Recommendations #1

January 12, 2016


Mr Chardy and I have been hooked on a TV series for a solid month and a half.  We were obsessed, we would get the kids off to bed and BAM – the DVD would go in and it was game on.  You see, we discovered Nashville.  I had heard a few people talk about how fabulous it is and I am blaming Jamila from the Mamamia Outloud podcast for our addiction.  Here have a look for yourself – a little sneak peak into season one if you are late to the party like me…

Now, I know we are a little behind with this one and many of you have probably already watched it all, but better late than never I suppose.  It first aired back in 2012 on Foxtel, I think – so it wasn’t on free to air which would be why I missed it.  We bought the first 3 seasons on DVD and once we had rolled the whole lot we turned to our new Apple TV and watched the current episodes from season 4 through iTunes.  We are all caught up now and I am very thankful for that.  Every night we just couldn’t stop at one, after each episode ended we would turn to each other and say “…just one more”… then it would be after midnight by the time we dragged ourselves to bed.  It is fun to have a great series to watch during the quiet season though.

It is a fascinating insight into the music industry and even if you are not interested in music or even country music I promise that you will love it.  It really has opened my eyes and I have a whole new appreciation for song writers and musicians.  Actually before this I had no appreciation at all, had never really given it a second thought.  They really are something else and have such a special gift – god I wish I could sing.

I am now obsessed with all music NASHVILLE and have downloaded the album from season 1.  I can’t get the songs out of my head, love them!

So there you have it.  This weeks recommendation.

Are you on board with Nashville?
Who is your favourite character?
What is your favourite song?


  1. Sandra Scott

    Just watched the sneak of Nashville and its something I’d love to watch, will look into getting the series. Thank you for sharing.

    • Miss Chardy

      You are more than welcome Sandra…. get onto it… you won’t be sorry. Perhaps a little addicted but definitely not sorry. 🙂

  2. Cooker and a Looker

    Deacon is my favourite. I haven’t watched it for ages, but I saw the first season on fox. Great show!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh we do love a bit of Deacon action, love that man. Did you know that Scarlett is an Ozzie? I heard an interview with her and she has the plainest ozzie accent, it is hilarious. Gee she does that southern accent well doesn’t she.

  3. Erica

    Nashville is my favourite show. I’m watching series 4 on Foxtel. I would love to go to the Bluebird Cafe one day.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh so would I Erica. I have never had any desire to go to Nashville before this but would kill to go now!!! That southern accent… oh I love it.

  4. Em @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Gosh it’s been ages since I’ve watched a great show, the computer takes my time at night! Lovely to have you back gorgeous xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Em. Hope you had a great Chrissy and NY. xx


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