Pro Blogger 2016

September 28, 2016

Grab a coffee and sit down as I walk you through all the happenings from ProBlogger 2016, the fashion, the faces and the who’s who, it is all here my friends so settle in.

All I can say is WOW.  I was nearly going to give it a miss this year but I am so glad I slapped myself and bought that airfare.  It was very worthwhile with so many inspirational speakers.  I came away from my 3 nights on the Gold Coast feeling so motivated and inspired thanks to all of the fabulous speakers. So many speakers.




I sure have come a long way since 2014 when I purchased my very first ticket to ProBlogger before I had even started my blog.  I really did.  I threw caution to the wind and boy has it paid off.  Turns out that done really is better than perfect and if we wait for perfection shit will never get done.  If I had have waiting until my blog was perfect, and I actually knew what I was doing, it would never have happened.  I would have put it in the too hard basket.  I am so glad I just went for it.


So this year was my third ProBlogger and I did actually feel like a bit of a Pro this time compared to that first one in 2014 where I felt like a fish out of water.  I knew so many people – and actually had friends… real friends!  Such a great feeling.  See here are 3 of the gorgeous girls I met at my very first ProBlogger.  Kirsten from Kirsten & Co, Kirrilee from Escape with Kids & Andrea from Sublime Finds.  Love these girls.




I shared a room with my good friend who I met at my very first ProBlogger after stalking her down – Kirsten from Kirsten & Co. Turns out we were both as nervous as each other back then but I just assumed she knew everyone and was an old hand at the who PBEvent thing.  Anyway, we had so many laughs this year and she was a great roomie.  Look here she is in her hiking boots near the tipis for the Friday night cocktail party, she is such an outdoorsy chick! I think that is why we get along so well…


We also had a special guest stay with us on the first night.  Nikki from Styling You bunked in with us on her little roll away bed which we named “the hospital bed”.  Who doesn’t love a good sleepover with fun girlfriends.  Thanks so much guys, you were awesome.  Oh and Nikki was also one of those inspirational speakers I was telling you about, she is basically blogging royalty, seriously.  Here she is… a little behind the scenes peak while she has her #everydaystyle photo taken…


My favourite session was with Lisa Corduff.  Lisa was just so honest and spoke candidly about how she got to where she is now – making a living from her blog.  Her honesty was so refreshing, she just says it how it is, no sugarcoating.  I loved it.  Thanks Lisa!  You have truly inspired me.  Obviously I was so taken with Lisa that I forgot to snap a photo.  What sort of a stalker am I?

Another one of my favourite sessions was with this lady – Sam from Aldi Mum.  I had never heard of her before this event, but as my friend Hannah would say – she is kind of a big deal.  She runs quite a few blogs.  Another one is called School Mum.  Busy lady and full of lots of great advice.  Thanks Sam.


Of course it wouldn’t be ProBlogger if I didn’t catch up with these two spunks…


Sue and Merrill saved me at my very first ProBlogger.  They took me under their wing when I didn’t know a single person and introduced me to so many great people.  They are such fun and I loved catching up with them for dinner.


I met this gorgeous girl last year at a Kidspot thing down in Melbourne…  it is Bec from The Builders Wife.  She is such great value and gosh I had fun with her…


A few lovely readers of my blog came up and introduced themselves which was so wonderful.  Here is Jo from Jo Simply Will.  It was so great to meet her in person…


And this spunk is so much fun… it is Stacey from The Veggie Mama.  She is a bush girl at heart and even lived in Longreach for a while when she was growing up.  Stacey works for ProBlogger as well as writing her own blog… and even finds time to read my blog.


Yes, the bar at Rooooooooyal Pines Resort looks like a night club… even during the day.  Although this one was taken after quite a few Chardy’s.

Here is another funny blogger that I met back at my very first conference.  It is Emily from Have a Laugh on Me.   She was even one of the speakers this year and rocked it…


And one last quote for you.  This one is from the cult leader – Darren Rowse, Mr ProBlogger.  Well actually it is from his Mum and I just love it…pb-quote

And here is the Cult Leaders wife… it wouldn’t be ProBlogger if I didn’t get to catch up with one of my favourite fashion bloggers… it is Vanessa from Style & Shenanigans and boy does she have some great online clothing suggestions on her blog.


Thanks for a great ProBlogger guys, it was the best one yet.  Oh and guess what… if you missed out on attending this brilliant conference all is not lost.  You can actually purchase yourself a “virtual ticket” and listen to all of the sessions, you really can.  Just head over *HERE to find out more.  You won’t be sorry I am telling you now.

Over to you…

Were you at ProBlogger? Did we meet?
Do you follow any of the wonderful ladies I have mentioned here?
Been to a great conference lately?
Got an inspirational quote for us?

*Affilliate link, means I get a small commission but it costs you nothing extra








  1. Suzanne Young

    It was my lucky day when I picked you up at the bar Chards…it was so great to see you again.

    • Miss Chardy

      I was the lucky one who didn’t have to then drink by herself like a big nige. ha ha ha.

  2. Em @ Have A Laugh On Me

    I wish I had had more time to have a laugh with you, you’re one the wittiest women I know! But I was stressed up until my talk at the end of the event – BOO! Love to see that you’re on fire and all motivated, watched out world, Chards is on the move xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, I needed to slip you a chill pill (or a valium) ha ha ha ha- you got there though and survived!!!We didn’t even have a drink together did we???? WTF.

  3. Jo@JoSimplyWill

    It was so great to meet you Dani! In person you are just like you are on your blog – isn’t this authenticity what we all aim for?! Hope to get a chance to have a longer chat next year! xxxxx

    • Miss Chardy

      So lovely to meet you Jo!!! We will have to have a drink next time 🙂

  4. Veggie Mama

    I had a blast and I’m so glad we could finally have those million chardys together! I even mentioned in my pb post on VM about how spectacular your hair is and I am grateful I got to see it up close and personal haha. Thanks for being great fun xo

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi There Stacey….I just can never bring myself to leave the party …. always stay on way longer than I should, ha ha ha. It was so much fun. Ha ha ha ha, too funny about seeing my blonde bob up close and personal, ha ha ha, you crack me up… i’m off to read your post – sorry I haven’t read it yet. xx

  5. Sublime Finds

    So glad we both went Chards, it was great to catch up with you and your (seemingly famous!) blonde bob in the flesh! Next year will be here before you know it! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I am still obsessed with your long blonde hair, ha ha ha. I still remember spotting that blonde pony tail across the auditorium back in 2014 and thinking that we should definitely be friends, ha ha ha.

  6. nicolethebuilderswife

    So glad you had a great time gorgeous, it was wonderful to see you. xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      God it was good to see you, I had such fun with you!!!



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