Random Facts: Which side is your fuel tank on?

April 22, 2015

The cooler weather is finally upon us up here at BFN.  And by cooler weather I mean that yesterday I switched the split system over to heat when I woke up, just to ensure that Harry didn’t freeze when he came out in his shorts and t-shirt.  It did get a little stuffy come 7am.  By 11:30am I had switched it over to cool though.  I am enjoying sitting here tap tap tapping in my winter flannies, god I love it when I get to trot out the flannelette PJ’s and uggies.  The Barkly Breeze has also arrived and by breeze I mean gail force winds that last around 6 months.   All I can say it thank god I have taken it upon myself to use the clothes dryer as my sole drying method.  No need to fight with sheets while hanging them on the line.

Last week a friend from Dunedoo in NSW emailed me to say that she had been listening to ABC Central West Radio and they had mentioned my blog.  Can you believe it – MY blog.  Good grief.  I couldn’t believe it.  Yesterday she sent me the link and I had a listen.  It was so surreal to hear strangers chatting about Miss Chardy from the NT.  The segment was called Bits & Blogs with Angela Owens and Cherie Quade where they chat about blogs they are loving.  Thanks so much for the shout out, I really appreciate it.

Also, while I am blowing my own trumpet I may as well tell you about the other shout out I received.  A couple of weeks ago now, I was just mopping my floor – as you do – with my little earphones in, listening to a podcast – Two Fat Expats  (makes cleaning so much more fun), and BAM they mentioned Miss Chardy.  Gave me a huge hello all the way from Doha, Qatar, in the Middle East, and said that they had been thinking of me.  I nearly squealed and spilt the mop bucket water.  Thanks so much guys, you know I love your podcast.  You should check them out, they are so funny and interesting and now do 2 poddies a week.  If you need to know what a podcast is or how to download one you can read this blog post.

I was reading Baby Mac’s blog post yesterday and she was telling us about something that had come to her attention regarding cling wrap.  She had found little instructions on the side: “Press ends to lock roll” and asked herself “how long has this been going on”…. look, I just found a little roll of Cling Wrap and there it was… IMG_5262


This made me remember another little bit of useful information that I think you will all get a real kick out of.  It is a total game changer people.  Did you know that on some dashboards the little fuel bowser picture has an arrow next to it which tells you what side of the car the fuel tank is on.  Holy mother of monkey milk.  I know – right – are you rushing off to check your car right this second?  I was helping some friends fuel up their hire car a couple of weeks ago and asked what side the fuel tank was on, Susan said “there is an arrow that tells you”.  Well I never….. did you know this?  Thanks so much for this little chestnut Susan, you are not just a pretty face.  I just clicked over to the comments on Baby Mac’s blog post from yesterday and it seems I am not the only person to get all hot and steamy about this information – people were rushing off to check their cars.  Some were disappointed but others were just as excited as me.  Go on, off you go and check, let me know.

fuel tank arrow

It has officially been 90 days since we returned from holidays.  During this 90 days I have left the station 4 times.  The only time I actually went through a town was on our way to the campdraft at Easter.  I am not sure that this should count as going to “town” though, seeing as it was Camooweal, population 316, and that was only to pop into the pub and buy a slab of beer.  It is only 18 sleeps until I head to town for a week for our annual School of the Air Home Tutor Seminar week.  Do you even know how excited I am.  My hair is definitely going to thank me too, because remember I haven’t been to the hairdresser since the beginning of December 2014.  I had to take matters into my own hands again last week and dye my roots.  You can read all about another make over I did a couple of months ago here.

In other news, school has gone back and the children are quite thrilled.  They have taken up a new winter sport – knitting.  Miss Gabby has been teaching them how to knit.  All they need is rocking chair and a fire in the school room and they will be set.  They even brought their knitting home with them yesterday afternoon…. talk about serious homework.  They wanted to show me how it was done.  “See Mum, you have to ‘cast on’ to start with”.  I then noticed the horse truck drive in, thought Tom would be quite beside himself and would want to rush off to see his Dad and the boys.  I said “Oh, there’s the horse truck, are you going to go” to which Tom replied “Oh no i’m not, got to finish the row, can’t stop in the middle of a row Mum”.  I was having a little giggle to myself.  Look, here is a mental image for you….


We are facing first world problems here at Chardy HQ, because I have left it so long between food orders we are getting a little low on things.  We have officially run out of UHT milk, so I had to scoop a few spoonfuls of milk powder into my coffee this morning.


And we have also run out of tinned tomatoes.  And don’t even get the boys started on the lack of soft drink at Rec Club.  I mean, how the hell are we supposed to survive for crying out loud.  I tell you people, things have hit an all time low.  ha ha ha ha.  Hopefully my order should be in Mt Isa today.  Mr Chardy will have to send a truck in to collect it all.  I am thinking it will be at least 3 pallets worth.

So come on, tell me – did you go and check your car?  Was there an arrow?
What other Game Changers do you know?  Any useful little pieces of info? 
Did you know about the Cling Wrap thingy?


  1. Amanda @ Cooker and a Looker

    I did know the arrow on your fuel gauge trick, but I think many people don’t realise is that for the great majority of vehicles the bowser hose reaches the other side of the car!
    So pleased to hear of your international fame. I’ll be telling the kids I knew you when! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Can’t believe you know about the arrow – I really have been under that rock again haven’t I. ha ha ha.

