ProBlogger 2015 Wrap Up: The Weekend that Was

August 17, 2015

I have so many fantastic ideas from the past few days going through my head I am not sure where to start.  ProBlogger for 2015 has been and gone, after all that anticipation.  And let me tell you my friends, it didn’t disappoint.  I am now back in Mt Isa, on my way home to reality. But here is a bit of a wrap up from my few days down at RACV Royal Pines for ProBlogger…

Firstly lets talk about the food… these photos certainly don’t do it justice but, wow!  The food was amazing.  I am pretty sure that Royal Pines went above and beyond what ProBlogger asked for.  I thought it was going to be hard to top the food from last year at the trendy QT Hotel but I was wrong.  It was amazing.  I am pretty sure feeding 700 fussy photo taking bloggers wouldn’t be easy but they did it.  Of course we were all there taking photos before we ate anything.

Royal Pines Food

And what about the people.  Wow again.  I am still gobsmacked by how many people there were.  I feel a bit disappointed that I didn’t get more of a chance to catch up with many people but it was just so hard to find anyone.  I did my best to track down the people you asked for and have a photo… so here they are, my faces from ProBlogger 2015

ProBlogger Faces

Below we have Heidi from Between You and Me, Sue from Cozzies Swimwear and Me!


And Felicity, I found Kirsty from 4 Kids, 20 Suitcases and a Beagle.  Not to mention the face behind my favourite podcast Two Fat Expats.  It was so wonderful to say hi Kirsty.  Have I mentioned that Kirsty lives over in Qatar in the Middle East?  Have a good trip home, you are amazing!


Here she is again, had to get this photo when I noticed her sitting behind me during one of the sessions.


Of course I had to track down Nikki from Styling You.  Here she is at the Cocktail Party on Friday night.  It was so great to catch up Nikki!


I noticed Mrs Woog from Woogsworld, Heather Armstrong from Dooce and Vanessa from Style and Shenanigans having their photo taken so I whipped out my phone and took a quick snap.  If It weren’t for Vanessa I would be nothing, I have bought so many clothes on her blog recommendations and I suggest you get on board.  If you are after a good laugh then check out Mrs Woog, although if you are any sort of blog reader I am guessing you are already on board with this funny lady.  Dooce was one of the guest speakers who travelled over from the USA, have any of you read her blog?


I had the best time with these 3 funny ladies, SO MUCH FUN!  Thanks Heidi – Between You and Me, Annabelle from Clover & Twine and Sue from Cozzies Swimwear.


And of course a bit of stalking action wouldn’t be complete without tracking down Ainsley – From The Verandah.   Turns out the Bushies are slowly starting to come to the party with this whole PBEvent thing.  Ainsley lives on a cattle station and I suggest you head on over and have a look because I am pretty sure if you are a reader of Miss Chardy you will LOVE Ainsley’s blog.  Her’s was one of the first blogs I ever read along with Baby Mac (who unfortunately wasn’t there this year).  You should see her gorgeous family and home, amazing!


Here are my Roomies – Heidi and Annabelle – god you guys rock, I had so much fun, it was such a shame you couldn’t stay on Saturday night Annabelle, we really missed you.


Another gorgeous lady I finally met was Danielle from Zamamabakes.  So glad we finally managed to get a photo together, I am pretty sure we might actually even be twins, same name too!  Danielle has a gorgeous blog with stunning photos, she lives on the prettiest farm and I just love seeing all of her photos… oh she is pretty good with the odd recipe too!


Now when you have so many people staying in the one place things get a big clogged up and the Bar wasn’t the only packed place… it was that hard to get a lift that wasn’t completely chockers… sometimes we had to wait for 4 lifts to open and shut and go again before we found one to squeeze into.


I decided to take part is Styling You’s #Everydaystyle on Friday, even though it isn’t my “everyday style” ha ha ha…


Yesterday it was time to say sad goodbyes to most people for another year.  I will be back ProBlogger and thanks so much for everything.  It was a fabulous few days.

Check out this tiny car we saw on the way back to Brisbane, I couldn’t stop laughing and the fact that it was pulling a trailer was even funnier.  I am petty sure Kel Knight – Purveyor of Fine Meats – was driving it.


Heids dropped me off at the airport quite early and my plane didn’t leave until 4pm, so I thought there was only one thing to do: head to the DFO.  It was a bit of a let down but I did manage to find another pair of shoes and also some swimmers.  I then went back to the airport and decided to make the most of my time, so I went through the limited notes I took from the conference and started to think about my action plan for this blog – my baby!

