Recommendations: Something to make you laugh!

April 18, 2016

Do you need a laugh, a little pick me up because it is Monday?  Suffering Monday-itis?  Then stick with me, I have a few clips that might put a smile on your dial.

You see I am a bit of a fan of this bloke over on You Tube called Joe Merino.  My sister got me onto him because he and his wife are friends of theirs.  He is one funny man and is quite the film maker.  Here is one of my favourites… Baywatch Armatree.  They made this clip during floods in 2010.  It was a pretty bad time when farmers had lost crops and everyone was feeling pretty miserable.  Anyone who used to watch Baywatch back in the day will get a real kick out of it.

Another one that you might appreciate is Crop Gun…

But this one gives me a laugh every single time, where he takes off Kevin Rudd’s swearing rant.  If you didn’t see Kevin Rudd going off back in 2012 then here it is for you – the real Kevin Rudd, then Joe Merino… *** WARNING: EXPLICIT LANGUAGE*** Mum – i’m not sure your precious little ears could handle this one!

Now Joe Merino – definitely has language that some viewers may find offensive…

Thanks for the laughs Bevvo… but seriously… you f*&^#d up the last word, simple sentences!  I hope you got that dog to sit down!

Now lets talk The Katering Show!  Are you all on board?  If not you need to head over to You Tube and watch about 10 episodes from Series One because they are now up to Series Two!  You can find all of Series One HERE over on You Tube.   But surely you are up to date.  Another ****WARNING: CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE**** if you are easily offended then it is best you give them a miss I think.  Series Two is on on iView this year.

Here is a little teaser for series 2 that I found on You Tube.  My favourite quote: “Paleo is a modern day food cult that is largely undertaken by activated nut jobs who are sick of having friends” –  my apologies if there are any “activated nut jobs” who are reading this, no offence should be taken!   Although if you are easily offended then I don’t think you would be reading Miss Chardy…. or watching The Katering Show for that matter.

Episode One is all about the Ramen food movement.  Now because I live under a rock up here in Woop Woop I have no idea what the Ramen food movement is so thanks girls for keeping me in the know.  I have also only just figured out what a Hipster is.  My favourite quote from Ep 1: “Ramen bars are everywhere in the inner city, they are to lane ways what syringes where in the 90’s” ha ha ha.  Because I am technologically challenged I am not sure if I can put the iView clip on here so just click through THIS link to watch it over on iView.

Are you a Katering Show Fan?
Have you seen Joe Merino?
Did you get a laugh?
Are you an Activated Nut Job Paleo?



  1. Cooker and a Looker

    CROPGUN! That is gold!
    I’d seen the Baywatch video years ago, but hadn’t seen Cropgun. Thanks for the Monday morning giggle Chards. xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, you are welcome!!! He cracks me up every time. How about the Kevin Rudd Rant, too funny.

  2. Mish

    Oh Dear Chards! You crack me up, I work and know a few paleo’s and most of them would see the humour, anyone who doesn’t is taking themselves way too seriously!!!
    I just wish I had the time to listen to podcasts or watch iView, but there’s this silly thing called a Masters Degree that need my attention…maybe during my break month I can find time for them 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Hmmm, bloody Masters Degree, it will get you every time! 🙂

  3. Maggie

    Binged watched all of The Katering Show Series 2 on iview on the weekend. My favourite episodes were “The Body Issue” and “The Cook and the Kates” which is all about Maggie Beer. Haven’t laughed so hard since I read Mrs Woog’s “Primary School Confidential”. (Don’t get me wrong – I love Maggie Beer). So pleased to see that the ABC have gotten behind the Kates. Thanks for sharing Joe Merino.

    • Miss Chardy

      I need to watch them, have only half watched ep 1. Bit slow. They are hilarious aren’t they. Oh I love Maggie Beer too. Love the Kates!

  4. Kit@Life through the haze

    I love the Kates too! My fav of their new ones was the placenta which I think is the Body Issue. So funny!!!

  5. Em @ Have A Laugh On Me

    I saw that exact episode you quoted (eg needles) over the weekend, and it’s even funnier after a few wines! xx

  6. Mel

    How funny are those guys! My husband and I had a look at a few more of their clips and they are good. The rugby union clip reminded me of when my husband used to play and the antics that they used to get up to. The crop gun made us laugh as the crop duster that my husband uses has a mig jet that he uses for joy flights. We sent him the utube clip. Have started to watch the Katering Show. To funny! thanks for the heads upon these girls.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh they are all just too funny aren’t they Mel!!!


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