Reality TV: It turns me into a nasty person!

February 5, 2016

Have you been watching a bit of TV lately?  Since the Tennis finished there are so many shows on… so much reality TV and you just can’t look away.  It is cringeworthy.  But still I watch.  We have been long time fans of My Kitchen Rules but it just started to get ridiculous don’t you think?  So much drama.  They would absolutely edit the shit out of it all – of course, otherwise we would be bored… but the drama is just too much.  It isn’t about the cooking, it is about making the contestants look silly.

So why do I watch it?  I just can’t help myself.  Once you watch that first show you just can’t stop, they hook you and reel you in.  This has happened with MKR.  We all sit around watching it over in the kitchen.  I really don’t like the person I become when we are watching these shows, I just can’t help but pick at every little thing #judgyjudgy – it isn’t pretty my friends.

I tell you what – we would be great viewing on Gogglebox – listening to us bag the shit out of every single little thing.  Lucky we are all so perfect isn’t it, ha ha ha ha.

But the icing on the Reality TV cake was First Dates.  Oh dear lord… that is 1 hour of our lives we will NEVER get back.

First Dates

I kept saying to Mr Chardy “Things have hit an all time low – this is terrible, i’m going to bed to read” yet I couldn’t tear myself away from the awkward weirdo’s who were dating.  One of them was so nervous that he ordered a tequila shot, but he was shaking so much that he couldn’t even pick it up, so he asked for a straw, still couldn’t drink it… No words can explain how bad it was, seriously.  Surely they are actors, no one can be that crazy.  Share your thoughts.  Here is tequila guy…

First Date

{Image credit: She Knows}

And what about this total nutcase… surely he had been snorting something good…. he didn’t know anything about “personal space” and was in her bubble the whole time… biggest weirdo you have ever seen.  At one stage I think he just looked into her eyes for 4 minutes without saying anything….

Nut case

{Image credit:}

I can’t believe I am giving this show the time of day on this blog, but truly guys – I have been scarred for life… no words can explain how bad it is.

So things have been pretty full on around here as you can see.

Did you watch it?
Do these shows turn you into a nasty person too?



  1. Mish

    We hardly ever turn the TV on; I guess that’s because I work full time, study at night and my partner works crazy amount of hours per week!
    A year or two ago I did have an unhealthy obsession with watching The Bachelor USA!
    It was my one night a week off from study and the guys were hilarious; all ridiculously good looking but still single in their late 20’s and mid 30’s. How is that even possible!

    • Miss Chardy

      It is probably a very good thing that you don’t turn the tv on, it sucks you in I tell you! The past couple of years I have been really good and not watched much, but I have weakened this year it seems. Such a waste of time too. The Bachelor – yep it will get you every time!!! ha ha ha.

  2. Sandra

    I watched it too and thought it was hilarious except the young ones at the end, they were very cute.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh weren’t they – very cute, he was just so nervous though… when they walked off together at the end I turned to Mr Chardy and said “Geez, I think they need to go and get a good stiff drink together” ha ha ha.


    No I’ve given up on MKR. Ridiculous. And if I see another building show I will SCREAM….. Ive started reading again, but I may have a look at the habids….channel 9 I think.

    • Miss Chardy

      It is all very ridiculous Angela! Agree with the building shows. What is the habids???

  4. Mel

    Hahaha! I am sure they are all actors too. Only saw the end of it but thought OMG! Just like Beauty and the Geeks. Seriously! Thought I would watch Farmers Wants a Wife again and we have a home town contestant in this years show. Its a bit cringe worthy as well. Have watched this show since day dot but I get drawn to it every year.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Mel, who is your home town contestant? We only managed to catch the last 4 minutes of Farmer Wants a Wife and it was very cringeworthy but I am sure we will be back. We used to love that show when it first started, has all become so staged though, or maybe we were just very naieve back when they started. 🙂

        • Miss Chardy

          Absolutely – thank god it isn’t just me being #judgyjudgy 🙂

  5. Mel

    Yes FWAW is very scripted but sorry I don’t think I would like to meet my husband to be on reality TV. Having a camera shoved in your face is not my cup of tea. Hahaha not one of the hot ones! The old guy Lance. He reminded me of a randy rooster! He lives about 20mins outside of Rocky at Gavial Creek. I think he is a yard builder/fencing con mainly and holds rodeos and campdrafts.

    • Miss Chardy

      No, not my cup of tea either.

  6. Maz

    How hysterical was the dating show? I don’t get much time for TV these days, but somehow managed to catch that one. Everyone who has ever met that sleeze-bag-starey-creepy-space-invading guy (used car salesman?) will be pissing themselves and I doubt he will ever live it down. And how was that girl from the Seychelles – she just led that poor model guy with the horrible t-shirt on! I hope they do a follow up with these daters as I want to know how the follow up dates went. My other total time waster show that I only catch from time to time is the 5 year old episodes of the Real Housewives of New Jersey or Hollywood – the so called ‘new’ episodes on that new channel 94 (well that it what it is here in Melbourne), and where every single woman has the worst plastic surgery of all time. See reality TV turns me into a bitch too!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Geez Maz – not much time for TV and the one show you do actually catch is possibly the worse one on at the moment, ha ha ha. Perhaps that weirdo was just there on a bet from his mates, they were probably all having a great laugh at it…. he was just creepy, maybe an actor!! I am yet to watch any of the Real Housewives but would secretly love to!!!

  7. KezUnprepared

    I still have to catch up on First Dates – I’ve heard it’s deliciously terrible. I have trouble switching off, although MKR is something I cannot abide by, but I assure you that this does not mean I have many standards!!!
    I dream of being on Gogglebox. But then I remember that I’d have to have a neat living room all the time and I’d have to wear a bra. Big thumbs down to that haha.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Kez, too funny! And yes – First Dates is definitely terrible with a capital T !!!

  8. Karrine Beasley

    I missed First Dates but all my friends have been talking about it. One of them said she feels more confident going on a blind date now because there’s no way she’s as crazy as the people from the show and it made her feel better about herself haha. As for MKR, I totally get addicted to it too but the drama can be a bit much these days.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, too funny – yes, i think If I were going on a blind date that show would definitely give me some confidence, ha ha ha ha.

  9. joolzmac

    Hubby and I were the same! Wanted to go to bed but ended up watching the whole shebang! I loved the bird who was only Level 5 crazy on the crazy scale! Snort! The young couple at the end were cute, both so happy they’d found someone to talk to, I think.
    Reality show drivel but I can’t wait for the next ep!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, oh that Crazy lady was hilarious “i’m not crazy, i’m the opposite of crazy…” ha ha ha ha


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