      • Meg

        And!…the ‘E’ for empty is on the same side as your fuel tank so the needle points to your tank when you are out of fuel! Very handy for those cars built before the arrow was invented 🙂

        • Miss Chardy

          Oh my bloody lord, are you serious…… get out of town…. this is brilliant. Holy cow.

  2. Sublime Finds

    Miss Chardy these are gems!! NO clue on the clingwrap. Still in bed but definitely checking the car thing soon!! Tom knitting is fantastic! So lovely. Excited for your pallet to arrive!! Powder milk sounds like tough going!

    • Miss Chardy

      I don’t actually mind the powdered milk in my coffee. I guess it is an acquired taste, ha ha ha. Let me know about your car.

      • Sublime Finds

        Was totally an arrow! How did I never see that before!? Oh Miss Chardy you beautiful genius.

        • Miss Chardy

          Too funny, I am still loving this little hack.

  3. ffhousemouse

    Oh I just LOVE the knitting!
    Didn’t know about the fuel thing.
    Did you really put powdered milk straight into your coffee? I feel ill at the thought! Hope the order comes SOON! X

    • Miss Chardy

      Yep, a couple of spoons of milk powder along with the coffee and sugar and Bob’s your uncle – milk coffee! ha ha ha.

  4. Dan

    Hi Miss Chardy,
    So lovely to hear the news from your end of the world. Have been thinking of Chardy HQ over the last few weeks and sending my love and prayers. Have loved following your blog for the last couple of months! My sister is a jillaroo on the Barkly this year and I feel like I can understand a bit more of her world from your blog, so thank you. I miss her terribly and hoping to visit in a few months but this little piece of paradise does ease the seperation anxiety. Hope the town order is on the money!
    Dan xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Well hello there fellow Dan so lovely to hear from you. Glad you have enjoyed the blog, thanks so much for reading.

  5. Veggie Mama

    I found out about the arrow last week – BLEW MY MIND.

    • Miss Chardy

      I am still in shock about it Stacey, how the hell did we not know this???

      • Veggie Mama

        haha I’ve no idea how it escaped our attention but it would have saved a lot of hassle over the years!

  6. cheriequade

    Your blog was such an easy one to talk about Miss Chardy – and both Ange and I had to hold back the tears while we were on air, with your recent tragedy being so hard to bear. Hope you’re doing ok.

    Here’s the link to the radio segment if any of your readers are interested in hearing our words about you Miss Chardy https://soundcloud.com/abcnsw/bits-and-blogs-with-cherie-quade-1

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello Cherie, thanks so much and thanks for the link, you are a champ.

  7. Sarah Giles

    Had no idea about the glad wrap thing – that’s just amazing. They even have them on foil and Gladbake too – talk about life enhancing. Thanks to you, I am now hooked on a Two Fat Expats – they are great aren’t they ?!

    No fuel arrow on my car – I’m slowly getting over it!

    Love the knitting boys!

    • Miss Chardy

      See comment here from Meg – abut the “E” for empty being on the same side as the fuel tank…. dear lord. This one may help you.

  8. KezUnprepared

    Oh my gosh. I will definitely be checking my car next time I go out! And the cling wrap thing? Seriously?? All this time haha. I love finding out little things like this.

    • Miss Chardy

      Game changers Kez, seriuously!!!! Where have we been???

  9. Have A Laugh On Me

    So stoked that are getting big shout outs from across the globe, you totally deserve it my friend. Yes but knew about the petrol gauge and the glad wrap, I am a frightful know-it-all I must say. I know so much useless crap from my work that I would not bore you with it. Hugs xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, can’t believe you knew these things…come on, what else can you tell us about???

  10. Mish Young

    I just went and checked my car and NOPE no fuel arrow … I am almost disappointed

    • Miss Chardy

      All is not lost, apparently the “e” for empty points to the side that the fuel tank is on, now go and have another look and report back, ha ha ha.

      • Mish Young

        I went to check which ‘side’ the E was on and guess what ….. I saw the arrow!!!
        I have NO idea what I was looking at yesterday but I am going to blame it on the lack of coffee and too much studying!!!

        • Miss Chardy


  11. Renae Foottit

    Dear Miss Chardy. I too only just discovered the arrow a month ago when we hired a car and my sister in law pointed it out to me. Genius!
    I wanted to tell you that I really really wish I’d discovered your blog last year! We were in Mount Isa and I really struggled with the isolation after living up and down the east coast of Qld for most of my life. I really could have done with your positivity and entertaining posts! Anyway I’m glad I’ve found your blog now – am loving it!

    • Miss Chardy

      Don’t worry I don’t think you missed much last year, was very new to this whole blogging thing. Glad you have found me now, thanks for reading.

  12. Amy

    I didn’t know about the arrow, but I went out and checked the cars that are in the yard (Patrol and Camry) and they don’t have it! I’ll have to check out the Cruiser ute when I’m in it next!

    • Miss Chardy

      Perhaps see if the “E” for empty is on the side that the fuel tank is on, I hear this is a thing.


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