Then it was onto the plane and off to Mt Isa.  They threw us on the dud plane – just because we are going “out” to Mount Isa doesn’t mean we should get the dodgy plane…. not even a screen.  Felt like we were back in 1997 – lucky I had a book to read.

Right I had best get cracking and out of this hotel.  I have a few jobs to do, a quick Woolworths shop and then the last leg of my trip home – the drive.  See you on the flip side friends.

So tell me – Did I see you at ProBogger?  Please remind me and feel free to link to your blog in the comments.
What was your favourite part of the conference?
If you weren’t at the conference, what did you do on the weekend?


  1. KezUnprepared

    Looks like you had a fantastic time! I think it would be so awesome to be surrounded by people who just ‘get’ what you do. I think it would be cool (and funny) to be around other people who are snapping lots of photos of food and other weird stuff and not have to explain yourself haha.
    One day I’m going to get there. I swear.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Kez, it is just hilarious… the only place you can feel comfortable being on your phone and photographing everything. You will get there one day Kez. One day my friend!

  2. cloverandtwine

    Oh Chards you crack me up! I had the best few days with you. You are an inspiration and I have suggested you as a speaker next year (sorry) because you are always you, you are so good at just being you and if people don’t dig it you just have a glass of chardy and move on. Love it! Love your blog! #1006

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I had the best time with you girls too, the best, wish we could do it all over again! I love your blog – you are doing really well. Keep plugging away, one step at a time. #1006… and something to finish off and make you laugh … “Graaaaaham you Baaastard” ….. 🙂

  3. kirsten and co.

    You crack me up! Kel, Purveyor of Fine Meats!! GOLD. I miss that show x

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, I couldn’t stop laughing at that little car, and it reminded me of Kath and Kim. I miss that show too, ha ha ha.

  4. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Ha ha I wish we’d had more time together but I’m so excited you had a great time. I caught some throat bug from some coughing sick person so I’m home, have post-conference blues and am sick! UGH. Speak soon lovely x

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh you poor thing Em. I had a “cougher” sitting next to me in one of the sessions. Hope you get better soon. It was all such a whirl wind wasn’t it… bit of a blur really, no time to catch up. 🙂

  5. Zamamabakes

    Oh my goodness! Wasn’t the food just amazing and the presentation just as amazing!
    So glad we finally got that picture (Mum was excited we did too).
    I’ll be your twin any day lovely lady.
    Such a pleasure to meet you.
    I still think your property looks like a really fun adventure resort and I’d rate it at least 4 stars especially when there’s a wine involved 😉
    Hope you have/had a smooth drive home xxxx

    • Miss Chardy

      I was so glad you came and found me just before I went, I was thinking of you and sad that I didn’t get to say goodbye, so thanks for that. It was so wonderful to meet you too! Had a great trip home, no flat tyres or any problems, I was lazy so came home the long way with only 3 gates. ha ha ha. Got home at 6pm last night with a car full of shopping and other crap from town.

      • Zamamabakes

        Me too! Glad you got home safely lovely. There’s nothing wrong with doing things the lazy way. Bet all the men in your life were happy to have you home x

        • Miss Chardy

          I think they may have survived without me, ha ha ha. But they were all waiting on the step waving as I drove in. 🙂 How about you?

  6. Kate

    Big chuckle re purveyor of fine meats Mr Kel Knight! Love it

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, he cracks me up every time, especially when he goes speed walking with Kath…. Sweets.

  7. barbiewalkerBarbie Walker

    Just loved reading about your amazing time with all your bloggind friends. I was just picturing you singing along with all your loud music on your travel home, a special time meeting with you Miss Chardy. God Bless

    • Miss Chardy

      It was a fabulous weekend that’s for sure Barbie, with the highlight being meeting one of my loyal readers! Thanks again for coming to say hi, loved having a Chardy with you! I was singing at the top of my lungs on the way home – “Alone” by Heart. ha ha ha ha.

  8. Ms Styling You

    Oh Miss Chardy, our brief catch-up was not long enough. Come to the big smoke again very soon! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha – might have to wait until Tom starts school… then my City trips will become much more regular! It was such a whirlwind trip for you. Hope you had a great night on Saturday at your reunion.

  9. FBH

    So….. successful mission then Chards!! Good to see a country girl hasn’t lost her touch. Take no prisoners mate as im sure you don’t haha glad it was all good.

    • Miss Chardy

      It was such fun. See you tomorrow.


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