doing all the boring mundane day to day jobs…. folding washing, ironing, jogging, hanging washing out (ha – as if I do this anymore…) etc.

How to Download and Listen to a Podcast

There are a couple of ways you can listen to a podcast.  Sometimes they have a website.  We will use “Serial” as an example.  So you can go to www.serial.org and listen to it from the website.  This is called “Live Streaming”.

Or you can download it and listen to it anytime, this way, it is there ready to listen to and you don’t need internet connection.  Perfect for travelling.

Podcasts on iDevices






First you need to download the “Podcast” App.  Go to the App Store and search for “Podcasts” and download onto your iDevice.

Once you have the App downloaded you can then use this App to search for any podcasts you want to listen to.  You can subscribe to their feed and download as many podcasts as you like.  Very easy.

Podcasts on Androids







Use the Stitcher App from Google Play.  Search for “Serial” (for example) and click on the plus (+) sign to add to your favourites list.  Click on Favourites List.  To Download an episode, click on the gear in the upper right hand corner.

I use my iPhone to listen to the podcasts.  I downloaded the “Podcast” app from the App Store and then used this app to search and download the podcasts I want to listen to.  By downloading the episodes rather than live streaming you can listen to them when ever you like, and you don’t need an internet connection – very handy when travelling for hours on outback roads.


Podcasters (is that even a word) love reviews.  So if you love a podcast please review it.  This helps them get into the “New and Noteworthy” section of iTunes.  To write a review, head over to the actual iTunes website.  Search for the podcast and then click on Review.

Have you listened to any of these?  What did you think?

Over to you.  What is your favourite Podcast?  I am always on the look out for a new one to listen to.  So spill…. 



  1. Sublime Finds

    Miss Chardy I can totally imagine the surprise and glee when Two Fat Expats gave you a shoutout!! Way to make your day!! I got a bit hooked with serial too – Adnan did you do it!?

  2. SarahAbby

    Morning Miss Chardy!

    I am curious at the type of Internet you use on the station? I am 15 mins from the nearest phone tower yet I have no choice but to use cruddy satellite…

    A podcast can take DAYS to listen to over here

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Sarah, we use Satellite throughout the NBN. We are through Activ8 and it is quite slow now as it is so congested. Very slow in the afternoons, best in the mornings. But certainly doesn’t sound like it is as slow as yours, I just downloaded an episode of Serial and it only took a few minutes. Podcasts don’t seem to take that long, movies can take a while. Doesn’t sound like you will be opting into our podcast listening then….bugger,there is nothing more frustrating than slow internet….first world problems I know, but very frustrating.

  3. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    A great range there, I don’t have much time to listen to podcasts but I always have ABC radio on and listen to Richard and other conversations whenever I’m travelling. x

    • Miss Chardy

      You need a good road trip – come visit me and you will fit about 2 million of them in!

  4. KezUnprepared

    I am also a big fan of Serial and Hamish and Andy!! I need to start with Wil Anderson’s stuff, though! And Beth from Baby Mac – I can’t believe I didn’t think of these! I am mentally compiling a list now for when I go to Sydney next month (child free)! All that time on the plane (you know when the novelty of the inflight entertainment wears off and you’re too tired to read) – yay!

    • Miss Chardy

      Haven’t you listened to Over the Back Fence Kez???? You will LOVE it!!! And so many episodes to keep you going for ages…you will be sad when you finish them though. Is like sitting there having a chat with her.

  5. Miss Twinings

    Hi Miss Chardy,….i love Conversations with Richard F on ABC when i get a chance, also think Hamish & Andy are hilarious, will need to check out Baby Mac’s one too! Don’t worry – in the outback is not the only place for slow internet, i find ours here can also get congested too and the fam are always winging about it being slow. You are so lucky to have access to all these great things despite being where u are, how wonderful!

    • Miss Chardy

      We are very lucky Miss Twinings…. it is fantastic service given we are in the never never, I would be lost without it. Keeps me sane.

  6. Kate

    Great post! I love podcasts – I listen while on the train, while running and while drifting off to sleep. Serial is unreal…. I was listening to it while it was all happening….. so had to wait a week for each new episode – ooooh the anticipation! Compelling listening.
    I love Conversations as well…… dig through the archives, there are some absolutely amazing stories out there.
    If you’re after some other suggestions I can also recommend How Stuff Works – they have a website plus an app with several different shows on offer – my faves are ‘Stuff you missed in history class’, Stuff you should know’ and ‘Stuff mum never told you’. They’re all updated twice a week and are full of interesting stories and topics.
    Oh and I just discovered Ted Talks has an app – you can download vids or the audio versions of all these amazing talks by all these amazing people…. it’s the best.

    • Miss Chardy

      I am just loving Serial, I have 2 episodes to go, will roll those today…. I love a good TED talk, will check them out. Thanks for your tips Kate.

  7. FBH

    Whoo whoo whoo…… what the f××× is a pod cast????? ..now I can cast a net and have even cast dispersion on a few things… and I know castings come from a earthworm’s bum ….. but never heard a pod cast… have you turned all city on us poor yocals hahaha

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh dear, perhaps I am not the only one living under a rock, are you sure you don’t live at the Devils Marbles??? I should have explained what a Podcast was to start with by the sounds of things…. it is half audiobook half radio station. So Hamish & Andy is from their radio show, they have just turned it into a podcast – so you can listen to it any time from anywhere…. you would love them – I know that for sure…. so many interesting stories, especially Conversations with Richard Fidler, you could listen to them on your long drives out to stations. You just download them onto your iPhone and bam, you are done. Off you go.

  8. NPOT

    Thanks for reminding me to listen to Serial. I had been hearing the rave reviews but never got around to downloading. Started listening today and yes I am hooked. I actaully prefer to wait for things to be finished before I start them. I like to do a marathon of my favourite TV shows after the season is finished.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Nadine, I finished it today…so sad, feeling at a loss now…. it was so addictive – enjoy!!!

  9. FBH

    Bless your heart Miss Chardy…. that was as clear as mud …. but I’m sure you’re right. .haha

  10. Kirsty Rice

    I often think the expat life is a bit like country life (I grew up in rural South Australia). The similarities are the small but tight community, and for women often life can be a little isolating. Sarah and I love thinking about you doing your ironing or driving in the car with us in the background. Can’t wait to see you on the Goldy xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh dear lord, the look on my face would have been priceless…ironing away and then you say my name…. holy shit, too funny. I also take you on my morning walk sometimes, out on the dirt tracks. I think life living in a compound in Qatar sounds a bit like living on a station compound…. we have to live with the people we work with 24/7 and it can be tough sometimes, but mostly fantastic if you have a good crew. And I can also relate because I don’t get to see my family very often, haven’t seen my sister and her family since January 2014, missing her desperately and haven’t seen Mum and Dad since they were up here last year around July I think. Great to hear from you and I can’t wait to see you on the Gold Coast!!! Is Sarah coming too?

  11. Sarah

    Thank you so much for featuring us on your blog! Kirsty and I are having a blast recording our podcast. Glad you like it. Love your blog x

    • Miss Chardy

      I am loving your podcast, looking forward to my walk on Monday so I can take you two funny ladies with me!!!!



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