Recommendations: Podcast – Woog & Berry

January 26, 2016

Happy Australia Day to you all, especially those Expats who are not in Australia today – Yes I am looking at you Sarah Prunster and Sarah Derrig, I will have a drink poolside for you and perhaps a bit of pavlova.  Actually – Mr Chardy, Danno & Georgie have had to go and pull a bore today.  We are hoping that they don’t have too much trouble with it (like they did yesterday) and get it sorted and pumping water again so they can come back and we can all enjoy a bit of time poolside for Australia Day.

It works out quite well though to tell you the truth because our new Govie arrived yesterday.  Her name is Miss Bobbie and we need to go through the school work and get organised to start the 2016 school year.

Now, back to what this blog post is all about – recommendations.  I couldn’t go past this one today – a podcast.  A brand spanking new podcast.  You have no idea how much I need a new podcast in my life.  I have been desperate for one for quite a while now so was beside myself when I noticed this one with Mrs Woog from Woogsworld and Kim Berry from All Consuming.  Two funny ladies.  I am sure a lot of my readers are also Woogsworld readers too, put your hands up if you are.

Woog & Berry Podcast{Image Credit:}

So, if you are a bit technologically challenged and not up with the whole podcast scenario then pop over and read THIS post.  It may help you get your head around it.   This will also show you where to go for your particular device so you can listen to it on your iPhone or Android.  I use an iPhone, which means the “Podcast” app is actually already there.  You may not have noticed it, but it is – it is purple.  It looks like this…


I am not up with Androids but I think your icon will look like this and is called Stitcher…


Just go into either of these and SEARCH for “Woog & Berry”.  You can also just listen to it from Mrs Woog’s Website HERE.  It is their first Podcast and I reckon they have done pretty well, I will be tuning in each week, or whenever they drop into my little podcast section on my phone.  Thanks Mrs Woog and Kim!

Have you listened to this new Podcast? 
Perhaps you have another Podcast to Recommend, please share.
What are you up to for Australia Day?  

Have a great one!!!


  1. Cooker and a Looker

    Happy Australia Day to you too my love. Hope those boys make it back in time to celebrate with you xx

    • Miss Chardy

      You have a lovely day too, are you trotting out your Aussie Pav?

  2. Kevin Doyle

    Hi Dan, I thought you would be out there with Marty at the bore, wielding the whip. Love, Kevvie XXXX

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Kevvie – lovely to hear from you!!!! As much as I would love to be out there in the humid heat and flies I just couldn’t seem to drag myself out of the air con. Take care. xxx

  3. Em @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Love this new podcast, it kept me amused while I was doing back-to-school baking! Happy Australia Day lovely and I hope you are all poolside soon with minimal drama xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Em. Listened to the iPod on the treadmill which made it much more enjoyable! Have a great day Em. x

  4. kim at allconsuming

    Well thank you lovely lady for the shout-out, we hope it gives you a chuckle.

    • Miss Chardy

      No worries at all Kim, I see there is another podcast waiting for me to listen too…. might roll that one this morning on the old Treadmill… thanks for the laughs and keep them coming!!!


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