Recipe: Di’s Chocolate Slice

January 30, 2015


I first tasted this delicious chocolate slice when I was a Govie down in the Bourke area.  Di Ridge had made it for a school event and I have never looked back.  It was second to none and I couldn’t get enough of it.  It is lovely, soft and a bit chewy.  Such a winner with the children too and would be great to freeze for school lunch-boxes.  So pop your apron on pet and lets get cooking.


Di’s Chocolate Slice

250g marg or butter (melted)
2 cups brown sugar
2 cups SR flour
2 cups coconut
2 eggs
4 tablespoons cocoa
1 teaspoon vanilla

Pop everything into a large mixing  bowl and mix really well with a wooden spoon or any spoon that tickles your fancy really.

Grease and line a lamington tin.  Pour in mixture and spread out.

Cook for about 20 minutes at 180ºC

Ice while warmish and top with coconut or sprinkles.

Put in fridge and cut once cool.

{Freezes well}





Di also makes the Poppy Seed Salad Dressing that I wrote about HERE.



  1. Miss Chards Big Sis

    I can 2nd how good this recipe is. I stole this recipe from Chards years ago and make it all the time! So easy and oh so yum!

    • Miss Chardy

      SO EASY!!!!

      • Rebecca

        Can you please just tell me though is it melted butter, I think in the photo I can see melted butter,

        • Miss Chardy

          Oops, sorry – Yes Bec – you melt the butter…best go and sort that out on the recipe. Definitely melt the butter otherwise it won’t mix together. Just about to go and make a double batch of this now.

  2. Sal

    OMG! That is the pink book we bought for our recipe collections way back in 2002. I still have mine too! Making this slice today! Thanks Miss Chardy. Xo

    • Miss Chardy

      I knew you would recognise it Sal. Love it and always think of you when I use it, it is full now and getting a little tattered. But I love it and it has great recipes in it. xxx

  3. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Oh you must stop posting these delicious recipes when I’m on rations! Too much indulging and I’m bulging everywhere so no sweeties for me for a while.

    • Miss Chardy

      Confession…I was actually scoffing a piece of that slice when I read this comment earlier…. god it was GOOD…. hence the reason why I CAN’T HAVE THIS SORT OF FOOD IN THE HOUSE…….give me strength……

  4. Mrs T

    I always love a good recipe that’s easy and doesn’t need 500 exotic ingredients…. I might just have to make it tomorrow! For the kids. Of course. They love chocolate! Mrs T

    • Miss Chardy

      You won’t regret it, and yes – a very fast and easy recipe

      • Mrs T

        Made this yesterday, finally – with half the butter!! Still delicious! And I may have added chocolate chips. But no icing though. YUM!

        • Miss Chardy

          Oh wow – half the butter, I like it. Thanks so much for sharing Mrs T!!!

  5. Chrissy

    Yum going to give this one a go this week, always have hoards to feed

    • Miss Chardy

      Enjoy Chrissy, so quick and easy.

  6. Sal

    Make it today but halved the sugar! Delish!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh, look at all you people halving things with this recipe, Mrs T halved the butter! Maybe I should try these tactics. Good work Sal 🙂

  7. Aleisha

    Baking this now, so easy. What do you ice it with? I am an epic icing failure. Made it full strength so will try halving things next time, love a recipe tweek. Thanks!

    • Miss Chardy

      Sorry Aleisha, bit late to reply now but hope you nailed the icing! I just use choc icing… some butter, icing sugar, cocoa and hot water. I love that slice.



  1. Miss Chardy’s Guide to Station Cooking – Part 4 – Sweet Smoko - […] Chocolate Slice […]

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